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This library contains interfaces and base classes for architectural elements in Nodes Android projects

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Nodes architectural

This library contains interfaces and base classes for architectural elements.

New in version 1.1.7

Signal dispatch

Simple signal dispatch feature. Interactor can now ask its executor to sleep until a signal arrive.

Image your interactor is running but need to write to external storage. Permissions requests are an asynchronous operation, but it should happen immediately before the permission is needed. An example use of the signal dispatch feature could be for the interactor to wait for a permission request to complete.

To go to sleep in the interactor:


Specify an optional timeout in ms as the second parameter. Whenever you want the interactor to wake up and resume its operation

// interactor woke up, check the result of whatever we were waiting for and continue


It's the opposite of let:

nullableVar?.guard {


Interactors (Clean architecture)

Base classes and interfaces

Sample usage

The sample below simply adds two numbers together.

Interactors should be considered use cases operating on pure domain (business) logic. Interactors should not directly depend on any classes outside of the domain layer. Dependencies should be constructor injected, preferably using a DI management framework like dagger.

The interface

interface AddTwoNumbersInteractor : Interactor {
    fun setOutput(output : Output)
    fun setInput(input: Input)

        This contain whatever inputs the interactor needs to complete its job, it is set before a call to run()
        by the client (a presenter most likely)
    data class Input (
        val firstNumber : Int = 10,
        val secondNumber : Int = 10

        This interface is used to communicate results (and errors) back to the client (presenter)
    interface Output {
        fun onAddTwoNumbersResult(result : Int)

The implementation

class AddTwoNumbersInteractorImpl(executor: Executor) : AddTwoNumbersInteractor, BaseInteractor(executor)  {
    private var output : AddTwoNumbersInteractor.Output? = null
    private var input : AddTwoNumbersInteractor.Input? = null

    override fun setOutput(output: AddTwoNumbersInteractor.Output) {
        this.output = output

    override fun setInput(input: AddTwoNumbersInteractor.Input) {
        this.input = input

        Remember this badboy typically runs on a background thread
        use runOnUiThread to deliver results
    override fun execute() {
        val result = (input?.firstNumber ?: 0) + (input?.secondNumber ?: 0)
        runOnUIThread {

The Executor

The executor is responsible for executing your interactors. The executor is an interface and different implementations are available:

MVP (Model-View-Presenter)

Base classes and interfaces

Sample usage

Following demonstrates the basic usage of the MVP baseclasses. In real working code you should inject dependencies with a dependency injection framework like dagger or factory methods (providers).

Our example - CalcView - is a view which presents the result of two numbers being added together (exciting stuff)

The Contract

This file contain the abstract interfaces for the view and the presenter, in a neat parent class. The interfaces could just as well be split into two files depending on preference.

Source: CalcContract.kt

interface CalcContract {
    interface View : MvpView {
        fun showResult(result : Int)
    interface Presenter : MvpPresenter<CalcContract.View> {

The View

The view implementation in this sample shows the results of the addition of two numbers, in some way we don't care about. In Android this class is usually an Activity or a Fragment (or another class derived from ViewGroup). The interactor and executor should be injected or instantiated with a factory function in production code.

Source: CalcView.kt

class CalcView : CalcContract.View, Activity() {

    private lateinit var presenter : CalcContract.Presenter

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        presenter = CalcPresenter(AddTwoNumbersInteractorImpl(ThreadExecutor()))

    override fun onDestroy() {
        if (!isChangingConfigurations) {

    override fun onResume() {

    override fun onPause() {

    override fun showResult(result: Int) {
        TODO("not implemented") //To change body of created functions use File | Settings | File Templates.

The Presenter

The Presenter implementation is derived from the interface in it's contract (CalcContract.Presenter) and MvpBasePresenter for some general plumbing and providing default implementations of onAttach and onDetach. The Interactor is constructor injected so it can easily be mocked in a test situation.

The addNumbers function uses the interactor in the earlier example two perform the cutting edge addition of two integers in a background task. The result of this intensive number crunching is then delivered with an anonymous object implementing the interactor output. The presenter itself could also have derived the AddTwoNumbersInteractor.Output interface to avoid the closure.

Source: CalcPresenter.kt

class CalcPresenter(val addTwoNumbersInteractor: AddTwoNumbersInteractor) : CalcContract.Presenter, MvpBasePresenter<CalcContract.View>() {
    override fun attachView(view: CalcContract.View) {

    fun addNumbers()
        // set input
        addTwoNumbersInteractor.setInput(AddTwoNumbersInteractor.Input(20, 30))
        // set output
        addTwoNumbersInteractor.setOutput(object : AddTwoNumbersInteractor.Output {
            override fun onAddTwoNumbersResult(result: Int) {
        // schedules and runs the interactor in the background

Gradle Dependency

dependencies {
	compile 'something'