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port j string interpolation
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jchavarri committed Jun 20, 2024
1 parent a45c5a6 commit 18940af
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Showing 3 changed files with 398 additions and 52 deletions.
340 changes: 333 additions & 7 deletions packages/melange.ppx/
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Expand Up @@ -116,6 +116,337 @@ module Mel_module = struct

module String_interpolation = struct
(* *)
module Utf8_string = struct
type byte = Single of int | Cont of int | Leading of int * int | Invalid

(** [classify chr] returns the {!byte} corresponding to [chr] *)
let classify chr =
let c = int_of_char chr in
(* Classify byte according to leftmost 0 bit *)
if c land 0b1000_0000 = 0 then Single c
else if (* c 0b0____*)
c land 0b0100_0000 = 0 then Cont (c land 0b0011_1111)
else if (* c 0b10___*)
c land 0b0010_0000 = 0 then Leading (1, c land 0b0001_1111)
else if (* c 0b110__*)
c land 0b0001_0000 = 0 then Leading (2, c land 0b0000_1111)
else if (* c 0b1110_ *)
c land 0b0000_1000 = 0 then Leading (3, c land 0b0000_0111)
else if (* c 0b1111_0___*)
c land 0b0000_0100 = 0 then Leading (4, c land 0b0000_0011)
else if (* c 0b1111_10__*)
c land 0b0000_0010 = 0 then Leading (5, c land 0b0000_0001)
(* c 0b1111_110__ *)
else Invalid

type error =
| Invalid_code_point
| Unterminated_backslash
| Unterminated_variable
| Unmatched_paren
| Invalid_syntax_of_var of string

type kind = String | Var of int * int
(* [Var (loffset, roffset)]
For parens it used to be (2,-1)
for non-parens it used to be (1,0) *)

(* Note the position is about code point *)
type pos = {
lnum : int;
offset : int;
byte_bol : int;
(* Note it actually needs to be in sync with OCaml's lexing semantics *)

type segment = { start : pos; finish : pos; kind : kind; content : string }

type cxt = {
mutable segment_start : pos;
buf : Buffer.t;
s_len : int;
mutable segments : segment list;
pos_bol : int; (* record the abs position of current beginning line *)
byte_bol : int;
pos_lnum : int; (* record the line number *)

exception Error of pos * pos * error

let pp_error fmt err =
Format.pp_print_string fmt
match err with
| Invalid_code_point -> "Invalid code point"
| Unterminated_backslash -> "\\ ended unexpectedly"
| Unterminated_variable -> "$ unterminated"
| Unmatched_paren -> "Unmatched paren"
| Invalid_syntax_of_var s ->
"`" ^ s ^ "' is not a valid syntax of interpolated identifer"

let valid_lead_identifier_char x =
match x with 'a' .. 'z' | '_' -> true | _ -> false

let valid_identifier_char x =
match x with
| 'a' .. 'z' | 'A' .. 'Z' | '0' .. '9' | '_' | '\'' -> true
| _ -> false

(* Invariant: [valid_lead_identifier] has to be [valid_identifier] *)
let valid_identifier =
let for_all_from =
let rec unsafe_for_all_range s ~start ~finish p =
start > finish
|| p (String.unsafe_get s start)
&& unsafe_for_all_range s ~start:(start + 1) ~finish p
fun s start p ->
let len = String.length s in
if start < 0 then invalid_arg "for_all_from"
else unsafe_for_all_range s ~start ~finish:(len - 1) p
fun s ->
let s_len = String.length s in
if s_len = 0 then false
valid_lead_identifier_char s.[0]
&& for_all_from s 1 valid_identifier_char

(* FIXME: multiple line offset
if there is no line offset. Note {|{j||} border will never trigger a new
line *)
let update_position border { lnum; offset; byte_bol } (pos : Lexing.position)
if lnum = 0 then { pos with pos_cnum = pos.pos_cnum + border + offset }
(* When no newline, the column number is [border + offset] *)
pos with
pos_lnum = pos.pos_lnum + lnum;
pos_bol = pos.pos_cnum + border + byte_bol;
pos_cnum = pos.pos_cnum + border + byte_bol + offset;
(* when newline, the column number is [offset] *)

let update border start finish (loc : Location.t) =
let start_pos = loc.loc_start in
loc with
loc_start = update_position border start start_pos;
loc_end = update_position border finish start_pos;

let pos_error cxt ~loc error =
( cxt.segment_start,
lnum = cxt.pos_lnum;
offset = loc - cxt.pos_bol;
byte_bol = cxt.byte_bol;
error ))

let add_var_segment cxt loc loffset roffset =
let content = Buffer.contents cxt.buf in
Buffer.clear cxt.buf;
let next_loc =
lnum = cxt.pos_lnum;
offset = loc - cxt.pos_bol;
byte_bol = cxt.byte_bol;
if valid_identifier content then (
cxt.segments <-
start = cxt.segment_start;
finish = next_loc;
kind = Var (loffset, roffset);
:: cxt.segments;
cxt.segment_start <- next_loc)
let cxt =
match String.trim content with
| "" ->
(* Move the position back 2 characters "$(" if this is the empty
interpolation. *)
cxt with
segment_start =
cxt.segment_start with
offset =
(match cxt.segment_start.offset with 0 -> 0 | n -> n - 3);
byte_bol =
(match cxt.segment_start.byte_bol with
| 0 -> 0
| n -> n - 3);
pos_bol = cxt.pos_bol + 3;
byte_bol = cxt.byte_bol + 3;
| _ -> cxt
pos_error cxt ~loc (Invalid_syntax_of_var content)

let add_str_segment cxt loc =
let content = Buffer.contents cxt.buf in
Buffer.clear cxt.buf;
let next_loc =
lnum = cxt.pos_lnum;
offset = loc - cxt.pos_bol;
byte_bol = cxt.byte_bol;
cxt.segments <-
{ start = cxt.segment_start; finish = next_loc; kind = String; content }
:: cxt.segments;
cxt.segment_start <- next_loc

let rec check_and_transform loc s byte_offset ({ s_len; buf; _ } as cxt) =
if byte_offset = s_len then add_str_segment cxt loc
let current_char = s.[byte_offset] in
match Utf8_string.classify current_char with
| Single 92 (* '\\' *) ->
let loc = loc + 1 in
let offset = byte_offset + 1 in
if offset >= s_len then pos_error cxt ~loc Unterminated_backslash
else Buffer.add_char buf '\\';
let cur_char = s.[offset] in
Buffer.add_char buf cur_char;
check_and_transform (loc + 1) s (offset + 1) cxt
| Single 36 ->
(* $ *)
add_str_segment cxt loc;
let offset = byte_offset + 1 in
if offset >= s_len then pos_error ~loc cxt Unterminated_variable
let cur_char = s.[offset] in
if cur_char = '(' then expect_var_paren (loc + 2) s (offset + 1) cxt
else expect_simple_var (loc + 1) s offset cxt
| Single _ | Leading _ | Cont _ ->
Buffer.add_char buf current_char;
check_and_transform (loc + 1) s (byte_offset + 1) cxt
| Invalid -> pos_error ~loc cxt Invalid_code_point

(* Lets keep identifier simple, so that we could generating a function easier
in the future for example
let f = [%fn{| $x + $y = $x_add_y |}] *)
and expect_simple_var loc s offset ({ buf; s_len; _ } as cxt) =
let v = ref offset in
if not (offset < s_len && valid_lead_identifier_char s.[offset]) then
pos_error cxt ~loc (Invalid_syntax_of_var String.empty)
else (
while !v < s_len && valid_identifier_char s.[!v] do
(* TODO *)
let cur_char = s.[!v] in
Buffer.add_char buf cur_char;
incr v
let added_length = !v - offset in
let loc = added_length + loc in
add_var_segment cxt loc 1 0;
check_and_transform loc s (added_length + offset) cxt)

and expect_var_paren loc s offset ({ buf; s_len; _ } as cxt) =
let v = ref offset in
while !v < s_len && s.[!v] <> ')' do
let cur_char = s.[!v] in
Buffer.add_char buf cur_char;
incr v
let added_length = !v - offset in
let loc = added_length + 1 + loc in
if !v < s_len && s.[!v] = ')' then (
add_var_segment cxt loc 2 (-1);
check_and_transform loc s (added_length + 1 + offset) cxt)
else pos_error cxt ~loc Unmatched_paren

(* TODO: Allow identifers x.A.y *)

let border = String.length "{j|"

let rec handle_segments =
let module Exp = Ast_helper.Exp in
let concat_ident : Longident.t = Ldot (Lident "Stdlib", "^") in
let escaped_js_delimiter =
(* syntax not allowed at the user level *)
let unescaped_js_delimiter = "js" in
Some unescaped_js_delimiter
let merge_loc (l : Location.t) (r : Location.t) =
if l.loc_ghost then r
else if r.loc_ghost then l
match (l, r) with
| { loc_start; _ }, { loc_end; _ } (* TODO: improve*) ->
{ loc_start; loc_end; loc_ghost = false }
let aux loc segment =
match segment with
| { start; finish; kind; content } -> (
match kind with
| String ->
let loc = update border start finish loc in
Exp.constant (Pconst_string (content, loc, escaped_js_delimiter))
| Var (soffset, foffset) ->
let loc =
loc with
loc_start =
update_position (soffset + border) start loc.loc_start;
loc_end =
update_position (foffset + border) finish loc.loc_start;
Exp.ident ~loc { loc; txt = Lident content })
let concat_exp a_loc x ~(lhs : expression) =
let loc = merge_loc a_loc lhs.pexp_loc in
(Exp.ident { txt = concat_ident; loc })
[ (Nolabel, lhs); (Nolabel, aux loc x) ]
fun loc rev_segments ->
match rev_segments with
| [] -> Exp.constant (Pconst_string ("", loc, escaped_js_delimiter))
| [ segment ] -> aux loc segment (* string literal *)
| { content = ""; _ } :: rest -> handle_segments loc rest
| a :: rest -> concat_exp loc a ~lhs:(handle_segments loc rest)

let transform =
let transform (e : expression) s =
let s_len = String.length s in
let buf = Buffer.create (s_len * 2) in
let cxt =
segment_start = { lnum = 0; offset = 0; byte_bol = 0 };
segments = [];
pos_lnum = 0;
byte_bol = 0;
pos_bol = 0;
check_and_transform 0 s 0 cxt;
handle_segments e.pexp_loc cxt.segments
fun ~loc expr s ->
try transform expr s
with Error (start, pos, error) ->
let loc = update border start pos loc in
Location.raise_errorf ~loc "%a" pp_error error

let is_send_pipe pval_attributes =
(fun { attr_name = { txt = attr } } -> String.equal attr "mel.send.pipe")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -453,13 +784,8 @@ class raise_exception_mapper (module_path : string) =
(Location.error_extensionf ~loc:expr.pexp_loc
"[server-reason-react.melange_ppx] Js.t objects requires a \
record literal")
| Pexp_constant (Pconst_string (_, loc, (Some "j" | Some "js"))) ->
Builder.pexp_extension ~loc
(Location.error_extensionf ~loc:expr.pexp_loc
"[server-reason-react.melange_ppx] `j` and `js` quoted strings \
are not supported. Try to rewrite them as plain strings or \
alternatively use Printf.sprintf (note this will increase the \
final JavaScript bundle size on the Melange build)")
| Pexp_constant (Pconst_string (s, loc, Some "j")) ->
String_interpolation.transform ~loc expr s
| _ -> super#expression expr

method! structure_item item =
Expand Down
45 changes: 0 additions & 45 deletions packages/melange.ppx/tests/j_and_js.t

This file was deleted.


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