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Notes about onboarding a new society to Humanities Commons.

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##Onboard a new society

#TODO network activate classic-editor, set network settings #TODO add fixing themes/boss-child/buddypress/members/single/settings/general.php #TODO add fixing mu-plugins/hc-footer.php #TODO add_filter( 'ep_post_sync_kill', 'hcommons_filter_ep_post_sync_kill', 10, 3 ); #TODO hc-custom/includes/elasticpress-buddypress.php #TODO // Hide some networks & post types from search facets. #TODO add_filter( 'ep_bp_show_network_facet_8', '__return_false' ); // ARLIS. #TODO clear extra widgets from default sidebar #TODO after page creation - Add About content #TODO after page creation - Update Inactive Member content #TODO add society id to scripts in dev-scripts (prod, dev, etc.) #TODO update config/environments/all.php with constants #TODO autooptmize should be off for css and js


  • Determine society id (XXX)
  • Acquire wildcard ssl cert for society (, * now handled in AWS
  • Create email user in mail system (
  • Create admin user in (XXXadmin)

COmanage server

  • Add society logos in /var/www/img/ (XXX_55.png)
  • Add society specific index.php in /var/www/after_submission
  • Add society specific css to /var/www/humanities_commons/assets/global.css (XXX enrollment styles) #TODO CAN THIS BE REMOVED?
  • Add society specific theme css to /var/www/humanities_commons/assets/XXX.css #TODO CAN THIS BE REMOVED?
  • Add society specific membership as file to ~/comanage-batch if necessary for testing


  • Add COU
  • Add Pipeline
  • Add Organization Identity Source (flat file for testing)
  • Add theme
  • Add enrollment flows
  • Add any managed groups
  • Add any group mapping
  • Add Enrollment Flow ID / COU mapping to /var/www/comanage-registry/local/Plugin/HCConfirmer/Controller/HCConfirmersController.php


#- Create Society folder under HCommons Root folder

  • Create Society folder under ForExport Hcommons folder
  • Add admin_XXX and members_XXX groups
  • Add HCommons Root XXX CO_COU_XXX_admin and CO_COU_XXX_members_active to ForExport XXX admin_XXX and members_XXX
  • Add any groups necessary
  • Add any composite groups necessary


  • Enroll society admin user in HC and add society role to user

HC Server

#- Configure new Apache Virtual Host on HC server for subdomain (XXX)

IdMS stack

Add AssertionConsumerService to shibboleth xml metadata and distribute to all systems (if domain mapping to be implemented).

  • Add COU to satosa /opt/satosa/plugins/src/ #InCommon

#- Submit metadata update request


  • Add network in wp-admin


  • Add society id (XXX) to site meta
  • Get new society root blog id
insert into wp_sitemeta (site_id,meta_key,meta_value) values ({new network}, 'society_id', '{society}');
update wp_sitemeta set meta_value='0' where site_id={new network} and meta_key='ms_files_rewriting';
select * from wp_blogs where site_id={new network};
update wp_{new_root_blog_id}_options set option_value='https://{society}' where option_name='home';
update wp_{new_root_blog_id}_options set option_value='https://{society}' where option_name='siteurl';
update wp_{new_root_blog_id}_options set option_value='' where option_name='upload_path';

HC Server

  • Add variables to .env and config/environments/all.php #- - XXX_SITE_URL
  • Add society id to the humanities-commons plugin bp member types and bp group types
  • Add society id to the the groups auto populate function
  • Add society id and description to get_cous in the comanage-api class

#Login to XXX doesn't work at this point, activate shibboleth using cli, configure using mysql wp --path=/srv/www/commons/current/web/wp plugin activate shibboleth --network

SparkPost #when?

  • configure sparkpost sending/reply/webhook (bp-reply-by-email) domains


update shibboleth settings in mysql

update wp_sitemeta set meta_value=1 where meta_key='shibboleth_default_login' and site_id={new network};
update wp_sitemeta set meta_value=1 where meta_key='shibboleth_auto_login' and site_id={new network};
update wp_sitemeta set meta_value='' where meta_key='shibboleth_logout_url' and site_id={new network};

update wp_sitemeta set meta_value='a:6:{s:8:"username";a:1:{s:4:"name";s:19:"HTTP_EMPLOYEENUMBER";}s:10:"first_name";a:1:{s:4:"name";s:14:"HTTP_GIVENNAME";}s:9:"last_name";a:1:{s:4:"name";s:7:"HTTP_SN";}s:8:"nickname";a:2:{s:4:"name";s:19:"HTTP_EMPLOYEENUMBER";s:7:"managed";s:2:"on";}s:12:"display_name";a:1:{s:4:"name";s:16:"HTTP_DISPLAYNAME";}s:5:"email";a:1:{s:4:"name";s:9:"HTTP_MAIL";}}' where meta_key='shibboleth_headers' and site_id={new network};

update wp_sitemeta set meta_value='a:11:{s:13:"administrator";a:2:{s:6:"header";s:0:"";s:5:"value";s:0:"";}s:6:"author";a:2:{s:6:"header";s:0:"";s:5:"value";s:0:"";}s:7:"default";s:10:"subscriber";s:6:"editor";a:2:{s:6:"header";s:0:"";s:5:"value";s:0:"";}s:11:"contributor";a:2:{s:6:"header";s:0:"";s:5:"value";s:0:"";}s:10:"subscriber";a:2:{s:6:"header";s:0:"";s:5:"value";s:0:"";}s:13:"bbp_keymaster";a:2:{s:6:"header";s:0:"";s:5:"value";s:0:"";}s:13:"bbp_spectator";a:2:{s:6:"header";s:0:"";s:5:"value";s:0:"";}s:11:"bbp_blocked";a:2:{s:6:"header";s:0:"";s:5:"value";s:0:"";}s:13:"bbp_moderator";a:2:{s:6:"header";s:0:"";s:5:"value";s:0:"";}s:15:"bbp_participant";a:2:{s:6:"header";s:0:"";s:5:"value";s:0:"";}}' where meta_key='shibboleth_roles' and site_id={new network};


  • Log in to (XXX) WP network admin #- Log in to HC WP network admin, then goto society id (XXX) WP network admin #- Activate shibboleth plugin #- Set options for shibboleth plugin
  • Activate buddypress plugin
  • Set options for buddypress plugin
  • Set network and network plugin options as necessary ( WP, BP )
  • Activate all other network plugins
  • Activate root blog specific plugins (CORE, etc.)
  • Set all other options as necessary ( WP, BP )
    • set root blog storage quota to 5000MB
    • set sparkpost & reply-bp-email settings
    • discussion settings (create XXX Group Forums root level discussion forum)
    • WP default avatar
    • BP network settings - account deletion option
  • Activate Theme
  • Create XXX.css file for Boss-Child
  • Ensure plugin manager options match existing networks
  • Set CORE settings Server Name
  • Add all pages required for BP, CORE and membership handling not a member, we don't recognize you, about HC, accounts linked, logged out, societies
  • Setup BP missing pages
  • Define menu
  • Add Home Page widgets
  • Create Help and Support Site

That's all?


Notes about onboarding a new society to Humanities Commons.






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