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mlang committed Jun 3, 2019
1 parent 1b96773 commit 7a4268f
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Showing 4 changed files with 64 additions and 18 deletions.
15 changes: 14 additions & 1 deletion src/Game/Chess.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ module Game.Chess (
-- * Chess moves
, Ply(..)
-- ** Converting from/to algebraic notation
, strictSAN, relaxedSAN, fromSAN, toSAN, unsafeToSAN, fromUCI, toUCI, fromPolyglot
, strictSAN, relaxedSAN, fromSAN, toSAN, unsafeToSAN, fromUCI, toUCI
, fromPolyglot, toPolyglot
-- ** Move generation
, legalPlies
-- ** Executing moves
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -508,6 +509,18 @@ fromPolyglot pos pl@(unpack -> (from, to, _)) = case color pos of
-> from `move` C8
_ -> pl

toPolyglot :: Position -> Ply -> Ply
toPolyglot pos pl@(unpack -> (from, to, _)) = case color pos of
White | from == toIndex E1 && canCastleKingside pos && to == toIndex G1
-> from `move` H1
| from == toIndex E1 && canCastleQueenside pos && to == toIndex C1
-> from `move` A1
Black | from == toIndex E8 && canCastleKingside pos && to == toIndex G8
-> from `move` H8
| from == toIndex E8 && canCastleQueenside pos && to == toIndex C8
-> from `move` A8
_ -> pl

-- | Parse a move in the format used by the Universal Chess Interface protocol.
fromUCI :: Position -> String -> Maybe Ply
fromUCI pos (fmap (splitAt 2) . splitAt 2 -> (from, (to, promo)))
Expand Down
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions src/Game/Chess/PGN.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -208,8 +208,9 @@ moveDoc ro pos (o,ts) = (fillSep $ go pos True ts <> [pretty o]) <> line where
nag n = "$" <> pretty n

weightedForest :: PGN -> Forest (Rational, Ply)
weightedForest (PGN games) = merge . concatMap rate . map snd $ filter ok games where
ok (ts, (o, _)) = Nothing == lookup "FEN" ts && o /= Undecided
weightedForest (PGN games) = merge . concatMap rate $ snd <$> filter ok games
ok (tags, (o, _)) = isNothing (lookup "FEN" tags) && o /= Undecided
rate (o, ts) = f startpos <$> trunk ts where
w c | o == Win c = 1
| o == Win (opponent c) = -1
Expand All @@ -219,10 +220,9 @@ weightedForest (PGN games) = merge . concatMap rate . map snd $ filter ok games
trunk [] = []
trunk (x:_) = [x { subForest = trunk (subForest x)}]
merge [] = []
merge ((Node a ts):xs) =
merge ((Node a ts) : xs) =
sortOn (Down . fst . rootLabel)
$ Node (w, snd a) (merge $ ts ++ concatMap subForest good) : merge bad
(good, bad) = partition (eq a . rootLabel) xs where eq a b = snd a == snd b
w = fst a + sum (map (fst . rootLabel) good)

(good, bad) = partition (eq a . rootLabel) xs where eq x y = snd x == snd y
w = fst a + sum (fst . rootLabel <$> good)
44 changes: 38 additions & 6 deletions src/Game/Chess/Polyglot/Book.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,12 +2,13 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Game.Chess.Polyglot.Book (
, fromByteString
, defaultBook, twic
, readPolyglotFile
, fromByteString, toByteString
, readPolyglotFile, writePolyglotFile
, bookPly
, bookPlies
, bookForest
, findPosition
) where

import Control.Arrow
Expand All @@ -18,13 +19,16 @@ import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.FileEmbed
import Data.List
import Data.Ord
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as VS
import Data.Tree
import Data.Word
import Foreign.ForeignPtr (plusForeignPtr)
import Foreign.ForeignPtr (castForeignPtr, plusForeignPtr)
import Foreign.Ptr (castPtr)
import Foreign.Storable
import Game.Chess
import Game.Chess.PGN
import Game.Chess.Polyglot.Hash
import GHC.Ptr
import System.Random (RandomGen)
Expand All @@ -36,6 +40,10 @@ data BookEntry = BookEntry {
, learn :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word32
} deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Ord BookEntry where
compare (BookEntry k1 _ w1 _) (BookEntry k2 _ w2 _) =
compare k1 k2 <> compare (Down w1) (Down w2)

instance Storable BookEntry where
sizeOf _ = 16
alignment _ = alignment (undefined :: Word64)
Expand All @@ -58,9 +66,7 @@ peekBE ptr = go ptr 0 (sizeOf (undefined :: a)) where
pokeBE :: forall a. (Bits a, Integral a, Num a, Storable a) => Ptr Word8 -> a -> IO ()
pokeBE p x = go x (sizeOf x) where
go _ 0 = pure ()
go !x !n = do
pokeElemOff p (n-1) (fromIntegral x)
go (x `shiftR` 8) (n-1)
go !x !n = pokeElemOff p (n-1) (fromIntegral x) *> go (x `shiftR` 8) (n-1)

defaultBook, twic :: PolyglotBook
defaultBook = twic
Expand All @@ -79,9 +85,35 @@ fromByteString bs = Book v where
(fptr, off, len) = BS.toForeignPtr bs
elemSize = sizeOf (undefined `asTypeOf` VS.head v)

toByteString :: PolyglotBook -> ByteString
toByteString (Book v) = BS.fromForeignPtr (castForeignPtr fptr) off (len * elemSize)
(fptr, off, len) = VS.unsafeToForeignPtr v
elemSize = sizeOf (undefined `asTypeOf` VS.head v)

readPolyglotFile :: FilePath -> IO PolyglotBook
readPolyglotFile = fmap fromByteString . BS.readFile

writePolyglotFile :: FilePath -> PolyglotBook -> IO ()
writePolyglotFile fp = BS.writeFile fp . toByteString

fromList :: [BookEntry] -> PolyglotBook
fromList = Book . VS.fromList . sort

toList :: PolyglotBook -> [BookEntry]
toList (Book v) = VS.toList v

makeBook :: PGN -> PolyglotBook
makeBook = fromList . concatMap (foldTree f . annot startpos) . weightedForest
annot pos (Node a ts) =
Node (pos, a) $ annot (unsafeDoPly pos (snd a)) <$> ts
f (pos, (w, pl)) xs
| w > 0
= BookEntry (hashPosition pos) (toPolyglot pos pl) (floor w) 0 : concat xs
| otherwise
= concat xs

bookForest :: PolyglotBook -> Position -> Forest Ply
bookForest b p = tree <$> bookPlies b p where
tree pl = Node pl . bookForest b $ unsafeDoPly p pl
Expand Down
11 changes: 6 additions & 5 deletions src/Game/Chess/QuadBitboard.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -45,12 +45,12 @@ data QuadBitboard = QBB { black :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64
, rqk :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Word64
} deriving (Eq)

occupied, pnr, white, pawns, knights, bishops, rooks, queens, kings
:: QuadBitboard -> Word64
occupied, pnr, white :: QuadBitboard -> Word64
occupied QBB{pbq, nbk, rqk} = pbq .|. nbk .|. rqk
pnr QBB{pbq, nbk, rqk} = pbq `xor` nbk `xor` rqk
white = liftA2 xor occupied black
white = liftA2 xor occupied black

pawns, knights, bishops, rooks, queens, kings :: QuadBitboard -> Word64
pawns = liftA2 (.&.) pnr pbq
knights = liftA2 (.&.) pnr nbk
bishops = liftA2 (.&.) pbq nbk
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ bKings = liftA2 (.&.) kings black
{-# INLINE knights #-}
{-# INLINE bishops #-}
{-# INLINE rooks #-}
{-# INLINE queens #-}
{-# INLINE kings #-}
{-# INLINE wPawns #-}
{-# INLINE wKnights #-}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -123,7 +124,7 @@ instance FiniteBits Word4 where
countTrailingZeros (W4 x) = countTrailingZeros x

pattern NoPiece :: Word4
pattern NoPiece = 0
pattern NoPiece = 0

pattern WhitePawn, WhiteKnight, WhiteBishop, WhiteRook, WhiteQueen, WhiteKing
:: Word4
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -157,7 +158,7 @@ square (bit -> b) nb = QBB (f 0) (f 1) (f 2) (f 3) where
setNibble :: Bits nibble => QuadBitboard -> Int -> nibble -> QuadBitboard
setNibble QBB{..} sq nb = QBB (f 0 black) (f 1 pbq) (f 2 nbk) (f 3 rqk) where
f n | nb `testBit` n = (`setBit` sq)
| otherwise = (`clearBit` sq)
| otherwise = (`clearBit` sq)

instance Binary QuadBitboard where
get = QBB <$> get <*> get <*> get <*> get
Expand Down

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