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A highly reusable gulpfile for your development needs

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Using this gulpfile, you can easily build your front-end projects.*

*As long as you agree with my development conventions.


The following tasks are available for use in the gulpfile.

gulp help

Displays simple documentation for the gulpfile.

gulp clean

Removes all files built with gulp build. This includes:

  1. Files containing *.min.*
  2. JavaScript files ending in *.mod.js

gulp minify-js

Minify and bundle all JavaScript files that are children or descendants of your working directory. The files will go through the following two pipelines.

1. Minify

Minified files pass through the following pipeline:

  1. brfs transform
  2. Babel's es2015 preset
  3. uglify
  4. Exported to ${filename}.min.js

2. Bundle

Bundled files pass through the following pipeline:

  1. brfs transform
  2. Babel's es2015 preset
  3. uglify
  4. Exported to ${filename}.mod.js
Exposed require()

The require() function is exposed in the bundled file as window.require().

Exposed module name

The module itself is exposed as iqwerty-${filename}. Hey, what did I say about agreeing with my conventions?

The _bundles.json file

If you are bundling all your JavaScript files into one (or more) main files, specify them in a _bundles.json file in your working root.


This ensures that only that file will pass through the bundle pipeline. In other words, the specified files will be the only ones with the .mod.js suffix.

gulp minify-css

All CSS files that are children or descendants of your working directory will be passed to the following pipeline:

  1. autoprefixer
  2. nano
  3. Exported to ${filename}.min.css

gulp php-deps

This is a task that you most certainly won't need if you're not me. This gulp task has two steps.

  1. Find the _phpdeps.json file where PHP dependencies are specified.
  2. Navigate to the development root and find the /playground/lib-php/ folder and copy the dependencies into the specified destination

The _phpdeps.json file has the following structure:

	"HttpRequest": "lib/php/"

The task will find the HttpRequest.php file and copy that to the destination.

gulp test

You must have Quantum.js or the iQwerty testing framework. Place test files inside a tests/ directory placed in your working root. inject() or require() the files to test. Read the docs for more details if you're stuck.

gulp build

Running this task will run the following tasks:

  1. minify-js
  2. minify-css
  3. php-deps

After everything has completed:

  1. test

That concludes the build process.

Tip: You can run gulp clean build for a clean build ;)

gulp watch

A tiny LiveReload server will be started on port 35729. The following file types will be watched for changes:

  1. PHP
  2. HTML

The following file types will be built and then reloaded

  1. JavaScript
  2. CSS

Remember to put the following script on your page to listen for LiveReload pushes!

<script>document.write('<script src="http://' + ( || 'localhost').split(':')[0] + ':35729/livereload.js?snipver=1"></' + 'script>')</script>

gulp local

Obviously this gulpfile isn't a catch-all for all use cases. If your project needs a few tasks that aren't provided here, specify them in your own _gulpfile.js in your working root. Then

gulp local --run ${task}

And you're done!


A highly reusable gulpfile for your development needs






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