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Installing MLflow

You install MLflow by running:

.. code-section::

    .. code-block:: python

        pip install mlflow

    .. code-block:: R


    .. code-block:: python

        pip install mlflow-skinny


MLflow works on MacOS. If you run into issues with the default system Python on MacOS, try installing Python 3 through the Homebrew package manager using brew install python. (In this case, installing MLflow is now pip3 install mlflow).

To use certain MLflow modules and functionality (ML model persistence/inference, artifact storage options, etc), you may need to install extra libraries. For example, the mlflow.tensorflow module requires TensorFlow to be installed. See for more details

MLflow skinny will also need installation of extra dependencies for certain MLflow modules and functionality. For example, mlflow.set_tracking_uri("sqlite:///my.db") requires pip install mlflow-skinny sqlalchemy alembic sqlparse.

At this point we recommend you follow the :doc:`tutorial<tutorials-and-examples/tutorial>` for a walk-through on how you can leverage MLflow in your daily workflow.

Downloading the Quickstart

Download the quickstart code by cloning MLflow via git clone, and cd into the examples subdirectory of the repository. We'll use this working directory for running the quickstart.

We avoid running directly from our clone of MLflow as doing so would cause the tutorial to use MLflow from source, rather than your PyPi installation of MLflow.

Using the Tracking API

The :doc:`MLflow Tracking API<tracking/>` lets you log metrics and artifacts (files) from your data science code and see a history of your runs. You can try it out by writing a simple Python script as follows (this example is also included in quickstart/

.. code-section::

    .. code-block:: python

        import os
        from random import random, randint
        from mlflow import log_metric, log_param, log_artifacts

        if __name__ == "__main__":
            # Log a parameter (key-value pair)
            log_param("param1", randint(0, 100))

            # Log a metric; metrics can be updated throughout the run
            log_metric("foo", random())
            log_metric("foo", random() + 1)
            log_metric("foo", random() + 2)

            # Log an artifact (output file)
            if not os.path.exists("outputs"):
            with open("outputs/test.txt", "w") as f:
                f.write("hello world!")

    .. code-block:: R


        # Log a parameter (key-value pair)
        mlflow_log_param("param1", 5)

        # Log a metric; metrics can be updated throughout the run
        mlflow_log_metric("foo", 1)
        mlflow_log_metric("foo", 2)
        mlflow_log_metric("foo", 3)

        # Log an artifact (output file)
        writeLines("Hello world!", "output.txt")

Viewing the Tracking UI

By default, wherever you run your program, the tracking API writes data into files into a local ./mlruns directory. You can then run MLflow's Tracking UI:

.. code-section::

    .. code-block:: python

        mlflow ui

    .. code-block:: R


and view it at http://localhost:5000.


If you see message [CRITICAL] WORKER TIMEOUT in the MLflow UI or error logs, try using http://localhost:5000 instead of

Running MLflow Projects

MLflow allows you to package code and its dependencies as a project that can be run in a reproducible fashion on other data. Each project includes its code and a MLproject file that defines its dependencies (for example, Python environment) as well as what commands can be run into the project and what arguments they take.

You can easily run existing projects with the mlflow run command, which runs a project from either a local directory or a GitHub URI:

mlflow run sklearn_elasticnet_wine -P alpha=0.5

mlflow run -P alpha=5.0

There's a sample project in tutorial, including a MLproject file that specifies its dependencies. if you haven't configured a :ref:`tracking server <tracking_server>`, projects log their Tracking API data in the local mlruns directory so you can see these runs using mlflow ui.


By default mlflow run installs all dependencies using conda. To run a project without using conda, you can provide the --no-conda option to mlflow run. In this case, you must ensure that the necessary dependencies are already installed in your Python environment.

For more information, see :doc:`projects`.

Saving and Serving Models

MLflow includes a generic MLmodel format for saving models from a variety of tools in diverse flavors. For example, many models can be served as Python functions, so an MLmodel file can declare how each model should be interpreted as a Python function in order to let various tools serve it. MLflow also includes tools for running such models locally and exporting them to Docker containers or commercial serving platforms.

To illustrate this functionality, the mlflow.sklearn package can log scikit-learn models as MLflow artifacts and then load them again for serving. There is an example training application in sklearn_logistic_regression/ that you can run as follows:

python sklearn_logistic_regression/

When you run the example, it outputs an MLflow run ID for that experiment. If you look at mlflow ui, you will also see that the run saved a model folder containing an MLmodel description file and a pickled scikit-learn model. You can pass the run ID and the path of the model within the artifacts directory (here "model") to various tools. For example, MLflow includes a simple REST server for python-based models:

mlflow models serve -m runs:/<RUN_ID>/model


By default the server runs on port 5000. If that port is already in use, use the --port option to specify a different port. For example: mlflow models serve -m runs:/<RUN_ID>/model --port 1234

Once you have started the server, you can pass it some sample data and see the predictions.

The following example uses curl to send a JSON-serialized pandas DataFrame with the split orientation to the model server. For more information about the input data formats accepted by the pyfunc model server, see the :ref:`MLflow deployment tools documentation <local_model_deployment>`.

curl -d '{"columns":["x"], "data":[[1], [-1]]}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json; format=pandas-split' -X POST localhost:5000/invocations

which returns:

[1, 0]

For more information, see :doc:`models`.

Logging to a Remote Tracking Server

In the examples above, MLflow logs data to the local filesystem of the machine it's running on. To manage results centrally or share them across a team, you can configure MLflow to log to a remote tracking server. To get access to a remote tracking server:

Launch a Tracking Server on a Remote Machine

:ref:`Launch a tracking server <tracking_server>` on a remote machine.

You can then :ref:`log to the remote tracking server <logging_to_a_tracking_server>` by setting the MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI environment variable to your server's URI, or by adding the following to the start of your program:

.. code-section::

  .. code-block:: python

      import mlflow

  .. code-block:: R


Log to Databricks Community Edition

Alternatively, sign up for Databricks Community Edition, a free service that includes a hosted tracking server. Note that Community Edition is intended for quick experimentation rather than production use cases. After signing up, run databricks configure to create a credentials file for MLflow, specifying as the host.

To log to the Community Edition server, set the MLFLOW_TRACKING_URI environment variable to "databricks", or add the following to the start of your program:

.. code-section::

  .. code-block:: python

      import mlflow
      # Note: on Databricks, the experiment name passed to set_experiment must be a valid path
      # in the workspace, like '/Users/<your-username>/my-experiment'. See
      # for more info.

  .. code-block:: R

      # Note: on Databricks, the experiment name passed to mlflow_set_experiment must be a
      # valid path in the workspace, like '/Users/<your-username>/my-experiment'.  See
      # for more info.