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Maven Dockerbuild Plugin

This is a Maven plugin to build Docker images.


Note: It does not provide functionality to run images.


A dockerbuild is a Maven artifact (more precisely: a jar artifact) containing a Docker build context (i.e. Dockerfile and additional files as needed, for example configuration files you want to add to the image). Dockerbuilds are managed centrally in your favorite Maven repository. The idea is to have one dockerbuild for each setup or framework you use, e.g. a tomcat-war dockerbuild and a spring-boot dockerbuild. To build an image for a Maven project (or a module in a multi-module build), you just select the appropriate dockerbuild from the repository. The plugin resolves it (i.e. downloads the jar to the local repository - if necessary), unpacks it into a local directory, and builds the by invoking Docker daemon with the appropriate build arguments.



  • Java 11 or newer to run the plugin
  • Docker installed, accessible for the current user. That's the easiest way; technically, it's enough to just have the Docker daemon running and accessible for the current user.

Add this snippet to the pluginsManagement in your pom (or, if you have one, in your parent pom)


Next, add a snippet like this to the plugins in your pom



  • library to specify the groupId of your dockerbuilds in your repository
  • dockerbuild to specify the artifactId of the dockerbuild to use
  • image to start with your Docker registry and to match your naming conventions


Dockerfiles can be parameterized using Docker's ARG instruction. You can set these arguments in the plugin configuration inside the arguments element; e.g.


passes 2048 to the memory Dockerfile argument.

You can use various directives in argument values. A directive starts with a % followed by the directices name and arguments sepeated by :. The following directives are available:

  • %artifact:extension or %artifact:classifier:extension evaluates to the path of this artifact
  • %base64:string evaluates to the base64 encoded string
  • %copy:file copies the file (specified as a path; relative paths are relative to the projects basedir) into the Docker build context and evaluates to the path within the context
  • %file:file evaluates to the file contents; relatives paths are relative to the projects basedir
  • %filter:string evaluates to string with all Maven variables substituted

Example: an argument


copies that war artifact into the Dockerbuild context an sets the war argument to the path within the context.

Image Placeholders

You can use the following place holders when specifying the image name:

  • %a expands to the artifactId of the current artifact
  • %b expands to the current branch when building a snapshot; otherwise (i.e. when building a release) expands to the empty string; (note: this is technically mandatory when using the Maven Release plugin. mvn release:perform creates a clone for a specific commit, there's no associated branch this plugin could detect)
  • %g expands to the groupId of the current artifact
  • %V expands to the version of the current artifact; if the version contains "-SNAPSHOT", that's replaced by a timestamp

In addtion you can use prefixed placeholders. If you specify - e.g. - %-b the expanded value is prefixed with -, but only for none-empty values.


The build goal defines the following properties within Maven; use them for property arguments of Maven file filtering

  • dockerbuild.origin current host and user
  • dockerbuild.image image tag


The main rationale behind dockerbuilds is to keep Dockerfiles separate from the Maven project you're using it for. This helps to:

  • Simplify maintenance: we just have to update a small number dockerbuilds instead of a possibly huge number of Dockerfiles spread in Maven projects
  • Separation: Java developers can concentrate on their Java build - they don't have to care about the latest best practice to build an image for them; instead, they simply pick the latest dockerbuild that fits their framework/setup.
  • Avoid copy/paste: nobody's forced to google for suitable Dockerfiles - that could get copied to the project source - and easily become unmaintained.
  • Operations: is much easier to keep a small number of dockerbuilds in good shape (in particular: updated with security fixes).

The price you have to pay: you cannot quickly adjust a Dockerfile for your particular Maven project - you have to adjust a shared version in your dockerbuild library.

Dockerbuilds are the reason I wrote this plugin; I didn't find a proper way to do this with other Maven Docker plugins. A common approach to get close is to provide central base images and use a simple Dockerfile in every Maven project to glue things together.


This plugin is pretty simple. The build goal prints equivalent shell commands to indicate what it does:

  • resolve artifact containing the Dockerfile
  • unpack into target/dockerbuild/context
  • evaluate arguments (and possibly copying files into the context if a %copy directive is encountered)
  • use Docker's Java Client API to build the image;

Note that the plugin does not actually use the shell command it prints to the console -- this is just to document what it does and to simplify manual testing - you can copy-and-paste the commands to retry your build.

Build notes:

  • Update plugin documentation:

    mvn clean verify site site:stage scm-publish:publish-scm -Dscmpublish.content=target/staging/dockerbuild

    It takes a few minutes for gh pages to sync.


Other Docker Maven Plugins I'm aware of:


Build Docker images from shared Docker builds.







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