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Getting started with Eclipse Che

Marian Lorinc edited this page Mar 25, 2022 · 1 revision

As part of this getting started guide we are going to create simple UI test which opens command prompt via menu bar. The tests are launched on free public CodeReady Workspaces instance (Red Hat version of Eclipse Che). It used mainly because it guarantees the same environment for the author and guide reader. Before we get started make sure you have Selenium WebDriver installed and access to CodeReady Workspaces or any other Eclipse Che instance.

Prepare workspace

First we need to create new workspace where we will write our tests. Let's say we have created new directory hello-world-che using mkdir hello-world-che. This will be our project directory. Next in order to install npm packages the project initialization must be made.

To initialize npm project ignoring prompts run (for this guide prompts are not necessary):

npm init -y

After the initialization it is now possible to install Theia Extension Tester with command:

npm install theia-extension-tester --save-dev

For simplicity it is possible to create tests directly in project directory. However in practice those tests are usually located src/tests/ui or any other source directory.

To create folder run the following commands:

# Create source folder for ui tests
mkdir -p src/tests/ui
# Create a new test file
touch src/tests/ui/HelloWorld.test.js

Writing first test

Open the created file from previous section. Paste the following content into the file:

// src/tests/ui/HelloWorld.test.js
const assert = require('assert');
// In case tests were not written in vscode-extension-tester (this example case)
const { Input, TitleBar } = require('theia-extension-tester');
Or if launching vscode-extension-tester tests (theia-extension-tester package replaces vscode-extension-tester imports with theia-extension-tester imports)
// const { Input, TitleBar } = require('vscode-extension-tester');

describe('Input', function() {
    // set timeout for every it to 40 seconds
    it('Input.create', async function() {
        // open command palette
        await new TitleBar().select('View', 'Find Command...');
        // create Input page object
        const input = await Input.create();
        // verify the input is visible
        assert.ok(await input.isDisplayed());
        // close the input
        await input.cancel();

The pasted in program will open command palette via menu bar, verify its visibility and then closes it. In this particular program we use Mocha to run test files. But this is not enough because Mocha does launch ui tests but tests will not work without Selenium WebDriver. We need to define launcher which will create Selenium WebDriver for us.

Launching first test

As mentioned before the tests are going to be launched on Eclipse Che instance. Eclipse Che instances requires user to log in before creating and working with workspaces. For this purposes were created authenticator objects (in this case OpenShift Authenticator which is included in the starter package). This particular package requires two mandatory environment variables which can be defined in .env file.

# .env

# Log in username

# Log in password

After all setup actions now it is time to launch tests. To launch tests perform any of the following steps (the longest url is Devfile url which is used when creating Eclipse Che workspace):

Execute command node_modules/.bin/theiatest che:run src/tests/ui/*.test.js --url --env .env --browser chrome


Open package.json file and add "test:ui": "theiatest che:run src/tests/ui/*.test.js --url --env .env --browser chrome" to "scripts" object. Then run npm run test:ui.

Chrome should open up and launch tests including logging in user into Eclipse Che. Alternatively you can use one of the supported browsers. If you do not wish to launch tests on the CodeReady Workspaces you can overwrite default url by adding --url <url>. For more information run node_modules/.bin/theiatest --help.

All available Devfiles can be found in Devfile registry.