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Python port of git-svn-mirror utility written in Ruby by Eloy Duran.


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A command-line tool that automates the task of creating a Git mirror for a SVN repo, and keeping it up-to-date.

This is direct Python port of git-svn-mirror written in Ruby by Eloy Duran. The guide below is a direct copy of authored by Eloy Duran.


  • mloskot/pygit-svn-mirror@8b50339f7b8950a2919b8ec8ab02a2d986bdf94b - first version of the Python port based on alloy/git-svn-mirror@42f52463ea0cc88bf892e39b48693855ff3dabc6


Figuring this stuff out is a pain in the bum, in my opinion, and its probably not even done yet. So please do contribute! Also, if I would keep doing this by hand, I would forget how to do it, a few weeks down the line.



  1. Python 3+

Simply, clone pygit-svn-mirror and add the lib directory to PYTHONPATH. Next run script from command line. Use --help and the guide below to learn how to use it.

NOTE: Below, I use pygit-svn-mirror command. This is placeholder for Shell script proxy which I'm going to add at some point.

On Windows, you can copy bin\pygit-svn-mirror.bat script to location included in your PATH or you can add the bin\ directory to PATH. Next, edit the script and update PYGITSVN variable with location to your local clone pygit-svn-mirror repository. This way, you can run the tool through pygit-svn-mirror.bat script.

Configure the ‘workbench’

To mirror a SVN repo, first the local ‘workbench’ repo has to be configured. This ‘workbench’ is the GIT repo where the SVN revisions will be stored and from where these revisions will be pushed to the remote mirror GIT repo.

Start by creating the directory:

$ mkdir -p /path/to/workbench

Then initialize the ‘workbench’:

$ cd /path/to/workbench
$ pygit-svn-mirror init --from=http://svn-host/repo_root --to=git@git-host:user/mirror.git

This will create a ‘bare’ GIT repo, configure the SVN and GIT remotes, fetch the revisions from the SVN remote, and compact the ‘workbench’ by running the GIT garbage collector.

It can often be handy to supply an authors file, with the --authors-file option, which is used to migrate user names to GIT names and email addresses. The entries in this file should look like:

svn-user-name = User Name <>

Update mirror

To push the latest changes from the SVN repo to the GIT repo, run the following command from the ‘workbench’ repo:

$ pygit-svn-mirror update

Or by specifying the path to ‘workbench’ repos:

$ pygit-svn-mirror update -w /path/to/workbench1

You will probably normally not want to perform this step by hand. You can solve this by adding this command as a cron job, in which case you can silence the tool with the --silent option.

‘init’ --help banner

Usage: init [mandatory options] [options]

Mandatory options are --from and --to. Use --help to find details.

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s, --silent          Silent mode.
  -f URI, --from=URI    The location of the SVN repository that is to be
  -t URI, --to=URI      The location of the Git repository that is the mirror.
  -w PATH, --workbench=PATH
                        The location of the workbench repository. Defaults to
                        the current work dir.
  -a PATH, --authors-file=PATH
                        An optional authors file used to migrate SVN usernames
                        to Git format.

‘update’ --help banner

Usage: update [options]

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s, --silent          Silent mode.
  -w PATH, --workbench=PATH
                        The location of the workbench repository. Defaults to
                        the current work dir.


Once you've made your great commits:

  1. Fork pygit-svn-mirror
  2. Create a topic branch - git checkout -b my_branch
  3. Push to your branch - git push origin my_branch
  4. Create an Issue with a link to your branch
  5. That’s it!


Thanks to Eloy Duran for the original git-svn-mirror written in Ruby.

License In Three Lines (LITL)

© 2011 Mateusz Loskot <>
© 2010 Eloy Duran <> (author of git-svn-mirror in Ruby)
You may use these works without restrictions, as long as this paragraph is included.
The work is provided “as is”. There is NO warranty of any kind, express or implied.


Python port of git-svn-mirror utility written in Ruby by Eloy Duran.







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