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Evaluation Questions

Create a signature.txt of the virtual machine image

sha1sum ~/VirtualBox\ VMs/Born2beRoot/Born2beRoot.vdi > signature.txt

How a Virtual Machine works

A virtual machine uses software emulation of hardware to create an isolated environment on top of hardware where a separate system with its own OS can be run. Therefore allowing for things like running Debian inside a Mac.

Choice of Operating System

It's easier to install and configure than CentOS (and I haven't used CentOS before). I use Ubuntu and Pop OS for personal use which are both Debian flavours and wanted to understand them more deeply.

The basic differences between CentOS and Debian

CentOS vs Debian are two flavors of Linux operating systems. CentOS, as said above, is a Linux distribution. It is free and open-source. It is enterprise-class – industries can use meaning for server building; it is supported by a large community and is functionally supported by its upstream source, Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Debian is a Unix like computer operating system that is made up of open source components. It is built and supported by a group of individuals who are under the Debian project.

Debian uses Linux as its Kernel. Fedora, CentOS, Oracle Linux are all different distribution from Red Hat Linux and are variant of RedHat Linux. Ubuntu, Kali, etc., are variant of Debian. CentOS vs Debian both are used as internet servers or web servers like web, email, FTP, etc.

The purpose of virtual machines

VMs may be deployed to accommodate different levels of processing power needs, to run software that requires a different operating system, or to test applications in a safe, sandboxed environment.

The difference between aptitude and apt

Aptitude is a higher-level package manager while APT is lower-level package manager which can be used by other higher-level package managers.

Aptitude is vaster in functionality than apt-get and integrates functionalities of apt-get and its other variants including apt-mark and apt-cache.

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What is APPArmor

Check APPArmor status

sudo aa-status

AppArmor ("Application Armor") is a Linux kernel security module that allows the system administrator to restrict programs' capabilities with per-program profiles.

Profiles can allow capabilities like network access, raw socket access, and the permission to read, write, or execute files on matching paths.

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  • Script running every 10min
  • No graphical user interface
  • Password requested on boot up
  • Login with msousa
  • Password must follow rules

Check that the UFW service is started

sudo ufw status

Check that the SSH service is started

sudo service ssh status

Check that the operating system is Debian

cat /etc/os-release | grep PRETTY_NAME

Check that msousa is member of sudo and user42 groups

groups msousa

Check password policy rules

Password expiry: line 160 and 161.

vi /etc/login.defs

Password policy: line 25.

vi /etc/pam.d/common-password

Create a new user

sudo adduser new_user

Assign password

Confirm it follows the password policy

Explain how password rules were setup

vi /etc/pam.d/common-password

Create group evaluating and add created user

sudo addgroup evaluating
sudo adduser new_user evaluating

Check that user belongs to new group

groups new_user

Explain advantages of password policy and advantages and disadvantages of policy implementation

In theory, the main benefit of password complexity rules is that they enforce the use of unique passwords that are harder to crack. The more requirements you enforce, the higher the number of possible combinations of letters, numbers, and characters.

Password complexity rules try to enforce this “difficult to crack” requirement, but they aren’t always successful. This is partly to do with the diminishing returns involved in increasing complexity

How much better is a 15 character password than a 30 character password if hackers know that longer password is frequently used? And is it better if the user can’t remember the password? Password complexity only scales up to a certain point. Beyond a certain point, a complex password can be difficult to crack if the number of possible combinations is extremely high, but it can also be too complex to be useful to users.

Check that the hostname of the machine is msousa42

uname -n
# or 

Modify hostname with evaluator login and reboot to confirm change

sudo adduser new_user sudo
sudo login new_user
sudo vi /etc/hostname # change to new_user42
sudo reboot

Restore original hostname

sudo vi /etc/hostname # change to msousa42
sudo reboot

How to view partitions


Compare partition output with example in subject

sda                       8:0    0    8G  0 disk  
|-sda1                    8:1    0  476M  0 part  /boot
|-sda2                    8:2    0    1K  0 part  
`-sda5                    8:5    0  7.5G  0 part  
  `-sda5_crypt          254:0    0  7.5G  0 crypt 
    |-LVMGroup-root     254:1    0  1.9G  0 lvm   /
    |-LVMGroup-swap     254:2    0  952M  0 lvm   [SWAP]
    |-LVMGroup-home     254:3    0  952M  0 lvm   /home
    |-LVMGroup-var      254:4    0  952M  0 lvm   /var
    |-LVMGroup-srv      254:5    0  952M  0 lvm   /srv
    |-LVMGroup-tmp      254:6    0  952M  0 lvm   /tmp
    `-LVMGroup-var--log 254:7    0    1G  0 lvm   /var/log
sr0                      11:0    1 1024M  0 rom

Brief explanation of how LVM works

It works by chunking the physical volumes (PVs) into physical extents (PEs). The PEs are mapped onto logical extents (LEs) which are then pooled into volume groups (VGs). These groups are linked together into logical volumes (LVs) that act as virtual disk partitions and that can be managed as such by using LVM.

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What is LVM about

Logical volume management (LVM) is a form of storage virtualization that offers system administrators a more flexible approach to managing disk storage space than traditional partitioning. The goal of LVM is to facilitate managing the sometimes conflicting storage needs of multiple end users.

Check sudo program is properly installed

dpkg -l | grep sudo

Assign new user to sudo group

sudo adduser new_user sudo

Explain value and operation of sudo using examples

Sudo stands for SuperUser DO and is used to access restricted files and operations. By default, Linux restricts access to certain parts of the system preventing sensitive files from being compromised.

The sudo command temporarily elevates privileges allowing users to complete sensitive tasks without logging in as the root user.

apt-get update # Error 13: Permission denied
sudo apt-get update

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Show the implementation of the subject rules

vi /etc/sudoers.d/sudoconfig

What is TTY

Verify that the /var/log/sudo/ folder exists and has a file

sudo ls /var/log/sudo/

Has file seq.

Check contents of files in this folder

sudo ls /var/log/sudo/00/00
# run sudo command
sudo ls /var/log/sudo/00/00/<newfolder> 

Check there is a history of commands using sudo

sudo cat /.../log # Input log
sudo cat /.../ttyout # Output log

Run a command using sudo and check if files updated

sudo apt update
sudo ls /var/log/sudo/00/00 # should have new folder

Check that UFW is properly installed

dpkg -l | grep ufw

Check that it is working properly

sudo ufw status

Explain what UFW is and the value of using it

Uncomplicated Firewall is a program for managing a netfilter firewall designed to be easy to use. It uses a command-line interface consisting of a small number of simple commands, and uses iptables for configuration.

UFW aims to provide an easy to use interface for people unfamiliar with firewall concepts, while at the same time simplifies complicated iptables commands to help an administrator who knows what he or she is doing.

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List active rules should include one for port 4242

sudo ufw status | grep 4242

Add a new rule for port 8080

sudo ufw allow 8080
sudo ufw status

Delete the new rule

List rules numbered

sudo ufw status numbered

Delete rule

sudo ufw delete $NUMBER

Check that the SSH service is properly installed

dpkg -l | grep openssh-server

Check that it is working properly

sudo service ssh status

Explain what SSH is and the value of using it

Secure Shell (SSH) is a cryptographic network protocol for operating network services securely over an unsecured network. Typical applications include remote command-line, login, and remote command execution, but any network service can be secured with SSH.

SSH provides password or public-key based authentication and encrypts connections between two network endpoints. It is a secure alternative to legacy login protocols (such as telnet, rlogin) and insecure file transfer methods (such as FTP).

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Verify that the SSH service only uses port 4242

sudo service ssh status | grep listening
# or check configs
sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
sudo vi /etc/ssh/ssh_config 

Login with SSH from host machine

ssh msousa@ -p 4242 # or
ssh msousa@ -p 4242 # or
ssh msousa@localhost -p 4242

Make sure you cannot SSH login with root user

msousa@msousa42:~$ login root
login: Cannot possibly work without effective root

Explanation of the monitoring script by showing the code


architecture=$(uname -a)

uname (short for unix name) is a computer program in Unix and Unix-like computer operating systems that prints the name, version and other details about the current machine and the operating system running on it.


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physical_cpu=$(grep "physical id" /proc/cpuinfo | sort | uniq | wc -l)
# or
lscpu | grep "CPU(s)"

Use /proc/cpuinfo file that lists CPUs.


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If your processors are multi-core, you need to know how many virtual processors you have. You can count those by looking for lines that start with "processor".

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virtual_cpu=$(grep -c ^processor /proc/cpuinfo)

-c flag is a count on the grep


awk built-in variables

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memory_usage=$(free -m | awk 'NR==2{printf "%s/%sMB (%.2f%%)\n", $3,$2,$3*100/$2 }')


total_disk=$(df -Bg | grep '^/dev/' | grep -v '/boot$' | awk '{ft += $2} END {print ft}')

df disk utility, -Bg displays in Gigabytes.

ft is a variable name, END stops the command from reaching the print until it has gone through all the lines.

Add-up total.

-v flag on grep returns non-matching lines.


used_disk=$(df -Bm | grep '^/dev/' | grep -v '/boot$' | awk '{ut += $3} END {print ut}')

-Bm displays in Megabytes.

Add-up used.


percent_used_disk=$(df -Bm | grep '^/dev/' | grep -v '/boot$' | awk '{ut += $3} {ft+= $2} END {printf("%d"), ut/ft*100}')

Need to do the same as before but both in the same measuring unit to get a meaningful percentage.


cpu_load=$(top -bn1 | grep load | awk '{printf "%.2f%%\n", $(NF-2)}')

top utility

-b flag for batch mode, allows to pipe output to file or another command. -n1 flag for 1 interation. NF number of fields in the record (row), $(NF-2) selects the thrid counting from the last.


last_boot=$(who -b | awk '$1 == "system" {print $3 " " $4}')

who -b shows time of last system boot.


lvm_partitions=$(lsblk | grep -c "lvm")

Count lvm type partitions from lsblk command output.


lvm_is_used=$(if [ $lvm_partitions -eq 0 ]; then echo no; else echo yes; fi)

Conditional to check if previous variable is zero or not.


# [$ sudo apt-get install net-tools]
tcp_connections=$(cat /proc/net/sockstat{,6} | awk '$1 == "TCP:" {print $3}')

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/proc/net/sockstat{,6} fies include connections established count.

Find line where first is TCP: and print third value which is the inuse (in use) amount.


users_logged_in=$(w -h | wc -l)

w - Show who is logged on and what they are doing. -h flag is without header. Each line has info about a logged in user. Count of lines is how many users logged in.


ipv4_address=$(hostname -I)

-I flag to display IP address.


mac_address=$(ip link show | awk '$1 == "link/ether" {print $2}')

ip util with link object, then select line where link/ether is and print second column: MAC address.


sudo_commands_count=$(journalctl _COMM=sudo | grep -c COMMAND)

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If a file path refers to an executable script, a "_COMM=" match for the script name is added to the query.

What is cron

The cron command-line utility, also known as cron job is a job scheduler on Unix-like operating systems. Users who set up and maintain software environments use cron to schedule jobs (commands or shell scripts) to run periodically at fixed times, dates, or intervals. It typically automates system maintenance or administration—though its general-purpose nature makes it useful for things like downloading files from the Internet and downloading email at regular intervals.

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How to set up the script to run every 10mins

sudo crontab -e

Add following line

*/10 * * * * /home/

Verify correct functioning of the script

Check print out in console.

Change run of script to every minute

sudo crontab -e

Add following line

*/1 * * * * /home/

Make the script stop running after reboot without modifying it

Remove the scheduling line on the crontab

sudo crontab -e

Remove following line/s

@reboot /home/
*/1 * * * * /home/
  • Restart server
  • Check script still exists in the same place
  • Check that its rights have remained the same
  • Check that it has not been modified