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EVPN-VXLAN - ERB - EM 5.1 fabric management hands-on lab

Lab topology

Lab topology-1

The following diagram gives an overview of the flows between the EM main dashboard (server6) and the config API (server1)

Lab topology-1, width="456" height="305"

Lab access

The lab topology is delivered within the Ravello Oracle cloud system.

Every user gets his own virtual lab setup as per the main topology diagram.

You can ssh using putty or secure-crt with the dns names or IP@ listed in ravello interface using your internet connectivity You can also use the ravello console to access the devices.

You can download the following file here in order to get the ravello url for your student number.

The student number is given by the instructor during the in-person lab session.

  • the lab vqfx device access info: root and Juniper1!

  • the contrail EM dashboard on server6 login/password is: admin and contrail123

  • the servers ssh access login/password is: root and c0ntrail123

Lab objectives

The goal of the present lab is to build the overlay ERB - Edge Routed Bridging data center fabric architecture using the Juniper QFX series EVPN-VXLAN technologies in order to deliver L2/L3 distributed and symmetric tenant system forwarding. The tenant systems (TS) can be BMS (Bare Metal Servers) or Virtual-Machines.

The ZTP process was already conducted for the present fabric so the first step is to onboard the qfx devices from the topology and create an overlay iBGP fabric.

The iBGP EVPN sign. overlay will be used in order to advertise the Type-2 MAC@, MAC+IP routes and Type5 routes for prefixes or host route advertisement.

The inter-vni tenant routing will be distributed and taking place at the leaf1/leaf2/leaf3 level only i.e. spines should not be provisioned with any tenant information but should play the role of Route Reflectors and IP Forwarders between the leafs

The ultimate goal of the present lab is to deliver:

  • L2 communication between BMS1 and BMS2 - they should reside in the same virtual-network with VLAN-VNIs allocated dynamically by contrail
  • L3 inter-vni communication should be symmetric and take place only at the leafs
  • L2 VXLAN gateway for BMS1 to VM2 (on compute-server-3) should allow to communicate between the BMS1 and the VM2 using the same subnet

Lab environment

The environment is composed of the following vqfx nodes:

  • 2 x vQFX Spines - spine1, spine2
  • 3 x vQFX Leafs: leaf1, leaf2, leaf3
  • 3 x BMS servers - bm1, bms2, bms3, bms4
  • 2 x compute-servers - server3 and server4
  • 1 x CSN server - server5
  • 1 x controller - server1
  • 1 x EM dashboard - server6

The underlay eBGP is already pre-provisioned in order to deliver full IP reachability between the loopback0.0 IP@ of the given IP fabric

All nodes from the lab are accessible via internet, so you can verify each individual node state from your laptop using SSH sessions

Use the username: root and password: Juniper1!

Lab tasks

Task 1.0 Verify the full IPv4 underlay reachability within the main topology

  • Ensure the full IP reachability of your fabric
  • Verify the eBGP underlay peering are all in the established state
  • verify the contrail container and services are working fine in your lab

Expected result:

  • two eBGP peerings per leaf device in the Established state,
  • Full IP reachability between the lo0.0 IP addresses of each fabric node
  • contrail components containers are running at server1 and server6

Note: for contrail UI based verifications you can login to the EM dashboard via


or to the legacy contrail dashboard


login/password is: admin/contrail123

  • the servers ssh access login/password is: root and c0ntrail123

When ssh'ed into the contrail server1/server6 or the compute-nodes/CSN you can verify the baseline status by running the contrail-status command or by checking the state of the contrail containers docker ps

You can check the type of containers running on server1 vs server6 and the containers running on the compute-nodes server3/server4/server5(CSN)

Task 1.1 Deploy the overlay iBGP EVPN network using the BGP ASN 64512

  • Discover the devices as based on the given range of subnet
  • Associate the devices with the roles
  • Deploy the overlay

In order to deploy the browfield evpn-vxlan fabric (where the IP reachability between the lo0.0 IP@ was already done) go to Infrastructure > Fabrics and the Create > Existing Fabric and click on Provision.

  • Give a name of you fabric - for example myfabric101 and keep the default ASN 64512
  • Use the management subnet CIDR
  • scroll down, click on Additional configurations and set the Loopback subnets > CIDR to , then just click Next in the UI

Expected result:

  • The leaf and spine devices are discovered and each device is associated with the Edge-Routed architecture roles
  • Spines1/2 should have role: null (aka Lean Spine) and Route-Reflector
  • Leafs1/2/3 should have the role: ERB-UCAST-Gateway

Task 1.2 Verify the iBGP peering is established between all the leafs and spines route reflectors

  • Using the "show bgp summary” command make sure all leafs have a total of four BGP peerings - two for underlay and two for overlay

Expected results:

  • four BGP peerings are in the Established state - two for the underlay and two for the overlay

Task 1.3 Enable the Virtual-Network1-2 used for BMS-1 and BMS-2 communication

  • Go to the Overlay EM 5.1 dashboard and enable new Virtual-Network used for BMS1 and BMS2 in the subnet range

Expected result: The new Virtual-Network is created but not yet pushed to the leaf devices

Ask yourself: why the virtual-network is not pushed to the leaf devices in this case ?

Task 1.4 Create two VPG-1 and VPG-2 ports: one for BMS1 at leaf1 and one for BMS2 at leaf2 - use the interfaces from the topology diagram

  • Go to the Overlay -> Virtual-Port-Group option of the EM dashboard and create two VPG ports associated with the virtual-network created in the previous task

Expected result: The virtual-network VLAN and IRB configuration is pushed to the leaf1 and leaf2. BMS1 can ping BMS2 and EVPN based MAC@ learning is taking place

Ask yourself:

  • did you have to enable any VNI or VLAN ?
  • are the new virtual-network configurations enabled on all leafs or just selected leafs ?

Task 1.5 Create a new Virtual-network for BMS3

  • Go to the Overlay EM 5.1 dashboard and enable new Virtual-Network used for BMS3 in the range

Expected result: The new Virtual-Network is not yet pushed to the leaf devices but is successfuly created in the contrail config API

Task 1.6 Create third VPG-3 ports for BMS3 at leaf3

  • Go to the Overlay -> Virtual-Port-Group option of the EM dashboard and create two VPG ports associated with the virtual-network created for BMS3 in the previous task

Expected result: The virtual-network VLAN and IRB configuration is pushed to the leaf3 only BMS3 cannot ping the BMS1 and BMS2

Task 1.7 Create a VPG-4 which will be ready to connect in the future the BMS-4 connected to leaf1 xe-0/0/7 and leaf2 xe-0/0/7

  • Go to the Overlay -> Virtual-Port-Group option of the EM dashboard and create two VPG ports associated with the same virtual-network as used by BMS-1 and BMS-2

Expected result: interfae xe-0/0/7 on leaf1 and leaf2 should be part of a new ESI-LAG, ESI and LACP system-id values of the new ESI-LAG should be allocated automatically by the Fabric Manager

Task 1.8 Create a new Logical-Router in order to communicate between the BMS1/2 and BMS3 - integrate the BMS1 and BMS3 virtual-networks under the same logical-router

  • Go to the Overlay -> Logical Router dashboard option and create a new Logical Router name that associates the two Virtual-Networks enabled in previous tasks
  • Specify at which leaf devices the logical router (T5 instance) should be enabled Note: before enabling the logical-routers make sure in the EM 5.1 the vxlan-routing capability is explicitly enabled in the given fabric project

Lab topology-1

Note: the BMS-1/BMS-2 will have to get the static route for BMS-3 subnet and BMS-3 will have to get the static route for BMS-1/2 subnet You can add the routes by going to the BMS-1/2 and BMS-3 console and adding it: route add -net gw on BMS-1 and BMS-2 route add -net gw on BMS-3

Expected result:

  • BMS3 is able to ping BMS1/2
  • T5 instance is pushed dynamically to BMS1/2/3 when new LR is created in contrail EM

Task 1.9 Ensure the CSN is onboarded using server5 and services it offers are fully functional

  • ensure the DHCP daemon is running at the CSN server
  • check what other service are running on that server Ask yourself:
  • what's the purpose of that server ?
  • if we were deploying only the BMSes in the fabric do you still need CSN services ?

Task 1.10 Check the servers server3 and server4 from the topology are onboarded as compute-nodes (aka vrouters)

  • server4 attached to leaf1 and server3 attached to leaf2 are successfully onboarded already so in this task we have to verify the IP full reachability from hypervisor point of view via the fabric underlay is delivered

Expected result:

  • you can ping from these servers their default gateway
  • ping between server3 and server4
  • ping from server3/server4 to the CSN server works as well using the in-band network

Task 1.11 Using a Cirros linux image enable two VMs in the same virtual-network as BMS-1 and BM-2

Note: before enabing the VMs ensure the local compute-node /etc/hosts file is updated with the IP in-band and hostname Here's the example of adding the in-band IP@ at the server3 shell server3 server3 is added manually You'll have to make the same changes for server4 and CSN server5 Here's the example of the change to be done at the server3 - first check the local IP@ of the in-band fabric interface and add it to /etc/hosts file

[root@server3 ~]# vi /etc/hosts   localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4 server1.local server1
::1         localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6 server4.local server4 server5.local server5 server2.local server2 server3.local server3 server3 server3
[root@server3 ~]# cd /etc/contrail/vrouter
[root@server3 ~]# docker-compose down
[root@server3 ~]# docker-compose up -d

Repeat the same for the server4 by adding on server4 the local IP@ and server4 name

  • VM-1 and VM-2 should be enabled in the already existing virtual-network dedicated to BMS-1 and BMS-2
  • upload the cirros image. Using the contrail EM dashboard go to workloads > images and upload the Cirros tiny linux you can first download to your laptop

Note: In a CirrOS based VM default login is cirros and the password is gocubsgo


  • the VM created may need a static arp entry for the BMS due to the vqfx limitation where tunneled arp messages sometimes use vni 0
  • make sure the BMSes from the lab are not using as the last octet the IP@ .1 or .2 as these are reserved IP@ - change it to an unused IP@ from the given subnet at the BMS when needed

arp -s 2c:c2:60:63:51:e4 arp -an

[root@server4 ~]# route -n | grep 169     U     1002   0        0 ens3 UH    0      0        0 vhost0 UH    0      0        0 vhost0
[root@server4 ~]#
[root@server4 ~]# ssh cirros@
cirros@'s password: 

Expected result:

  • BMS1 can ping the VM-2
  • BMS-2 can ping VM-1

Task 1.12 Create a VM-3 an associate it with the existing virtual-network, created already for the BMS-3

Expected result:

  • VM-3 can ping the BMS-3
  • VM-3 can ping BMS-1

Ask yourself:

  • how does the VM-3 routing to BMS-1 takes place ?
  • which part of the routing is at the vrouter and which at the qfx leaf device ?

Implementation details:

  • The fabric discovery network:

  • Overlay iBGP ASN number: 64512

  • Loopbacks:

  • BMS1 and BMS2 virtual network IP@ range: subnet mask /24

  • BMS3 virtual network IP@ range: subnet mask /24

  • BMS4 virtual network IP@ range: subnet mask /24

  • use the fabric, virtual-network, VPG and LR names that are significant for you as the fabric administrator

Solution guide for EVPN/VXLAN lab


EVPN-VXLAN - fabric management hands-on lab






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