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@dfalbel dfalbel released this 07 Oct 11:33

Breaking changes

  • nn_sequential is now a bare nn_module, allowing to easily inherit from it. This is a breaking change if you used the name argument. The name behavior can be achieved by subclassing; see the tests in the PR. (#699)

New features

  • Additional info is showed when printing tensors like if it requires grad and the grad fn. (#668, #669, #673, @mohamed-180)
  • We can now subset nn_sequential modules using [. (#678, @mohamed-180)
  • We now allow padding='same' and padding='valid' when using convolutions. (#679)
  • nnf_cross_entropy now uses the ATen cross_entropy operation directly instead of doing logsoftmax + NLLLoss. (#680)
  • Inherited classes are now persisted by subclasses. This is specially useful if you subclass nn_sequential and still want that the specific S3 methods still work. (#701)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug when indexing with numeric vectors. (#693, @mohamed-180)
  • Fixed bug when indexing tensors with ellipsis and a tensor. (#696)


  • Improved optimizer documentation by adding a 'Warning' regarding the creation and usage order. (#698)