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Get stock/fund quotes from various sources.




quotes is a command line utility that retrieves stock/fund quotes from various sources.

The stock/fund securities are identified by their International Securities Identification Number (ISIN). Cryptocurrencies are identified by their currency code.

Each quote request is retrieved concurrently from all the sources available for that stock/fund. For each isin, the first success request is returned, and the remaining requests are cancelled.

See sources command for a list of the available sources.

The number of workers of each source represents the number of concurrent requests that can be executed for that specific source.

A configuration file, not mandatory, can be used to save the parameters and fine tuning the retrieve of the quotes.


  quotes <command> [options]

Available Commands:
  get (g)        Get the quotes of the specified isins
  server (se)    Start an http server to show json files
  sources (so)   Show available sources
  tor (t)        Check if Tor network will be used
  version (v)    Version information      

  -h, --help     Help informations

get command

Get the quotes of the specified isins from the sources. If source options are not specified, all the available sources for the isin are used.

See sources command for a list of the available sources.

  quotes get [flags]

  -c, --config      path     config file
      --config-type string   used if config file does not have the extension in the name;
                             accepted values are: YAML, TOML and JSON 
  -d, --database    dns      sqlite3 database used to save the quotes
  -f, --force       bool     overwrite already existing output file
  -i, --isins       strings  list of isins to get the quotes
  -m, --mode        char     result mode (default "A"): 
                                "1" first success or last error
                                "U" all errors until first success 
                                "A" all 
  -n, --dry-run              perform a trial run with no request/updates made
  -o, --output      path     pathname of the output file (default stdout)
  -p, --proxy       url      default proxy
  -s, --sources     strings  list of sources to get the quotes from
  -w, --workers     int      number of workers (default 1)


quote get -i isin1,isin2 -s sourceA/4,sourceB, -s sourceC --workers 2

It retrieves the quotes of 2 isins from 3 sources: A with 4 workers, B and C with 2 workers each.

server command

Start an http server to view a page with graphs based upon the json files created with the get command.

    quotes server [options]

    -a, --address    string   server address and port (default ":6789")
    -f, --folder     path     folder containing the json files (default ".")
    -r, --recursive  bool     search recursively all the json files of the
                              sub-folders (default false)


$ quotes server --folder ./demo
server listening to :6789

View the json files of the ./demo folder.

sources command

Show available sources.


$ quote sources
cryptonatorcom-EUR, fondidocit, fundsquarenet, morningstarit

tor command

Checks if the quotes are retrieved through the Tor network.

To use the Tor network the proxy can be defined through:

  1. --proxy or -p argument parameter
  2. proxy config file parameter
  3. HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY and NOPROXY enviroment variables.

version command

Prints version informations. With -b or --build-options flag also print build options.

Configuration file

The configuration file path can be specified by:

  1. command-line flag -c or --config
  2. environment variable QUOTES_CONFIG
  3. default paths:
    • $HOME/.quotes.ext
    • $HOME/.quotes/config.ext
    • $HOME/.quotes/quotes.ext

The configuration can be written in toml, yaml or json format. The format can be:

  1. specified by the --config-type command-line flag;
  2. specified bythe QUOTES_CONFIG_TYPE environment variable;
  3. guessed by the config file extension.


param type description
database string path of the sqlite3 database where the quotes are saved. If setted, the database is created if not exists.
workers int Default number of workers. Used if param workers is missing for sources without specific workers value.
proxy string Default proxy. Used if param proxy is missing for sources without specific proxy value.
proxies array List of proxies to be used. See below for proxy fields.
isins array List of isins to be retrieved. See below for isin fields.
sources array List of sources. See below for source fields.


List of proxies to be used.

param type description
proxy string Mandatory name of the proxy.
url string URL of the proxy.


List of isins to be retrieved.

param type description
isin string Mandatory ID of the fund/stock.
name string Name of the fund/stock. Only for documentation porpouses; it's not used in the retrieval of the quote.
sources array List of the sources to be used to get the quote of the isin. If missing, all the (enabled) available sources are used.
disabled bool If disabled, the isin is not retrieved.

In case --isin argument is setted in the command line:

  • only the isins passed in the command line are retrieved, even if they don't exists or are disabled in the config file;
  • if the sources param is setted in the config file for an isin passed as an argument, only those sources are used (if not disabled) to retrieve the quote, even if the isin is disabled in the config file.


List of sources in the configuration files.

The complete list of available sources can be getted with quote sources.

Each source configuration section can have the following fields:

param type description
source string Mandatory name of the source.
workers int Number of workers.
proxy string Proxy url or proxy name to be used.
disabled bool If disabled, the source is not used.

In case --source argument is passed in the command line:

  • only the sources passed in the command line are used, even if they don't exists or are disabled in the config file;


Configuration file in yaml format.

database: /home/user/quote.sqlite3

workers: 2

proxy: tor

  - proxy: tor
    url: socks5://
  - proxy: none

  - isin: BTC
    name: Bitcoin
    sources: [crypto1]

  - isin: ETH
    name: Ethereum
    sources: [crypto1]

  - isin: LU0000000001
    name: Global Fund USD 2020
    sources: [source1, source2, source3]

  - isin: LU0000000002
    name: China Dynamic Fund Acc EUR 
    sources: [source1, source2, source3]

  - isin: EU0000000003
    name: Growth Europe EUR III
    sources: [source1, source2, source3]
    disabled: true

  - source: crypto1
    proxy: none
    workers: 1

  - source: source1
    workers: 3

  - source: source3
    disabled: true