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Yii2 Babel Fish

The Yii2 Babelfish symbiote is a portal to edit and update translations.

Key Features

  • Uses it's own database for RBAC and user identities that can be shared across multiple instances of babelfish, allowing for easy translator management for several applications in one spot.
  • Properly escapes tags and special syntax so the tranlator doesn't need to know how to do so.
  • Uses AdminLTE and Redactor for an intuitive user experience
  • Intended to be used with Yii2 Advanced Template


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

php composer.phar require --prefer-dist mmelcor/yii2-babelfish "*"

or add

"mmelcor/yii2-babelfish": "*"

to the require section of your composer.json file.


Once the extension is installed :

Dependency Configuration

Follow configuration for oorrwullie\yii2-babelfishfood. Once this has been completed continue configuring the remaining dependencies:

Filesystem Configuration Configure your file system component. This package comes with creocoder\flysystem\AwsS3FileSystem by default as that is what we use. You may use any of those supported by trntv/yii2-file-kit. Place the following in the common/config/main.php file, or similar depending on your file system.

'components' => [
	'awss3Fs' => [
		'class' => 'creocoder\flysystem\AwsS3Filesystem',
		'key' => '[AWS key]',
		'secret' => '[AWS Secret]',
		'region' => '[region]',
		'bucket' => '[bucket name]',
		'prefix' => '[prefix folder path]',
		'baseUrl' => '[S3 base url path]'

for additional information or options checkout creocoder\Flysystem. Feel free to use any of the other file system options they support.

Configure babelFileStorage place the following also in common/config/main.php. The file storage step is required to follow the file system set up as it uses the file system as the route for storing the uploaded files. File storage is required to support the uploading of users' avatars, and potential future features.

'components' => [
	'babelFileStorage' => [ //this must be the component name, as it is being used in the module.
		'class' => 'trntv\filekit\Storage',
		'filesystemComponent' => 'awss3Fs', //or whichever file system you are using.
		'baseUrl' => '[Your base url path]'

If you have trouble see trntv/yii2-file-kit documentation.

Module Configuration

  1. Create a new database to house babelfish specific RBAC and Users.

  2. Add babelfishDb to common/config/main-local.php. This component must be named babelfishDb as that is the component the module will be looking for.

    'components' => [
    	'. . .',
    	'babelfishDb' => [
    		'class' => 'yii\db\Connection',
    		'dsn' => 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=[database name],
    		'username' => '[username]',
    		'password' => '[password]',
    		'charset' => 'utf8',
  3. Config Init module by setting up the Module and bootstrapping it in console/config/main.php. This module will be used to install database migrations and setup the initial super user for the module. Example setup:

        'bootstrap' => ['log', 'babelfish-init'],
    	'modules' => [
    		'babelfish-init' => 'mmelcor\babelfish\Init',
  4. Config babelfish module in frontend/config/main.php by placing the following in the modules section:

    'modules' => [
    	'babel' => [
    		'class' => 'mmelcor\babelfish\Module',
    		'cookieValidationKey' => '[CSRF Key]', //you will need to generate a unique validation key.

Run console commands

Once the configuration has been completed next run the following console commands:

  1. ./yii babelfish-init This creates the RBAC tables and users table in the babelfish users.

  2. ./yii babelfish-init/load-rbac This will load the RBAC roles and rules into the database.

  3. ./yii babelfish-init/signup This will create the initial super user for administration.

Add Translation Hooks

Add the following babelfish necessary translation hooks to the common/config/main.php i18n section:

'i18n' => [
	'translations' => [
		'. . .',
		'base*' => [
			'class' => 'yii\i18n\GettextMessageSource',
			'useMoFile' => false,
			'basePath' => '@common/messages',
		'babelfish*' => [
			'class' => 'yii\i18n\GettextMessageSource',
			'useMoFile' => false,
			'basePath' => '@common/messages',


Once this has all been completed you should be able to navigate to If everything has been installed and configured correctly you should see the following screen:

babelfish login screenshot