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Permalink, major rewrite, cleanup
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- group tool commands into classes
- add docstrings to command classes and methods
- annotate command method args
- generate call signatures + help and usage screens on the fly

- API changes:
  - listaddresses,twview: new 'age_fmt' option replaces 'show_days' and 'show_age'
  - addrfile_chksum and friends: 'mmtype' option removed

-, and have been updated accordingly
  • Loading branch information
mmgen committed Feb 22, 2019
1 parent 26ba8ba commit 729a547
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Showing 11 changed files with 890 additions and 661 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions mmgen/
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Expand Up @@ -22,6 +22,8 @@

# 1: no hl, message only
class UserNonConfirmation(Exception): mmcode = 1
class BadAgeFormat(Exception): mmcode = 1
class BadFilename(Exception): mmcode = 1

# 2: yellow hl, message only
class UnrecognizedTokenSymbol(Exception): mmcode = 2
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion mmgen/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ def die(ev=0,s=''):
keywords = 'Bitcoin, BTC, cryptocurrency, wallet, cold storage, offline, online, spending, open-source, command-line, Python, Linux, Bitcoin Core, bitcoind, hd, deterministic, hierarchical, secure, anonymous, Electrum, seed, mnemonic, brainwallet, Scrypt, utility, script, scriptable, blockchain, raw, transaction, permissionless, console, terminal, curses, ansi, color, tmux, remote, client, daemon, RPC, json, entropy, xterm, rxvt, PowerShell, MSYS, MinGW, mswin, Armbian, Raspbian, Raspberry Pi, Orange Pi, BCash, BCH, Litecoin, LTC, altcoin, ZEC, Zcash, DASH, Dashpay, ETH, Ethereum, Classic, SHA256Compress, XMR, Monero, monerod, EMC, Emercoin, ERC20, token, deploy, contract, gas, fee, smart contract, solidity, Parity, testnet, devmode, Kovan'
max_int = 0xffffffff

stdin_tty = bool(sys.stdin.isatty() or os.getenv('MMGEN_TEST_SUITE'))
stdin_tty = bool(sys.stdin.isatty() or os.getenv('MMGEN_TEST_SUITE_POPEN_SPAWN'))
stdout_fileno = sys.stdout.fileno()
stderr_fileno = sys.stderr.fileno()

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139 changes: 38 additions & 101 deletions mmgen/
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from mmgen.common import *

stdin_msg = """
To force a command to read from STDIN in place of its first argument (for
supported commands), use '-' as the first argument.

cmd_help = """
Cryptocoin address/key operations (compressed public keys supported):
addr2hexaddr - convert coin address from base58 to hex format
hex2wif - convert a private key from hex to WIF format (use '--type=zcash_z' for zcash-z key)
pubhash2addr - convert public key hash to address
privhex2addr - generate coin address from private key in hex format
privhex2pubhex - generate a hex public key from a hex private key
pubhex2addr - convert a hex pubkey to an address
pubhex2redeem_script - convert a hex pubkey to a Segwit P2SH-P2WPKH redeem script
wif2redeem_script - convert a WIF private key to a Segwit P2SH-P2WPKH redeem script
wif2segwit_pair - generate both a Segwit P2SH-P2WPKH redeem script and address from WIF
pubkey2addr - convert coin public key to address
randpair - generate a random private key/address pair
randwif - generate a random private key in WIF format
wif2addr - generate a coin address from a key in WIF format
wif2hex - convert a private key from WIF to hex format
Wallet/TX operations (coin daemon must be running):
gen_addr - generate a single MMGen address from default or specified wallet
gen_key - generate a single MMGen WIF key from default or specified wallet
getbalance - like '{pn}-cli getbalance' but shows confirmed/unconfirmed,
spendable/unspendable balances for individual {pnm} wallets
listaddress - list the specified {pnm} address and its balance
listaddresses - list {pnm} addresses and their balances
txview - show raw/signed {pnm} transaction in human-readable form
twview - view tracking wallet
keyaddrlist2monerowallets - create Monero wallets from key-address list
syncmonerowallets - sync Monero wallets from key-address list
General utilities:
hexdump - encode data into formatted hexadecimal form (file or stdin)
unhexdump - decode formatted hexadecimal data (file or stdin)
bytespec - convert a byte specifier such as '1GB' into an integer
hexlify - display string in hexadecimal format
hexreverse - reverse bytes of a hexadecimal string
rand2file - write 'n' bytes of random data to specified file
randhex - print 'n' bytes (default 32) of random data in hex format
hash256 - compute sha256(sha256(data)) (double sha256)
hash160 - compute ripemd160(sha256(data)) (converts hexpubkey to hexaddr)
b58randenc - generate a random 32-byte number and convert it to base 58
b58tostr - convert a base 58 number to a string
strtob58 - convert a string to base 58
b58tohex - convert a base 58 number to hexadecimal
b58chktohex - convert a base58-check encoded number to hexadecimal
hextob58 - convert a hexadecimal number to base 58
hextob58chk - convert a hexadecimal number to base58-check encoding
b32tohex - convert a base 32 number to hexadecimal
hextob32 - convert a hexadecimal number to base 32
File encryption:
encrypt - encrypt a file
decrypt - decrypt a file
{pnm} encryption suite:
* Key: Scrypt (user-configurable hash parameters, 32-byte salt)
* Enc: AES256_CTR, 16-byte rand IV, sha256 hash + 32-byte nonce + data
* The encrypted file is indistinguishable from random data
{pnm}-specific operations:
remove_address - remove an address from tracking wallet
add_label - add descriptive label for {pnm} address in tracking wallet
remove_label - remove descriptive label for {pnm} address in tracking wallet
addrfile_chksum - compute checksum for {pnm} address file
keyaddrfile_chksum - compute checksum for {pnm} key-address file
passwdfile_chksum - compute checksum for {pnm} password file
find_incog_data - Use an Incog ID to find hidden incognito wallet data
id6 - generate 6-character {pnm} ID for a file (or stdin)
id8 - generate 8-character {pnm} ID for a file (or stdin)
str2id6 - generate 6-character {pnm} ID for a string, ignoring spaces
Mnemonic operations (choose 'electrum' (default), 'tirosh' or 'all'
mn_rand128 - generate random 128-bit mnemonic
mn_rand192 - generate random 192-bit mnemonic
mn_rand256 - generate random 256-bit mnemonic
mn_stats - show stats for mnemonic wordlist
mn_printlist - print mnemonic wordlist
hex2mn - convert a 16, 24 or 32-byte number in hex format to a mnemonic
mn2hex - convert a 12, 18 or 24-word mnemonic to a number in hex format
IMPORTANT NOTE: Though {pnm} mnemonics use the Electrum wordlist, they're
computed using a different algorithm and are NOT Electrum-compatible!
def make_cmd_help():
import mmgen.tool
out = []
for bc in mmgen.tool.MMGenToolCmd.__bases__:
cls_doc = bc.__doc__.strip().split('\n')
for l in cls_doc:
if l is cls_doc[0]: l += ':'
l = l.replace('\t','',1)
if l:
l = l.replace('\t',' ')
out.append(l[0].upper() + l[1:])

cls_funcs = bc.user_commands()
max_w = max(map(len,cls_funcs))
fs = ' {{:{}}} - {{}}'.format(max_w)
for func in cls_funcs:
m = getattr(bc,func)
if m.__doc__:
pretty_format( m.__doc__.strip().replace('\n\t\t',' '),
pfx=' '*(max_w+5)).lstrip()

return '\n'.join(out)

opts_data = lambda: {
'desc': 'Perform various {pnm}- and cryptocoin-related operations'.format(pnm=g.proj_name),
Expand All @@ -125,20 +64,17 @@
-q, --quiet Produce quieter output
-r, --usr-randchars=n Get 'n' characters of additional randomness from
user (min={g.min_urandchars}, max={g.max_urandchars})
-t, --type=t Specify address type (valid options: 'compressed','segwit','bech32','zcash_z')
-t, --type=t Specify address type (valid options: 'legacy',
'compressed', 'segwit', 'bech32', 'zcash_z')
-v, --verbose Produce more verbose output
'notes': """
Type '{pn} help <command> for help on a particular command
""".format( pn=g.prog_name,
sm='\n '.join(stdin_msg.split('\n')))
Type '{pn} help <command>' for help on a particular command

cmd_args = opts.init(opts_data,add_opts=['hidden_incog_input_params','in_fmt','use_old_ed25519'])
Expand All @@ -149,13 +85,14 @@
import mmgen.tool as tool
tc = tool.MMGenToolCmd()

if cmd == 'help' and not cmd_args:
if cmd in ('help','usage') and cmd_args:
cmd_args[0] = 'command_name=' + cmd_args[0]

if cmd not in dir(tc):
die(1,"'{}': no such command".format(cmd))

args,kwargs = tool._process_args(cmd,cmd_args)

ret = getattr(tc,cmd)(*args,**kwargs)

tool._print_result(ret,'pager' in kwargs and kwargs['pager'])
tool._process_result(ret,to_screen=True,pager='pager' in kwargs and kwargs['pager'])

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