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Tool for generating GitHub releases after publishing a module.


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Tool for generating GitHub releases after publishing a module.

Generates a summary of the commits and changes between the given tag and the previously released tag. The previously released tag will always be the tag with the next lesser semantic version, i.e. all tags will be sorted, then a diff will be computed between the given tag and the tag immediately behind it.


npm install --save-dev create-github-release


create-github-release [--config=<configPath>] [--preview=true] [--overwrite=true] <tag1> [<tag2>...]

The CLI tool requires you to define a configuration file in your repository. By default, it will look for a file in your repository root called github-release.config.js.

You may also specify a different path by using the --config option.

If you provide the --preview=true option, the release notes will be echoed to stdout instead of saved.

If you provide the --overwrite=true option, it is equivalent to setting overwrite to true (see Configuration).


The configuration file must export an object, which can have the following properties:

Property Type Description Default
authenticateOptions object An object defining the authentication method. See methods Required
owner string The GitHub username or organization name that owns the repository. Required
repo string The name of the repository. Required
template string The path to a Mustache template that will be used to generate the release notes. DEFAULT_TEMPLATE
templateProps object Additional data to pass to the template renderer. {}
render function A function to manually render the release notes, instead of using Mustache. Mustache.render
showDiff function A function that accepts a file object and determines whether the diff should be rendered in the template. () => true
apiOptions object Additional options to provide the node-github constructor. {}
overwrite boolean If true, will overwrite existing GitHub release notes, if any. By default, the script fails if notes already exist. false


// github-release.config.js
module.exports = {
  authenticateOptions: {
    type: 'oauth',
    token: 'b5ef45e4a2c245a5a4243b2882034a9f',
  owner: 'mmiller42',
  repo: 'html-webpack-externals-plugin',
  showDiff: file => file.filename !== 'package-lock.json',
$(npm bin)/create-github-release v1.2.3


You can also use create-github-release programmatically by importing it into your application.


This module exports a function which accepts all the same arguments as the configuration file detailed above, in addition to the tag and preview properties:

Property Type Description Default
tag string The tag to release. Required
preview boolean If true, resolves with the release notes and does not publish them. false


import createRelease from 'create-github-release'

  authenticateOptions: {
    type: 'oauth',
    token: 'b5ef45e4a2c245a5a4243b2882034a9f',
  owner: 'mmiller42',
  repo: 'html-webpack-externals-plugin',
  tag: 'v1.2.3',
  showDiff: file => file.filename !== 'package-lock.json',
  .then(url => console.log(url))
  .catch(err => console.error(err))