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Introduction to Programming with Python Microsoft Virtual Academy Christopher Harrison Susan Ibach 12 hours

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Are you brand new to coding? Want to see how fun and easy it can be? Watch engaging experts Susan Ibach and Christopher Harrison for an entertaining introduction to programming with Python. Susan and Christopher offer a step-by-step walk-through, from a basic idea to translating that idea into code, and everything in between.

Don't worry about making mistakes! Python uses simple syntax, has an easy learning curve, and is a very forgiving language. Gain a new skill or complete a task by the end of each module, and, by the end of the course, you will be programming in Python! You also learn basic principles which can make it easier for you to learn other programming languages in the future. Don't miss this opportunity to go beyond the if statement!

Instructor Susan Ibach - Microsoft Canada Technical Evangelist Christopher Harrison - Microsoft Content Development Manager

Getting Started Explore applications of Python language, and create a "Hello world" application for Python in Visual Studio, as you learn the benefits of knowing Python. Get help setting up your computer, so you can start coding.

Displaying Text Get an introduction to the print statement, comments, and basic formatting, so you can display and format text to a user.

String Variables Learn about the input statement, string variables, and manipulate strings, so you can prompt a user for input, store values in a string, and use string functions to manipulate string values.

Storing Numbers Hear an introduction to numeric datatypes and variables, how to do math operations, and datatype conversions. Learn to store numeric values and perform math operations.

Working with Dates and Times Get the details on date variable storage and issues, along with date functions and formatting, so you can store and manipulate date values.

Making Decisions with Code Hear an introduction to basic if/else statements and Boolean variables, so you can write code that reacts differently to different user inputs.

Complex Decisions with Code Explore and/or statements, nested if statements, and elif, so you can write code that reacts differently to more complex user inputs.

Repeating Events Take a look at for loops and nested for loops, so you can write programming in Python that repeats a fixed number of times.

Repeating Events Until Done Play with while loops, and learn when to use for versus while loops, so you can write code that repeats as often as needed.

Remembering Lists Get the details on arrays and lists, so you can store multiple values.

How to Save Information in Files Hear about functions for creating and writing to files, so you can write code that saves information in a file and remember it later.

Reading from Files Explore functions for reading from files, so you can read information that was saved in a file.

Functions Learn about the syntax for declaring functions and how to call functions from your code, so you can use functions to avoid retyping the same code over and over.

Handling Errors Get the details on syntax for error handling, so you can write code that can handle common error situations without crashing.


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