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Angular 2 HTTP Utilities

This is the home of angular2 http, a collection of utility classes for http related services. All of these services are collected from different open source projects

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Getting started

npm install @angular-util/http --save

HttpService class

HttpService is a wrapper around angular's Http with same API as Http. HttpService provides options to intercept request, response and response error. This class is directly lifted from

To add a desired interceptor, it needs to implement the [HttpInterceptor] interface.

export interface HttpInterceptor {
  onRequest?: (requestOptions: RequestOptionsArgs) => RequestOptionsArgs;
  onResponse?: (response: Response) => Response;
  onResponseError?: (error: Response) => Response;

Every method is optional, so you can just implement the ones that are needed.


import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { HttpInterceptor } from '@covalent/http';

export class CustomInterceptor implements HttpInterceptor {

  onRequest(requestOptions: RequestOptionsArgs): RequestOptionsArgs {
    ... // do something to requestOptions
    return requestOptions;

  onResponse(response: Response): Response {
    ... // check response status and do something
    return response;

  onResponseError(error: Response): Response {
    ... // check error status and do something
    return error;

Also, you need to bootstrap the interceptor providers

  declarations: [
  imports: [
  exports: [
export class SharedModule {
  static forRoot(): ModuleWithProviders {
    return {
      ngModule: SharedModule,
      providers: [

After that, just inject [HttpService] and use it for your requests.

Resource class

Resource class provides convinient access to your restful backend service. You will need to extend Resource class to create a service to access your backend. All methods return a Observable

@ResourceConfig({url: '/api/users'})
export class UserResource extends Resource<User> {
  constructor(http: HttpService) {

A simple UserResource defined above will give you access to the following methods.

Default methods (available for free)

Result is always converted to JSON by default, so if your backend service returns JSON you don't have to map result to json.


Signature: findOne(@Path('id') id: string|number): Observable<T>

Target URL: GET /api/users/{id}


    res => {
      // Do something with success response
    err => {
      // Do something with error


Signature: save(body: any): Observable<T>

Target URL: POST /api/users

  .subscribe( ... );


Signature: update(id: string|number, body: any): Observable<T>

Target URL: PUT /api/users/{id}


userResource.update(12, someUserObject)
  .subscribe( ... );


Signature: delete(id: string|number): Observable<T>

Target URL: DELETE /api/users/{id}




Signature: update(id: string|number, body: any): Observable<T>

This method can be used for query and search screens

Target URL: GET /api/users


  .subscribe( ... );

Adding extension methods

The code below shows how to extend UserResource with a new method to query roles for a user

@ResourceConfig({url: '/api/users'})
export class UserResource extends Resource<User> {
  constructor(http: HttpService) {

  findRoles(@Path('id') id:number): Observable<List<Role>>> {
    return null; // Return null as actual return is handled by @GET decorator


Now you can use this new method as

    .subscribe( ... );

Decorators on extension method

Decorator type Decorator Description Usage
Request Method @GET(url?: string) This decorator is used for indicating HTTP request method to be used for http request. The url parameter to this decorator is added to base url parameter (specified by @ResourceConfig)
findRoles(@Path('id') id:number): Observable>> {
  return null; // Return null as actual return is handled by @GET decorator
@POST(url?: string)
@PUT(url?: string)
@DELETE(url?: string)
Method Parameter @Path(key: string|number) Used for replacing a URL path placeholder with the method parameter value In this example url path placeholder {id} will be replaced with values of paramater to method call
findRoles(@Path('id') id:number): Observable>> {
  return null;
@Query Used for replacing a URL path placeholder with the method parameter value In this example each key of objects pageRequest and searchParams will be added to the URL as parameters.
find(@Query pageRequest?: PageRequest, @Query searchParams?: any): Observable> {
  return null;
@Body The indicated parameter will be sent as body of the request In this example roles object will be stringified and sent and body of the http request.
addRoles(@Body roles: any): Observable {
  return null;
@Header The indicated parameter will be sent as header of the request In this example a request header secretKey with value as key will be sent with the http request.
activate(@Header('secretKey') key: string): Observable {
  return null;


Angular2 HTTP Utilities







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