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QualityCrowd 2.1

Cloning submodules

This repository contains links to external git repositories that are not dowloaded by default with clone command. You need to run the following commands to get the extertals:

git submodule init
git submodule update

More info here.

Instructions to run in Docker

To deploy QualiyCrowd in a Docker container run the following command in the repository root directory:

sudo docker run -d -i -t --name qc2_srv \
	-p "" -v ${PWD}:/app \

You can attach to the container terminal by using the following command:

sudo docker exec -it -w /app qc2_srv bash

HINT: Use GNU screen to run the command above if you plan to detach from the console and keep a script running.

Default password

Default user and password can be found in:


QualityCrowd 2

Video quality assessment with subjective testing is both time consuming and expensive. An interesting new approach to traditional testing is the so-called crowdsourcing, moving the testing effort into the internet. We therefore propose in this contribution the QualityCrowd framework to effortlessly perform subjective quality assessment with crowdsourcing. QualityCrowd allows codec independent quality assessment with a simple web interface, usable with common web browsers.

QualityCrowd 2 differs in many points from the previous QualityCrowd software. Instead of providing a web interface for designing and defining a test batch, QualityCrowd 2 introduces a text based definition of tests. Quality tests are now defined through little QualiyCrowd-Scripts (short: QC-Scripts). The QC-Scripting language is easy to learn and gives the the operator even more control over his test than before.

In addition QualityCrowd 2 does no longer require a databse and the complete rewrite of all source code allows much more flexibility and a much easier extensibility.

To keep it simple all the connections to services like Mechanical Turk, Crowdflower and Amazon S3 have been removed. Instead a system of worker ids and tokens is used:

  • the worker browses a URL constructed like this:


  • after finishing the task the worker is told a token which he can use to prove that he has completed this task

This method is quite common on platforms like and can also equally be used on e.g. Mechanical Turk.


  • HTTP server, perferably Apache httpd
  • PHP, recommended >= 5.2

Qualitycrowd 2 has been developed and tested with Apache httpd 2.2.14 and PHP 5.3.1 under a UNIX-style OS. Windows compatibility has been tested quickly but has not the highest priority.


  1. Place all files in a directory inside your webservers document root.
  2. Make sure the webserver user has write permissions in this directory.
  3. Browse to .../setup/ with your web browser.
  4. If any errors are displayed fix them and refresh the .../setup/.
  5. You may want to change the $securitySalt variable to a random string of your choice in /core/config.php and set a secure admin password in the same file.
  6. Done. You can access the admin interface by browsing to the install directory and entering your password.


If you use QualityCrowd 2 for your research project, please cite the following paper in your publication:

C. Keimel, J. Habigt, C. Horch, and K. Diepold, "QualityCrowd -
A Framework for Crowd-based Quality Evaluation," in Picture Coding
Symposium 2012 (PCS 2012), May 2012, pp. 245-248

For the full license see the LICENSE file.