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=== WooCommerce Product Feed Export : Google, Bing, eBay, Amazon, Facebook and more ===
Contributors: PurpleTurtlePro, KH_PDev, roshanbh
Donate link:
Tags: WooCommerce export, getshopped export, wp-e-commerce export, amazon product Ads, amazon product ads export, Google Merchant, Google Merchant Export, export, xml export, Nextag, Google product feed export, Amazon export, amazon seller, amazon seller export, Ammoseek, ammoseek export, Bing! Export, eBay export, eBay Merchant, Google Adwords, Houzz export,  google merchant product feed, amazon seller export, shopzilla export, shopify export, houzz export, beslist export, export csv, export xml, export tab, woocommerce variations, variations export, product variations, godatafeed, shareasale,,,,, rakuten, pricefalls, pricegrabber, Create WooCommerce Product Feed easily, Generate WooCommerce Product Feed, Send Product Feeds to Amazon, Send Product Feeds to Google, Send Product Feeds to eBay, Sell on Amazon, Sell on eBay, Sell on Etsy, Feeds for Variable Products, product feed management, Product feed plugin for WooCommerce, Product feed from WordPress, Send product feeds to Google, Send Product Feed to Amazon, Send Product Feed to eBay, List products on Google Shopping, List Products on Amazon, List Products on eBay, Create feeds for Variable Products, include variations in feeds, custom product feed, Export product feed to Google Merchant, Export product feed to Amazon, Export product feed to eBay, feeds for merchant sites, feeds for comparison shopping engines, feeds for affiliate marketplaces, Export WordPress variable products, fully documented feed creation plugin, extensive support provided for feed creation, ExportFeed
Requires at least: 3.0.1
Tested up to: 4.8
Stable tag: trunk
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

WooCommerce Product Export & Variations: Google Merchant|Amazon Seller|BesList|Houzz|Bing!|eBay|CSV/XML

== Description ==
ExportFeed for WooCommerce & WP-ECommerce (Getshopped) creates and exports product feed output required by each merchant (over 40 and still increasing) with any product category and all product details including variations for native import.
This is your one-stop solution to create, export and sync product feeds for all the high performing marketplaces, comparison shopping engines and even affiliate platforms.
It incorporates and facilitates you with the product feed templates for Google Merchant Center, Amazon Seller Central, Amazon Shopper, Shopzilla, eBay Merchant, NexTag for variable & non-variable products so you can export WooCommerce products easily. 
With this product feed solution, you will not just save your time for feed creation and get rid of the technical hassles of products listings but you will automate your product feed management process along with optimizing product feeds for better sales performance. How?

  <li>Schedule a time to <strong> automatically sync your product feeds </strong> and keep listing accurate. </li>
  <li>Set a time to <strong>request merchants for feed update</strong> (Google Shopping and Miinto).</li>
  <li><strong>Include product variations in feeds you create with their own stock levels.</strong></li>
  <li>Use advanced commands to <strong>optimize your product feeds</strong> while creating or exporting.</li>
  <li>Map <strong>local product categories to merchant categories</strong> while creating feed for export.</li>
  <li>Use our cloud server for your feed operations, while creating and exporting to <strong>reduce your server load.</strong></li>
  <li><strong>Remove the chances of feed specifications errors </strong> by matching merchants’ feed import requirements.</li>
  <li>Connect your WooCommerce or WP-ECommerce shop to <strong>Comparison Shopping Engines, Affiliate platforms and other 40+ Marketplaces</strong> like Google Shopping, Amazon MWS, eBay, Etsy, Affiliate Window.</li>

**---- WooCommerce Variations are FULLY Supported! ----**

[youtube /]

**---- The easiest way to create Custom Product Feed for WooCommerce Export ----**


The created feeds are available for export (timed and on-demand) for these merchant providers - and ALWAYS up to date.  The feeds pull from your current product catalogues as you update them - so your merchants are in sync through your feeds and [**never out of date**].

[**Over 40 different Merchants Are Supported! - Full Listing Here**](
  <li>Google Merchant & Google Trusted Store & Google Adwords</li>
  <li>Amazon Seller, Amazon Product Ads</li>
  <li>eBay Merchant</li>
  <li>Facebook Dynamic Ads</li>
  <li>Rakuten & Rakuten UK</li>
  <li>XML & CSV & TXT & Excel Export</li>

>[**Free Version**]( --  Includes all functionality - 50 items each feed
><BR>[**Free 7-Day Trial of the Pro Version**]( --  7 day highly scalable to multiple Feeds & Merchants.  Self-assessment - Please review the qualification questions and the online instructions.
><BR>[**Just Do It!**]( -- PRO Version - HIGHLY SCALABLE FOR FEEDS & MERCHANTS.  Please fill out the qualification questions to help us help you.
><BR>[**READ OUR FAQ**]( -- Or Click on the LiveChat link!
><P>See our other products, including the only: <BR>[**Google Trusted Store!**]( The only two click installation for Google Trusted Stores

ExportFeed tops the performance of other feed operations scripts as with it you can create your custom product feeds. Select products by using filters for SKU, Brand, Category, Keyword and Price is possible only by using ExportFeed. Also, feed configuration is really intuitive with the easy user interface. Just a few clicks and you can map your custom attributes and default merchant attributes.

<h3>Why start using ExportFeed with WooCommerce today?</h3>
<li>ExportFeed tops the performance of other feed management tools as with it you can create custom product feeds matching the product feed specifications. </li>
<li>Select products by using filters for SKU, Brand, Category, Keyword and Price are possible only by using ExportFeed.</li>
<li>Feed configuration and creation is really intuitive with the easy user interface and we provide free personalized demo too if you need.</li>
<li>With just few clicks and you can map your custom attributes and default merchant attributes and even add UTM parameters</li>
<li>You can set rules to change the pricing in the product feeds also which helps in better conversions through your sales channels.</li>
<li>All professional versions come with live chats support, email support, and some of our programs offer full installation, configuration and management offerings.</li>
<li>See our Site for other offerings such as: Joomla VirtueMart Export, Shopify Product Export, OpenCart Export</li>

See our Site for other offerings such as: [**Joomla VirtueMart Export**](, [**Shopify Product Export**](, [**OpenCart Export**](
"The plugin includes some great options to create your own customized feed – for export to other platforms – via XML/CSV or utilizing an existing Merchant feed format and editing to your liking!"

** All products utilize the same core engine, for best performance, scale and more coverage!

<h4>Need a Plugin for Etsy, Amazon & Google ?</h4>
Here are more plugins that helps your business to be more efficient and diverse throughout the global networks.
        <li><a href="" target="_blank">List WooCommerce Product Feed to Amazon Marketplace</a></li>
        <li><a href="" target="_blank">List WooCommerce Product Feed to Amazon Marketplace</a></li>
        <li><a href="" target="_blank">Sync WooCommerce Product feed to Google Shopping</a></li>
        <li><a href="" target="_blank">List WooCommerce Products on Etsy</a></li>

*“The plugin enabled us to very quickly get our products listed in the Google Merchant stores system, no fuss.  We took advantage of their 'Full Monty' program to get things done even quicker! With over a decade in our market - and very high-end products - we do not tolerate any outages, missing products or data that is wrong...”*
**Kevin P.** - Webmaster -

== Installation ==

>[**HOW TO GUIDE**]( |||
>[** ALL FAQS **](
A few quick steps<P>
1) Just download it through this page and upload it to your plugins folder or from your WordPress backend, click on Add New plugin like you would normally add any other plugins.<BR>
2) Select the merchant for which you want to create your WooCommerce product feed.<BR>
3) Now, select the product category that you want to include in the product feed.<BR>
4) If you want to apply filters on the products that you want to export from your WooCommerce, you can apply them now.<BR>
5) Enter any of the Advanced Commands to set rules for your feed creation, export and update processes.<BR>
6) Now click on the Get Feed button and upload the feed as per the merchant’s process.<BR>
Note: You can contact our support at to request for the trial version license key.

<P>Click -View Feed--
This will now redirect to the feed URL you just created - ready for submission!

== Frequently Asked Questions ==
[What Targets does the plugin Support?]( <BR>
[Does the WooCommerce Cart Plugin support product variations?  <BR>](
[Why aren’t my product variations showing?]( <BR>
[How do I speed up exports/Why am I getting timeouts/Exports freezing at xx% always]( <BR>
[Does the plugin integrate with WooThemes Google Product Feed?]( <BR>
[What’s the difference between the Free Version, 7 Day Trial and Commercial?]( <BR>
[How do I exclude products from the feeds?**]( <BR>
[What templates for Amazon Seller are supported?**](  <BR>
[How do I set shipping information for google?**](  <BR>
[My categories aren’t listed, what gives?]( <BR>
[Is there a limit to feed size?]( <BR>
[Is there a limit to how many products can be exported?]( <BR>
[How do I remove duplicates from my product feed?]( <BR>
[How does the Shopping Cart Product Export work?]( <BR>
[Is My Country’s Currency Supported?]( <BR>
[How do I remove the license key for the trial or commercial version?]( <BR>
[Why is my License Key Invalid? Do I need a License?]( <BR>
[How Do I Activate My License Key?]( <BR>
[Why Doesn’t My License Key Work?]( <BR>
[How do I create a default brand in my feed?]( <BR>
[How do I manipulate pricing per feed?]( <BR>
[How do I upgrade to PRO?]( <BR>
[Why is my Attribute List empty?]( <BR>
[Are the Data Feeds updated automatically?]( <BR>
[Nothing happens after I select a Merchant Type]( <BR>
[Why Aren’t My Data Feeds Updating?]( <BR>

== Screenshots ==
1. Select 'Product Feed' from the Admin Menu
2. Select Export Type - More formats coming too!
3. Provide the filters according to your preferences and search product
4. Custom Feed - Choose the filtered products, move to right, give the title for feed and click on 'Get Feed'
5. Feed By Category - Choose merchant's category, local category, specify the feed title and click on 'Get Feed' to generate the feed
6. Manage your feed with feed configuration

== Changelog ==
<h4> 2017/8/28</h4>
  <li>Advanced command bug fixes</li>
  <li>changing error dialogs after creating feeds</li>
  <li>provided necessary merchant guides for uploads</li>

<h4> 2017/7/14</h4>
  <li>License not saving issue fixed</li>

<h4> 2017/7/12</h4>
  <li>Added Marketplaat</li>
  <li>Added Miinto Brands</li>
  <li>Solved: License key verfification failed</li>
  <li>Solved: Feed not update on disabling wp-cron</li>

<h4> 2017/7/04</h4>
  <li>Pricefalls category added</li>

<h4> 2017/7/03</h4>
  <li>feed table updated</li>
  <li>minor bug fixes : categories not showing fixed</li>
  <li>minor bug fixes : updates in pricefall feeds.</li>

<h4> 2017/6/21</h4>
  <li>Minor bug fixed : cron message update</li>

<h4> 2017/6/16</h4>
  <li>Bug fixed : database table installation fixed</li>

<h4> 2017/6/15</h4>
  <li>Added instruction for manual cron setup if wp-cron is not enabled</li>
  <li>Bug fixes: Eliminated product categories if contains null value</li>
  <li>Bug fixes: license verification fixed </li>

<h4> 2017/5/22</h4>
  <li>Woocommerce 3.x compatible</li>
  <li>Minor bug fixes in Advanced Commands</li>
  <li>PHP > 7 compatible</li>
  <li><strong>Update</strong> Miinto Product feed to sell on Miinto</li>
  <li><strong>Update</strong> shim file from ajax folder</li>
  <li><strong>Update</strong> Feed template of Miinto</li>
  <li><strong>Add</strong> support for TradeTracker</li>
  <li><strong>Update</strong> support for Miinto Feed Templates</li>
  <li><strong>Update</strong> Replace url path with Symlink ABSPATH</li>
  <li><strong>Update</strong> Feed template for eBay Seller</li>
  <li><strong>Add</strong> product feed support for Pricefalls</li>
  <li><strong>Add</strong> support for Avantlink</li>
  <li><strong>Fix</strong> minor issues</li>
  <li><strong>Update</strong> support for PriceRunner</li>
  <li><strong>Add</strong> video tutorial for custom feed</li>
  <li><strong>Add</strong>feed template support for Miinto</li>
    <li><strong>Fix</strong> issue with automatic feed updates</li>
    <li><strong>Add</strong>  Google Merchant Feed Creation</li>
    <li><strong>Update</strong>  manage feeds option</li>
  <li><strong>Custom</strong> Feed Configuration</li>
  <li><strong>Fix</strong>  minor template issues</li>
  <li><strong>Fix</strong> minor user interface issues</li>
  <li><strong>Add</strong> support for Atterley feed templates</li>
  <li><strong>Update</strong> taxonomy for Google Merchant </li>
  <li><strong>New</strong> User interface with custom product feeds and feed configuration</li>
  <li><strong>Add</strong> support for Price Runner feed specifications</li>
  <li><strong>Add</strong> support for Affiliate Window XML feed format</li>
  <li><strong>Add</strong> rules Pipe Image </li>
  <li><strong>Update</strong> eBay product feed Aautomation</li>
<h4>Version 2015-05-02</h4>
  <li><strong>Add</strong> support for Freemius</li>
  <li><strong>Update</strong> support for AmmoSeek</li>
<h4>Version 2015-04-19</h4>
  <li><strong>Fix</strong> issue regarding license key problem</li>
<h4>Version 2015-04-18</h4>
  <li><strong>Fix</strong> issue for remote check failed</li>
<h4>Version 2015-03-14</h4>
  <li><strong>Add</strong> support for Bonanza feed templates</li>
  <li><strong>Add</strong> support for Winesearcher feed templates</li>
  <li><strong>Update</strong> support for Freemius</li>

<h4>Version 2015-10-28</h4>
  <li><strong>Add</strong> support for Polyvore feed templates</li>
  <li><strong>Add</strong> support for 11Main feed templates</li> 
  <li><strong>Add</strong> support for SlickGuns feed templates</li>
  <li><strong>Add</strong> The Google feed provider will attempt to set the g:identifier_exists attribute to FALSE if product identifiers (brand, mpn/gtin) are missing</li>
  <li><strong>Update</strong> Nextag product categories </li>
  <li><strong>Update</strong> Facebook Catalog category list </li>
  <li><strong>Fix</strong> ECN/ category and categoryID now generated in feed</li>
<h4>Version 2015-07-13</h4>
  <li><strong>Add</strong> support for Affiliate Window to allow feed export to Affiliate Window</li>
  <li><strong>Add</strong> support for Become UK to help sell in Become UK</li>
  <li><strong>Add</strong> support for Rakuten UK to help sell in Rakuten UK</li>
  <li><strong>Add</strong> support for Pronto to help sell in Pronto Marketplace</li>
  <li><strong>Add</strong> support for piped values in custom product attributes </li>
  <li><strong>Update</strong> Google Products Feed Specification and Product Taxonomy </li>
  <li><strong>Update</strong> Facebook Catalog category list </li>
  <li><strong>Fix</strong> Variation images are now used by default (if present) </li>
  <li><strong>Fix</strong> $hide_out_of_stock command now removes/hides out of stock items from the feed </li>
<h4>Version 2015-04-14</h4>
	<li><strong>Add</strong> Added support for Amazon UK categories</li>
  <li><strong>Add</strong> Added Amazon price inventory & listing loader templates</li>
	<li><strong>Add</strong> Added Facebook Dynamic Ad Feeds</li>
	<li><strong>Add</strong> Added support for GraziaShop</li>
	<li><strong>Fix</strong> Feeds generate lighter and faster!</li>
  <li><strong>Fix</strong> Attribute changes: less confusing mapping options</li>
  <li><strong>New</strong> More filtering rules and ability to remove empty attributes</li>
  <li><strong>New</strong> Rule to create your own Google custom labels based on attribute values</li>
<h4>Version 2015-01-26</h4>
  <li><strong>Add</strong> Added support for Newegg, Kelkoo, Webgains</li>
  <li><strong>Fix</strong> Hidden variations no longer load</li>
  <li><strong>Fix</strong> Revamped Amazon Seller template system</li>
  <li><strong>Fix</strong> eBay: update category list</li>
  <li><strong>Fix</strong> Restructure product loading for speed</li>
  <li><strong>Fix</strong> Ability to ignore product variations</li>
  <li><strong>New</strong> Required / Optional mappings are now displayed</li>
  <li><strong>New</strong> Optional WooCommerce piped attribute permutations</li>
  <li><strong>New</strong> Extract shipping dimensions (length, width, height)</li>
  <li><strong>New</strong> Create .txt (in addition to .csv, .xml) files</li>
  <li><strong>New</strong> Ability to aggregate feeds (you can now join feeds together)</li>
<h4>Version 2014-10-21</h4>
  <li><strong>New</strong> Massive update of Amazon templates - over 25 added</li>
	<li><strong>New</strong> added as a target</li>
	<li><strong>New</strong> Integration with WooThemes Google Product Feed</li>
	<li><strong>Fix</strong> Licensing bug fixes</li>
	<li><strong>Change</strong> Major performance enhancements</li>
<h4>Version 2014-09-04</h4>
  <li><strong>New</strong> Shareasale Merchant Support</li>
	<li><strong>New</strong> Added WP E-Commerce support</li>
	<li><strong>New</strong> Support for Taxonomy Module (allows other languages to replace default taxonomies seamlessly</li>
	<li><strong>New</strong> New Amazon Seller categories (Home & garden, Jewellery</li>
	<li><strong>Change</strong> ProductList XML now supports Attribute Mapping v3</li>
	<li><strong>Fix</strong> Correction to Stock-Quantity loading</li>
<h4>Version 2014-08-05</h4>
  <li><strong>New</strong> Multi-Category Selector</li>
  <li><strong>New</strong> Custom Feed Output filtering</li>
  <li><strong>New</strong> Rakuten Feed Provider Added</li>
  <li><strong>Change</strong> Improved flexibility of Attribute Mapping</li>
  <li><strong>Fix</strong> Manage feeds page allows editing of feeds</li>
<h4>Version 2014-05-24</h4>
  <li><strong>New</strong> Brand New Select UI for matching categories - GREATLY enhanced and easier now!</li>
  <li><strong>New</strong> Now -all- attribute values are available</li>
  <li><strong>New</strong> New tax option Google Canada and Australia</li>
  <li><strong>New</strong> Users can now override portions of the feed (eg to change/remove weight unit as provided by woocommerce or strip html tags)
  <li><strong>New</strong> Users can now map attributes from individual product attributes (not just attributes listed under general attributes)
  <li><strong>Change</strong> Changed 'in stock' from parent to child in variations</li>
  <li><strong>Update</strong> Moved to 2014 Shopzilla and Nextag specs</li>
  <li><strong>Fix</strong> Update to Cron feed refresh for Linux servers</li>
  <li><strong>Fix</strong> Manage feeds page now works from plugin setup screen</li>
<h4>Version 2014-05-12</h4>
  <li><strong>Fix</strong>Save attribute mappings now works</li>
<h4>Version 3.0 2014-05-12</h4>
  <li><strong>Add</strong>Enabled Trial Licensing, full rebrand, new subdirectories and other general clean-ups.</li>
<h4>Version 2014-05-01</h4>
  <li><strong>Add</strong>Merged Free and Pro versions - yay!</li>
<h4>Version 2014-05-01</h4>
  <li><strong>Add</strong>Export Product Categories, resolve cron execution issues, UI updates including feed setup page, licensing management updates</li>
   <h4>Version 23/04/2014</h4>
<li><strong>Add</strong> Add support for Ebay Product Feed!</li>
   <h4>Version 07/04/2014</h4>
    <li><strong>Add</strong> Add support for Amazon Product Feed!</li>
<li><strong>Add</strong> Add support for shopzilla Product Feed!</li>
   <h4>Version 24/03/2014</h4>
    <li><strong>Add</strong> Add support for unlimited time execution</li>
<h4>Version 24/03/2014</h4>
    <li><strong>Fix</strong>Remove XML Parse error for other laguages than English</li>
<h4>Version 03/03/2014</h4>
    <li><strong>Added</strong> Add support for one product with multiple product attributes mapping to same Google attribute</li>
    <li><strong>Update</strong> License price udated/li>
<h4>Version 03/03/2014</h4>
    <li><strong>Added</strong> Add support for one product with multiple product attributes mapping to same Google attribute</li>
    <li><strong>Update</strong> License price udated</li>
<h4>Version 02/01/2014</h4>
    <li><strong>Added</strong>  Add support for NexTag, NexTag Feed generation (.csv) added .</li>
<h4>Version 26/12/2013</h4>
    <li><strong>Fix</strong> remove xml parse error of some image url, if users supply images with not par-sable url.</li>
<h4>Version 18/12/2013</h4>
    <li><strong>Fix</strong> remove auto update class conflict with some plugins.</li>
<h4>Version 18/12/2013</h4>
    <li><strong>Added</strong> Add support a single product variations upto 99999 numbers.</li>
<h4>Version 15/12/2013</h4>
    <li><strong>Added</strong> Include post_excerpt as product feed description if post_content not available.</li>

<h4>Version 12/12/2013</h4>
    <li><strong>Fix</strong> remove updates details printing from admin area while update available.</li>
<h4>Version 05/12/2013</h4>
    <li><strong>Fix</strong> custom attribute value missing in some situation, bug fixed.</li>
<h4>Version 04/12/2013</h4>
    <li><strong>Added</strong> Add support for special characters in feed name.</li>
    <li><strong>Added</strong> Include currency symbol to prices</li>
    <li><strong>Added</strong> Add free shipping support to product target countries.</li>

<h4>Version 28/11/2013</h4>
    <li><strong>Fix</strong> It remove the mpn prefix from all item mpn values.</li>

<h4>Version 27/11/2013</h4>
    <li><strong>Fix</strong> modification of extra images (only show the current images , outdated images will be removed).</li>

<h4>Version 27/11/2013</h4>
    <li><strong>Added</strong> include multiple additional images, upto 10 images per product</li>

<h4>Version 26/11/2013</h4>
    <li><strong>Added</strong> shipping weight attribute added to feed</li>
    <li><strong>Added</strong> Free shipping details added</li>
    <li><strong>Fix</strong> attribute value missing problem resolved</li>
<h4>Version 20/11/2013</h4>
    <li><strong>Fix</strong> Bugs fixed</li>
<h4>Version 19/11/2013</h4>
    <li><strong>Added</strong> speedup proceedure with google category details</li>
    <li><strong>Fix</strong> XML parse error fixed</li>

<h4>Version 19/11/2013</h4>
    <li><strong>Added</strong> Pro Version variable product support with selected attributes </li>
    <li><strong>Added</strong> multiple images to feed if available</li>
    <li><strong>Fix</strong> Variable Product links</li>
    <li><strong>Fix</strong> Variable Product Name</li>
<h4>Version 07/1/2013</h4>
    <li><strong>Added</strong> Pro Version auto updates feature</li>
<h4>Version 01/1/2013</h4>
    <li><strong>Added</strong> Pro Version variable product support</li>

<h4>Version 01/10/2013</h4>
    <li><strong>Added</strong> Pro Version major updates</li>
    <li><strong>Fix</strong> Plain XML file output</li>
<h4>Version 1.3 19/10/2013</h4>
    <li><strong>Added</strong> Product Count per Category</li>
    <li><strong>Fix</strong> Plain XML output</li>
<h4>Version 1.2 19/10/2013</h4>
    <li><strong>Added</strong> Css for styling</li>
    <li><strong>Added</strong> options panel improvements</li>
<h4>Version 1.1 17/10/2013</h4>
    <li>First functional release. Enjoy!</li>
<h4>Version 1.0 15/10/2013</h4>
    <li>First Release</li>

== Upgrade Notice ==
This is an upgraded version.