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R analysis scripts studying bacterial communities in arboreal ant nests. Scripts are linked to the paper titled "Highly diverse bacterial communities in arboreal ants’ nesting space develop conjoined with ant colonies"


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R analysis scripts studying bacterial communities in arboreal ant nests. Scripts are linked to the paper titled "Bacterial diversity in arboreal ant nesting spaces is linked to colony developmental stage"

Raw sequencing data

The raw sequencing reads and meta data are deposited in the NCBI Short Read Archive under the BioProject accession number PRJNA777006

ASV count table (metaASVcountTableSeq.txt)

The ASV count table also includes metadata and representative sequences.

Alpha diversity (Shannon indices.xls)

Shannon indices can be found in this file, repreentign the source data behind the alpha diversity plots. Defferent sheets represent different Figures.


If you use part of this script, please cite:

Nepel, M., Mayer, V. E., and Woebken, D. Highly diverse bacterial communities in arboreal ants’ nesting space develop conjoined with ant colonies. (submitted in Communications Biology)


R analysis scripts studying bacterial communities in arboreal ant nests. Scripts are linked to the paper titled "Highly diverse bacterial communities in arboreal ants’ nesting space develop conjoined with ant colonies"




