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Arduino specific setup details


All IOT programming done as part of CSC591

Setting up Intel Edison on Linux (Ubuntu 14.04.3 Gnome)

  1. Follow the steps provided in the below link to assemble intel edison and mount it on your computer

  2. Open a Terminal window. To install dfu-util, which is an open source program that implements the USB DFU (USB Device Firmware Upgrade) protocol, enter the command:
    sudo apt-get install dfu-util

  3. Download the pre-built Yocto* complete image for your board. You can find the most recent version available on the main downloads page:

  4. Extract the zip ( run sudo apt-get install p7zip-full if you don't have plugins)

  5. Navigate into the extracted folder and enter the command to start flashing the device

    ./ (If the process doesn't initialte try to disconnect and remount the device). The flashing process might take 2 to 3 minutes)

  6. (alt) . If step 5 causes some problems, then download the Flash Tool Lite package from (download the latest tool)

    1. Install x86 c++ libs sudo apt-get install gdebi libncurses5:i386 libstdc++6:i386
    2. Install the .deb using gdebi or using Ubuntu software center
    3. (Optional) Navigate into the Mount directory and remove all the old file rm -rf *
    4. Search for "Phone Flash Tool" in your applications and run it.
    5. Select the edison-iotdk-image that was downloaded in step 3 and change the configuration from RNDIS to CDC
    6. Click Start to flash. Disconnect and then reconnect the device and the application will take care of flashing

    ###Setting up a serial terminal on a system with Link

    1. Install Screen shell session manager installed, open a new Terminal window. Enter the command:
      sudo apt-get install screen
    2. To connect to the board, enter the command (where ttyUSB0 is your connected device): sudo screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200
    3. Press Enter twice. A login screen is displayed. At the login prompt, type root and press Enter. Press Enter when prompted for a password.
    4. Now the root@edison terminal is open.

    ###Setting up Wifi

    1. Type configure_edison --wifi
      If you get an error saying configure_edison: not found, you need to update your firmware
    2. Follow the steps which are straight forward. Once connected, try opening the ip address where Edison is hosted. If unable to access the site, then it means the device is not properly connected to the network.
    3. Change the password of the device using configure_edison --password

    other options to look out:

 -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --setup               Goes through changing the device name, password, and
                        wifi options
  --name                Changes the device name
  --password            Changes the device password
  --wifi                Changes the wifi options
  --showWiFiIP          IP address associated with the wireless interface
  --showWiFiMode        Show current mode for the wireless interface
  --version             Gets the current firmware version
  --latest-version      Gets the latest firmware version
                        Disable one-time setup with WiFi access point and
                        enable WiFi client mode Append --persist to retain
                        this setting after reboot
  --enableOneTimeSetup  Enable one-time setup with WiFi access point and
                        disable WiFi client mode. Append --persist to retain
                        this setting after reboot
  --toggleOneTimeSetup  Switch between one-time setup with WiFi access point
                        and WiFi client mode, and visa-versa. Append --persist
                        to retain this setting after reboot
  --upgrade             Downloads the latest firmware. Append --restartWithAP
                        to reboot in WiFi access point mode after flashing
  --flash  [ ...]
                        Downloads and flashes an image Append --restartWithAP
                        to reboot in WiFi access point mode after flashing
                        Flashes the given image (.zip). Append --restartWithAP
                        to reboot WiFi access point mode after flashing
  --showNames           Show device name and SSID

#Arduino Uno

####Understanding the anatomy

Understanding breadboard (For an electronics noob like me)

##Setting up wifi in Arduino: 1: Mount the ESP6266 Wifi Shield over the arduino board 2. Learn more about the wifi shield here

LED Indicators

The WiFi Shield includes two LED indicators: a simple red power indicator and a blue “status” LED. The red power LED should illuminate whenever power is being delivered from the Arduino to the ESP8266 Shield. If you need to debug anything, checking for this LED should be your first step.

LED indicator location

The blue status LED is tied into the firmware of the ESP8266. It’ll blink, be solid, or turn off depending on which state it’s in.

LED StateESP8266 State
OffWiFi disconnected. Not configured.
BlinkingStation mode: ESP8266 attempting to connect to access point.
AP mode: ESP8266 waiting for incoming connections
OnStation mode: ESP8266 connected to access point.
AP mode: Devices connected to ESP8266 AP.
LED State ESP8266 State Off WiFi disconnected. Not configured. Blinking Station mode: ESP8266 attempting to connect to access point. AP mode: ESP8266 waiting for incoming connections On Station mode: ESP8266 connected to access point. AP mode: Devices connected to ESP8266 AP. The status LED is tied to GPIO 5 of the ESP8266.

###Arduino Serial Comm Set up

  1. Download the java rxtx libraray from

  2. Extract the above zip and do the following

    1. Copy RXTXcomm.jar ---> <JAVA_HOME>/jre/lib/ext
    2. Copy ---> <JAVA_HOME>/jre/lib/amd64/
    3. Copy ---> <JAVA_HOME>/jre/lib/amd64/
  3. Go to the following website and download the code

  4. Install an IDE like netbeans and create a Java project and paste the code available in the above mentioned website.

  5. (optional) In the project properties under Libraries, add RXTXComm.jar and in Run , VM Options add the location of the jni compatible .so file (Not necessary as you have already pasted that in /jre/lib/amd64) -Djava.library.path=/home/mns/Downloads/rxtx-2.1-7-bins-r2/Linux/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/

  6. Run Netbeans in root mode
    . Otherwise CommPortIdentifier.getPortIdentifiers(); will return empty/null

####Rasberry Pi

Controlling GPIO pins using Java :


All IOT programming done as part of CSC591






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