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=== Mobius ===
Contributors: antony-swans
Tags: black, blue, green, purple, dark, two-columns, fixed-width, left-sidebar, theme-options, translation-ready
Requires at least: 3.1
Tested up to: 3.2.1
Stable tag: 1.10

Dark and colorful theme. 3 skins. Compatible with touch-screen mobile phones: iPhone & iPod Touch, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Phone, Palm Pre, Symbian. Widget-ready sidebar. Optional twitter and facebook icons.

== Description ==

= Hi, thanks for using Mobius theme! =

This is a simple, dark WP theme meant for personal blogging.

= Mobius Features =

* Compatible with touchscreen mobile phones: iPhone & iPod Touch, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Phone, Palm Pre, Symbian
* Compatible with all the popular desktop browsers: IE6, IE7, IE8, FireFox 3+, Safari 4+, Chrome 3+, Opera 10+
* 3 skins: Sky Blue, Amethyst, Rain Forest
* Widget ready
* Optional twitter and facebook icons
* W3C valid, hand-made, table-less, SEO, mobile friendly XHTML & CSS code
* Native support of non-web fonts by CSS @font-face rule
* jQuery scripting
* Support & custom updates upon request

This theme, copyright [](, was designed and built for the [WordPress]( CMS and is released under the [GNU General Public License](</a>.

You can try out live [desktop]( and [mobile]( views.

For download and other instructions go to [](</a>

== Changelog ==

= 1.9 =
* Added support for Android devices
* Removed border for img.wp-smiley

= 1.8 =
* Added support of WordPress 3 features
* Translation ready. Languages: French, Swedish (Thanks to Tommy Sj&ouml;dahl)
* Optimized background images size
* Fixed bug with image captions
* Fixed bug with empty widget titles

= 1.5 =
* Fixed bug with the main background image for mobile devices
* Fixed styles for legend elements.
* Default font size has been increased.

= 1.4 =
* Added custom parse_request action to make bloginfo() function available inside CSS

= 1.3 =
*  Fixed relative paths problem

= 1.2 =
* Security improvements in path-related variables.
* Logo and heading fonts have been replaced with GPL-licensed fonts.

= 1.1 =
* Fixed page list navbar, now it has flexible height.
* Fixed comment threading bug.
* Fixed insecure using of $_SERVER data.
* Using native WordPress jQuery framework.
* Modifications to credits.

= 1.1 =
* Original version.

== General Questions ==

= Installation and Use =

This product is a template to be used with the WordPress CMS. If you are unfamiliar with WordPress, please read the official [WordPress guide]( to get started or contact []( for support.

= Licensing and Terms of Use =

This theme is released under a GPL license. It has been tested against the most popular browsers and on the latest WordPress version when released, with a number of popular plugins and widgets. It is provided as is, with no guarantee, and functionality with 3rd party applications is not guaranteed. You are free to use this product for personal or commercial use and on as many sites as you wish.

= Support =

Support is provided via the theme's page on []( and the official [WordPress support forum](, where you will find an entire community willing to give a hand.