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NPM package for my custom Draggable React Slider using React Spring and GSAP.

by Mobin veisy

gif gif-mobile


npm install react-draggable-slider --save-dev



Add <Slider /> component with sliderSettings object, the only required setting an array of slider items.

import { Slider } from "react-draggable-slider";
import { projectList } from "./data";

function App() {
  const sliderSettings = {
    data: projectList,
    speed: 3000,
    easing: "elastic",
    bgColor: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05)",
    buttonHref: "",
    buttonTarget: "_self",
    buttonText: "View project",
    showButton: true,
  return <Slider sliderSettings={sliderSettings} />;

Use the following structure for your slider items:

export const projectList = [
    title: "Cutting Edge Project",
    image: "",
    description: "Praesent quis congue nisi...",
    title: "Featured Artist 3D",
    image: "",
    description: "Duis at tellus vitae velit aliquet varius...",

Note: although the above example uses hooks, react-draggable-slider is compatible with Class-based components. However, since it internally uses hooks, it requires React 16.8+.


The sliderSettings prop in <Slider sliderSettings={sliderSettings} /> component accepts the following props:

Name Type Description Default Value
data array array of slider items, see below which structure you may use []
speed number speed of sliding to next item when dragged in milliseconds 3000 (3 seconds)
easing string 4 available GSAP easings to animate the sliding: "power", "back", "elastic", "expo". ease
bgColor string Set background-color of the whole slider, accepts HEX and RGB(A). rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05)
buttonText string Text inside button per item View case study
showButton boolean If a button should be shown for all items true


  • React Spring
  • GSAP
  • Styled Components

Mobin Veisy - 2022