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jovancha - the most famous giraffe :)

Build Status

This is sample demo of using Giraffe, a native functional ASP.NET Core web framework for F# developers.

Build process

dotnet CLI

Packages restore can be executed on solution or project level using command:

dotnet restore

Build solution or project:

dotnet build
# or without restore (quicker if we are sure that packages are already restored)
dotnet build --no-restore

Execute tests (run on project level only; can also be executed on the solution but all non-test project will report error and it is slow):

dotnet test
# or without restore (quicker if we are sure that packages are already restored)
dotnet test --no-restore

To run project use:

dotnet run
# or without restore (quicker if we are sure that packages are already restored)
dotnet test --no-restore
# or without build (quicker if we are sure that project is already compiled
dotnet test --no-build

VS Code tasks

User CTRL+Shift+p or CMD+Shift+P to show Command palette... and select Debug: Select and Start Debugging, now choose project you want to debug.


To rebuild whole solution and run tests with Release configuration:

sh rebuildall

To publish API as a zip file execute:

sh publish


Application configuration

All projects should have appsettings.json with default schema and values. Each developer can override settings by creating appsettings.overrides.json file in the project folder. The appsettings.overrides.json file is not being pushed to the source control as it is added to the .gitignore file.

If there is a need to provide overrides for the production environment, one should create file in the project folder. There is a custom publish task which copies file to the publish folder as appsetting.overrides.json and it is being loaded on runtime.


Giraffe web api project template






No releases published


No packages published