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Releases: modio/modio-unity


10 May 05:41
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Fixed call to GetModMonetizationTeam during every AddMod/EditMod.


28 Mar 05:19
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Many overdue bug fixes have been addressed in this release. There are also additional methods that have been added to accommodate the Marketplace features soon to be released on the website. You can see the methods inside ModIOUnity, as well as an additional section in the README explaining the new Marketplace methods. Keep in mind these will only work once your game profile has gone through the appropriate setup process on the website.

v2023.7.1 Multi Device Login via WebSockets

28 Jul 04:56
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In this release we've added a web socket hook to the API for authentication. This allows for multi device logins. For example, showing a QR code to a user that they can scan on their phone and login via their mobile device instead (thus eliminating the need for a virtual keyboard on platforms such as VR or consoles. Example usage below). The Browser UI has a QR code method of this implemented.

Deprecating Unity 2019 due to LTS

We are deprecating Unity 2019 as an officially supported version for the plugin, as it is no longer under Long Term Support by Unity. The plugin will now be officially supported from 2020.3+ onwards.


  • Added Multi device login (See ModIOUnity.RequestExternalAuthentication - a usage example is provided below)
  • Added QR code and multi device login flow to the Browser UI
  • Added mod's profile url into the ModProfile object
  • Fixed an issue where user ratings weren't being returned correctly
  • Fixed an issue with updating comments
  • Fixed some bugs with the Browser UI filtering
  • Fixed an issue with authenticated sessions getting incorrect platform data for GetMods requests
  • Fixed an issue checking remaining disk space on Xbox
  • Fixed an issue checking remaining disk space on PlayStation
  • Various other minor fixes

External Authentication Example

        public Text messageForUser;

        ExternalAuthenticationToken token;
         void Example()
         async void ReceiveToken(ResultAnd<ExternalAuthenticationToken> response)
             if (response.result.Succeeded())
                 // Cache the token in case we want to cancel it
                 token = response.value;

                // Show instructions for the user to go and authenticate
                messageForUser.text = $"Go to the following link {token.url} and enter the code {token.code} to login";        

                 // Wait for the user to authenticate externally
                 Result result = await token.task;
                 if (result.Succeeded())
                     Debug.Log("You have successfully authenticated the user");
                     Debug.Log("Failed to authenticate (possibly timed out)");
                 Debug.Log("Failed to connect to");
         void StopAuthentication()

v2023.6.1 Comments/dependencies and bug fixes

20 Jun 06:31
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In this patch we've addressed some common bugs reported recently such as slow download speeds and authentication failures. Along with that we've also added the functionality for getting and submitting comments for mods (This is only with the core plugin, this has not been added to the Example UI)


  • New features
    -- Add Dependencies
    -- Remove Dependencies
    -- Get Comments
    -- Add Comment
    -- Delete Comment
    -- Edit Comment
  • Fixed Get Dependencies to work when not logged in
  • Fixed an issue throttling download speeds
  • Fixed a bug when authenticating
  • Fixed total downloaded bytes display text
  • Fixed compile errors when using the new input system
  • Fixed some bugs when using IL2CPP on later versions of Unity
  • Updated documentation pdf
  • Minor cosmetic and bug fixes

v2023.5.4 Various bug fixes and optomisations

30 May 03:35
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In this patch we addressed some bugs and added some improvements to the core plugin's performance. The most notable fixes being uploads from Xbox will no longer trim file names and the GetMods request no longer returning zero mods after a search with no results.


  • Fixed the UI from auto-initializing the plugin if already initialized
  • Fixed UI collection view not updating immediately on login
  • GetTagCategories will now return hidden tags
  • Fixed a visual bug with Unity's free aspect resolutions
  • Added mods' tags to the details view for individual mods
  • Improved performance for larger web request, particularly GetMods
  • Improved performance on larger mod uploads
  • Added some caching improvements for requests
  • Fixed a caching bug returning zero mods
  • Added more accurate disk space checking before mod isntallations
  • Various cosmetic fixes to the UI
  • Fixed mod uploading while on Xbox from trimming characters in file names

v2023.5.3 URL update and Minor fixes

19 May 03:30
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In this patch we've updated the config and added game specific api domains. If you go into your config file and re-check the button "Insert URL For Production API" it will update the url to the new version (Optional).
We've also addressed an issue when attempting to re-authenticate via email, and getting a 401 error. This has been fixed. As well as some UI related fixes, such as the 'Sort by' dropdown not working in the Search results view, and some other minor cosmetic fixes.

v2023.5.2 Hotfix

16 May 02:56
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This is a quick patch to address some null reference exceptions as well as a fix to make the new input system work.

v2023.5 New Versioning, Features and fixes

15 May 07:02
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With this release comes numerous features and fixes, along with a new versioning convention. We've decided to change to Year.Month.Patch versioning to more clearly define each release.

Breaking changes

Multiple method signatures have changed

  • GetMods now returns a ResultAnd object instead of an Action<Result, ModPage>
  • (For Nintendo Developers) There are now extra steps in the Nintendo README for setting up the plugin for Switch
  • We've removed the ThirdParty/JsonNet dependency. Instead you can now add the Newtonsoft package directly from the Unity Registry in the package manager.


  • decoupled UnityWebRequest and now using base HttpWebRequests
  • Added user ratings displayed in the UI
  • Added more filter options in SearchFilter
  • The Browser UI now supports the new Input System
  • Added SSO with Epic Store
  • Enable/Disable feature added to the UI
  • Lots of other UI improvements and bug fixes
  • Performance improvements

v4.1.0 Additional features and fixes

22 Feb 09:22
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Some syntaxes and signatures have changed and will likely result in minor fixes if upgrading from an older version.
Main changes include:

  • The initializeForUser method is no longer asynchronous and has been removed from ModIOAsync and the callback param removed from ModIOUnity.
  • Enable and Disable mods feature added (See ModIOUnity.EnableMod(ModId)), note that this feature only works locally and will not sync across devices.
  • GetInstalledModsForUser now has an optional parameter for excluding disabled mods (defaults to true)
  • Auto Initialize option added into the config so you no longer need to manually initialize the plugin (Note if you wish to Shutdown and free resources, you will still need to do that manually)
  • Added the Mute and Unmute method to ModIOUnity (and async) for supressing specified users.
  • Added GetModDependencies() method to ModIOUnity (and async)
  • Added a local PDF documentation file inside the plugin folder (modio/Documentation/Full_Documentation.pdf)
  • Added an guide for additional help transitioning from the old Unity v1 plugin
  • Lots of UI improvements and bug fixes

v4.0.8 PlayStation support

19 Dec 10:14
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In this release we can now officially support PlayStation 4 and 5. If you would like access to the additional files for use with PlayStation please contact us directly, as we can only provide them to authorized developers.

There are also many fixes to the UI, controller support, Translation support and improvements to the underlying plugin.

  • PlayStation 4 and 5 support
  • Translation support
  • UI improvements and optimizations
  • Other minor fixes