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SecureChatAnywhere encrypts/decrypts chat messages with AES-128/CBC.


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Encrypts/decrypts chat messages with AES-128/CBC.

Copyright (C) 2018 Robert V. <>

Software licensed under GPLv3.


  • AES-128/CBC encryption with Base64 output
  • Works with any text based apps and online services
  • Handles multiple keys as needed
  • Output copied to clipboard automatically
  • UTF-8 support enforced
  • Log window provides detailed overview of recent actions
  • Compatible with pretty much any Java JRE from the past decade
  • Lean and mean, release jar ~30kb in size


SecureChatAnywhere is a lightweight program written in Java with the purpose of making it easy to encrypt and decrypt any kind of text messages using AES-128/CBC symmetric encryption. The graphical user interface (GUI) is designed as a convenient "copy & paste tool" for computers to manage encryption and decryption stand-alone, in other words without relying on any kind of external communication.

This is not intended to secure all messages in a chosen chat platform/service, that would be cumbersome, it's meant to secure the sensitive data such as sharing login/password info, home address, bank details, personal life, health issues, business decisions, projects in development, or any other messages where privacy and secure communication is needed.

The encrypted data (ciphertext) output is in Base64 format which makes SecureChatAnywhere compatible with any kind of text based internet communication tools out there such as email, chat clients and online services.

For example (but not limited to):

  • Gmail
  • Hotmail (Outlook)
  • ProtonMail
  • Twitter
  • Google Plus
  • Facebook
  • Skype
  • Line
  • Wire
  • WhatsApp
  • Telegram
  • Signal
  • IRC
  • Discord
  • Steam



Create a directory, unzip the release and copy the included SecureChatAnywhere_beta.jar to it, along with the startup script (.sh) or batch file (.bat) for your operating system. If you are not using a startup script (.bat file), in order to make sure there is full UTF-8 encoding support you need to run the program as follows:

java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -jar SecureChatAnywhere_beta.jar

There is also a built-in test that will refuse to launch the program if the file encoding used differs from UTF-8. This important because decrypting ciphertext with the wrong character encoding can result in unpredictable results where the plaintext can't be read.

If you wish to compile and run the program yourself instead of using the precompiled jar file, then use the following commands.


java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 SecureChatAnywhere



The basic concept here is to copy & paste text as conveniently as possible, which is still an inefficient way to communicate. This is the reason SecureChatAnywhere is only suitable for the messages you really want to keep private. On the other hand, personally I think this is a small price to pay in order to stay in control of the keys and being able to encrypt messages.

Key handling:

SecureChatAnywhere uses AES-128/CBC which is symmetric encryption with a cryptographic key, you can create the 128 bit key yourself from 32 chars of hexadecimal number or use the built-in "Generate key" to call a secure random method in Java which was designed for the purpose of generating random keys for AES encryption, it's up to you.

In order to encrypt messages and send to another person you need to share a secret key, so the person you send the encrypted messages have a way to decrypt them. The way you share the secret key will determine how secure the future communication will be. For example, finding a way to share the key with the person by meeting physically will be safer than using internet to send it. Writing the key by hand on a piece of paper and handing it over in person will be safer than using an app on your smartphone (which is compromised by design). You can generate and share different keys with several people or share the same key to a group of people, it all depends on who you want to be able to decrypt your messages.

SecureChatAnywhere allows you to create a label for each key used and it is stored in the plain text file SecureChatAnywhere.keys.txt. The file format is simple, one line/row for each key, in the format 'name=aabbccddeeff001122..', when using the tool the name of the unique key (label) will be used, not mentioning the actual key except when using key related functions in the program.

Make sure the key label is unique for each key, don't use spaces, and keep the label text below 15 characters. Although it is possible to add UTF-8 escape sequences for the key label I advice against it because it breaks the sorting of the keys. You can however use UTF-8 characters when encrypting chat messages which will be decrypted correctly.

If you do changes to the SecureChatAnywhere.keys.txt file you need to quit the program and restart it for the changes to take effect. This is something I hope to improve in future versions of the program, but for now, lets keep it simple.

When SecureChatAnywhere is launched for the first time it will create the file SecureChatAnywhere.keys.txt (if it is missing) in the same directory as the program is residing, and generate three random keys; key01, key02 and key03. The keys are created using the KeyGenerator class in Java which provides random data similar to SecureRandom but is specifically intended for cryptographic keys. You can add your own keys to the SecureChatAnywhere.keys.txt file, or edit/remove existing ones. The keys provided are just added to get you started and familiar with the key format. Feel free to edit, remove or add keys as needed.

The way you are able to control the keys yourself without obfuscation in this tool is unique and a deliberate design decision. I want you, the user, to have full control, this comes at the price of leaving you in charge of handling the keys in a secure manner, not the program. Think carefully when you decide to share a cryptographic key with someone. Ask yourself: Who could potentially see the key besides the person I want to share it with? Security like this is hard to get right, it's easy to do mistakes which compromises the key, but it's even worse when you have no control of the keys at all, which is true for most of the current chat/message systems online.

The graphical user interface (GUI):

The GUI layout is designed as follows; all plaintext (decrypted) data is handled in the left pane window, the ciphertext (encrypted) data is handled in the right pane window. The lower pane is the log window, all actions will be logged here including the plaintext and ciphertext generated. Note that this is not logged to file, when quitting program any information in the log window will be lost.

When pasting the ciphertext in Base64 format to be decrypted any spaces or line breaks are ignored.

Menu functions:

Action ->

Encrypt - Encrypts the current plaintext with the selected key and copies the output to clipboard.
Decypt - Decrypts the current ciphertext with the selected key and copies the output to clipboard.
Clear - Clears both left and right window panes.
Generate key - This will create a random AES 128 bit key using the KeyGenerator class in Java.
List keys - Lists current keys as parsed from SecureChatAnywhere.keys.txt during program launch.
Edit keyfile - Will use the desktop function to open the SecureChatAnywhere.keys.txt file using the OS associated editor selected for the txt file type.
Quit - Quits the program.

Help ->

About - Show program information.

Middle pane buttons:

<<- Encrypt - Encrypts the current plaintext with the selected key and copies the output to clipboard.
Decrypt ->> - Decrypts the current ciphertext with the selected key and copies the output to clipboard.
<<- Clear - Clears the left pane with plaintext.
Clear ->> - Clears the right pane with ciphertext.
|"Key selector"| - When clicked or held, this button lets you select the key used when encrypting and decrypting.
[ ] Copy to clipboard - When selected output is copied to clipboard.


The idea is to be able to use any text based communication service on internet regardless if trusted or not and add secure encryption on top of that without any external dependencies or authentication. In effect removing the need to access the internet when encrypting the data (plaintext). This simple tool is provided with source code so the methods used can be scrutinized openly.

The design choices may seem awkward compared to existing conventional tools, this is due to the primary goals; to isolate and give the user full control of handling and storing the encryption keys used with this program.

The conclusion is that this can be as secure as the user wants it to be. If the user wants to share his/her key on a piece of paper hand delivered in person then so be it, if the user choose a less secure method such as sending the key through a trusted internet service then so be it. If the user decides to store this program and key file on an SD card, USB stick or an encrypted hard drive it is his/her decision. Again, the user is in full control of the software and keys used.

SecureChatAnywhere does not provide any security measures on the computer (localhost) where the user run the program, there are no attempts to obfuscate the keys in memory while executing or on disk. The keys are stored in plain text hex format in the 'SecureChatAnywhere.keys.txt' file residing in the same directory as the program. Keys can be added, deleted, and edited as needed using any text editor or tool the user deem fit.

If you are interested the encryption and decryption used in SecureChatAnywhere it can be tested with the supplied Python script This script is not a complete solution, just hardcoded "proof of concept" code to test the encryption methods used.

A word of warning; although you can encrypt each message you send through a chosen chat service using SecureChatAnywhere, keep in mind that the metadata may still be recorded by the underlying system. In other words, the time you posted your message, who you identify as, and who you sent it to, can still be recorded even if the content of your message itself remains encrypted and secure.


Q: Isn't this project a bit paranoid? Point being, many existing chat systems are secure even if you choose not to trust them.

A: If you aren't in control of the keys you have no security.

Q: After starting the program I noticed there are three keys to choose from, what are they used for?

A: These keys are created the first time the program is launched and stored in a file called SecureChatAnywhere.keys.txt which resides in the same directory as the program. The keys are created using the KeyGenerator class in Java which provides random data similar to SecureRandom but is specifically intended for cryptographic keys. You can add your own keys to the SecureChatAnywhere.keys.txt file, or edit/remove existing ones. The keys provided are just added to get you started and familiar with the key format. Check the "Usage" section for more information.

Q: Why aren't you using AES-256 instead of AES-128?

A: Mainly because some Java runtime environments impose restrictions on AES-256 usage and I wanted SecureChatAnywhere to be as compatible as possible across different hardware/OS platforms. AES-128 is still considered secure with 2^128 possible keys to bruteforce, even preferred by some due to better key schedule design.

Q: Don't store keys in plaintext, this is bad practice, shame on you.

A: Is that even a question? Anyway, the design idea is that the user decides how to protect the keys and more importantly, where the program with keys are stored. The SecureChatAnywhere release jar file is roughly 30kb in size, it will easily fit on a floppy, SD card or USB stick. SecureChatAnywhere is intended to be used on a computer by the user locally, there is no external server or cloud involved here. If the computer where the user runs the program is compromised by malware or other means then no encryption will protect since screen, mouse and keyboard events can be intercepted. Using a hardcoded key hidden in the program to encrypt the keys in the key file is equally futile since the source code is provided according to GPLv3.

Q: Why don't you encrypt the key file with AES using a password hashing algorithm such as PBKDF2?

A: I thought about it long and hard, but it will make things more complicated for the user, instead of focusing on storing and handling the actual encryption keys you move the problem to yet another password which the user has to remember or store somewhere. If you want to secure the key file this way I suggest using tools designed specifically for this purpose, such as VeraCrypt, LUKS or TrueCrypt with file container and disk encryption support, then both the program and key file can be stored safely together while providing plausible deniability.

Q: Why not use [insert existing tool here] instead?

A: I wanted to explore a new approach, in an attempt to secure any kind of text based communication tools found online.

Q: The GUI looks like shit, what is that, plain AWT?

A: Yes, ancient Java AWT, in the original spirit of "write once, run anywhere" and keeping the program native with no external library dependencies besides the JRE.

Q: Are you planning on porting this to Android and iOS?

A: Yes, but it's a long-term project as it involves hardware. These smartphone platforms are already compromised by design where Google and Apple respectively control the encryption keys, the user is locked out in a proprietary system. I have started to design a hardware prototype using a SoC with embedded cryptographic core where all plaintext input and output has to be controlled by the device and the smartphone app only handles ciphertext where no trust is required. When or if I ever finish this project it will be released as open hardware design.


There are plenty of existing chat programs/services out there claiming to be secure where obfuscating the user keys is common practice, keeping the users away from any direct control of the encryption process and keys. Sometimes the reason for this is that all users are treated as ignorant, and the idea is to protect them from themselves, in other cases it is because the authors of the program/service want control of the keys to be able to decrypt the user communicated data as needed. There are also programs/services demanding private user details in exchange for functionality, for example requiring a valid phone number, email address, or other types of registration undermining privacy.

With SecureChatAnywhere there are no requirements of personal data to function, it respects user privacy and freedom within the boundaries of GPLv3. The intention is to provide a simple minimalistic tool with secure encryption using AES-128/CBC which runs on any desktop platform with Java (JRE) installed.


If you wish to contribute to this project by donating then you can do so via Bitcoin, Litecoin or Bitcoin Cash (bcash).

Litecoin: Ld8dHjjh5YGXTiWrP3eenNTDXqB5pYpPqb
Bitcoin Cash (bcash): 1E2juHw762hCKpPmJpiBaRaiefgsTqsqeZ

If you want to help by providing code fixes or adding minor functionality then you are welcome to fork this project and create a "pull request" which will be reviewed and "pulled" if approved.

If you want to add major changes to the program which alters the goal of the entire project then it's better if you fork the repository, and maintain the fork yourself. One of the project goals is to provide a lightweight program with no dependencies besides native JRE, so keep that in mind.


SecureChatAnywhere encrypts/decrypts chat messages with AES-128/CBC.
Copyright (C) 2018 Robert V. <>

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>.


SecureChatAnywhere encrypts/decrypts chat messages with AES-128/CBC.







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