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implement SortedSetOperations closes #13
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mogproject committed May 9, 2015
1 parent 44475af commit 7041459
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Showing 11 changed files with 483 additions and 92 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -60,10 +60,10 @@ redis-cli shutdown
|[x]|[x]|[ ]|Strings|
|[x]|[x]|[ ]|Lists|
|[x]|[x]|[ ]|Sets|
|[ ]|[ ]|[ ]|Sorted Sets|
|[x]|[x]|[ ]|Sorted Sets|
|[x]|[x]|[ ]|Hashes|
|[ ]|[ ]|[ ]|HyperLogLog|
|[ ]|[ ]|[ ]|sscan, hscan|
|[ ]|[ ]|[ ]|sscan, hscan, zscan|
|[ ]|[ ]|[ ]|sort, sortNStore|

#### Features
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ trait MockRedisCommand extends Redis with MockOperations
with MockStringOperations
with MockListOperations
with MockSetOperations
//with MockSortedSetOperations
with MockSortedSetOperations
with MockHashOperations
//with MockEvalOperations
//with MockPubOperations
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@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
package com.github.mogproject.redismock

import com.github.mogproject.redismock.entity._
import com.github.mogproject.redismock.util.ops._
import com.redis.{SortedSetOperations, Redis}
import com.redis.serialization._

import scala.collection.SortedSet

trait MockSortedSetOperations extends SortedSetOperations with MockOperations with Storage {
self: Redis =>

// raw functions
private def getRaw(key: Any)(implicit format: Format): Option[SortedSetValue] =
currentDB.get(Key(key)).map(x => SortedSetValue(

private def getRawOrEmpty(key: Any)(implicit format: Format): SortedSetValue =

private def setRaw(key: Any, value: SortedSetValue)(implicit format: Format): Unit = currentDB.update(Key(key), value)

// ZADD (Variadic: >= 2.4)
// Add the specified members having the specified score to the sorted set stored at key.
override def zadd(key: Any, score: Double, member: Any, scoreVals: (Double, Any)*)
(implicit format: Format): Option[Long] = withDB {
val a = getRawOrEmpty(key)
val b = a ++ ((score, member) :: scoreVals.toList).map { case (s, m) => (s, Bytes(m))}
setRaw(key, b)
Some(b.size - a.size)

// ZREM (Variadic: >= 2.4)
// Remove the specified members from the sorted set value stored at key.
override def zrem(key: Any, member: Any, members: Any*)(implicit format: Format): Option[Long] = withDB {
val a = getRawOrEmpty(key)
val b = a -- (member :: members.toList).map(Bytes.apply)
setRaw(key, b)
Some(a.size - b.size)

override def zincrby(key: Any, incr: Double, member: Any)(implicit format: Format): Option[Double] = withDB {
for {
v <- getRaw(key)
x = Bytes(member)
s <- v.index.get(x)
} yield {
s + incr <| { d => setRaw(key, v.updated(d, x))}

override def zcard(key: Any)(implicit format: Format): Option[Long] = Some(getRawOrEmpty(key).size)

override def zscore(key: Any, element: Any)(implicit format: Format): Option[Double] =


import com.redis.RedisClient._

override def zrange[A](key: Any, start: Int = 0, end: Int = -1, sortAs: SortOrder = ASC)
(implicit format: Format, parse: Parse[A]): Option[List[A]] =
getRaw(key).map( |> sliceThenReverse(start, end, sortAs != ASC) |> toValues(parse))

override def zrangeWithScore[A](key: Any, start: Int = 0, end: Int = -1, sortAs: SortOrder = ASC)
(implicit format: Format, parse: Parse[A]): Option[List[(A, Double)]] =
getRaw(key).map( |> sliceThenReverse(start, end, sortAs != ASC) |> toValueScores(parse))

override def zrangebyscore[A](key: Any,
min: Double = Double.NegativeInfinity,
minInclusive: Boolean = true,
max: Double = Double.PositiveInfinity,
maxInclusive: Boolean = true,
limit: Option[(Int, Int)],
sortAs: SortOrder = ASC)(implicit format: Format, parse: Parse[A]): Option[List[A]] =
getRaw(key).map( |>
filterByRange(min, minInclusive, max, maxInclusive) |> sliceThenReverse(limit, sortAs != ASC) |>

override def zrangebyscoreWithScore[A](key: Any,
min: Double = Double.NegativeInfinity,
minInclusive: Boolean = true,
max: Double = Double.PositiveInfinity,
maxInclusive: Boolean = true,
limit: Option[(Int, Int)],
sortAs: SortOrder = ASC)
(implicit format: Format, parse: Parse[A]): Option[List[(A, Double)]] =
getRaw(key).map( |>
filterByRange(min, minInclusive, max, maxInclusive) |> sliceThenReverse(limit, sortAs != ASC) |>

override def zrank(key: Any, member: Any, reverse: Boolean = false)(implicit format: Format): Option[Long] =
getRaw(key).flatMap { v => v.rank(Bytes(member)).map(_.mapWhenTrue(reverse)(v.size - _ - 1))}

override def zremrangebyrank(key: Any, start: Int = 0, end: Int = -1)(implicit format: Format): Option[Long] =
withDB {
getRaw(key).map { v =>
val b = v -- sliceThenReverse(start, end, doReverse = false)(
setRaw(key, b)
v.size - b.size

override def zremrangebyscore(key: Any,
start: Double = Double.NegativeInfinity,
end: Double = Double.PositiveInfinity)
(implicit format: Format): Option[Long] =
withDB {
getRaw(key).map { v =>
val b = v -- filterByRange(start, minInclusive = true, end, maxInclusive = true)(
setRaw(key, b)
v.size - b.size

override def zunionstore(dstKey: Any, keys: Iterable[Any], aggregate: Aggregate = SUM)
(implicit format: Format): Option[Long] =
zunionstoreWeighted(dstKey,, 1.0)), aggregate)

override def zunionstoreWeighted(dstKey: Any, kws: Iterable[Product2[Any, Double]], aggregate: Aggregate = SUM)
(implicit format: Format): Option[Long] = storeReduced(_ | _)(dstKey, kws, aggregate)

override def zinterstore(dstKey: Any, keys: Iterable[Any], aggregate: Aggregate = SUM)
(implicit format: Format): Option[Long] =
zinterstoreWeighted(dstKey,, 1.0)), aggregate)

override def zinterstoreWeighted(dstKey: Any, kws: Iterable[Product2[Any, Double]], aggregate: Aggregate = SUM)
(implicit format: Format): Option[Long] = storeReduced(_ & _)(dstKey, kws, aggregate)

override def zcount(key: Any,
min: Double = Double.NegativeInfinity,
max: Double = Double.PositiveInfinity,
minInclusive: Boolean = true,
maxInclusive: Boolean = true)
(implicit format: Format): Option[Long] =
getRaw(key).map(xs => filterByRange(min, minInclusive, max, maxInclusive)(

// Incrementally iterate sorted sets elements and associated scores (since 2.8)
override def zscan[A](key: Any, cursor: Int, pattern: Any = "*", count: Int = 10)(implicit format: Format, parse: Parse[A]): Option[(Option[Int], Option[List[Option[A]]])] =
// TODO: implement

// send("ZSCAN", key :: cursor :: ((x: List[Any]) => if(pattern == "*") x else "match" :: pattern :: x)(if(count == 10) Nil else List("count", count)))(asPair)

// helper functions
private def filterByRange(min: Double, minInclusive: Boolean, max: Double, maxInclusive: Boolean)
(xs: SortedSet[(Double, Bytes)]): SortedSet[(Double, Bytes)] =
xs.range(min -> Bytes.empty, max -> Bytes.MaxValue).filter { case (s, _) =>
(minInclusive || s != min) && (maxInclusive || s != max)

private def sliceThenReverse(start: Int, end: Int, doReverse: Boolean)
(xs: SortedSet[(Double, Bytes)]): List[(Double, Bytes)] = {
val from = start + (if (start < 0) xs.size else 0)
val until = end + 1 + (if (end < 0) xs.size else 0)
val s = if (doReverse) xs.size - until else from
val t = if (doReverse) xs.size - from else until
xs.slice(s, t).toList.mapWhenTrue(doReverse)(_.reverse)

private def sliceThenReverse(limit: Option[(Int, Int)], doReverse: Boolean)
(xs: SortedSet[(Double, Bytes)]): List[(Double, Bytes)] = {
val (start, end) = limit match {
case Some((offset, count)) => (offset, offset + count - 1)
case None => (0, -1)
sliceThenReverse(start, end, doReverse)(xs)

private def toValues[A](parse: Parse[A])(xs: List[(Double, Bytes)]): List[A] =

private def toValueScores[A](parse: Parse[A])(xs: List[(Double, Bytes)]): List[(A, Double)] = { case (s, v) => (v.parse(parse), s)}

private def storeReduced(op: (Set[Bytes], Set[Bytes]) => Set[Bytes])
(dstKey: Any, kws: Iterable[Product2[Any, Double]], aggregate: Aggregate)
(implicit format: Format): Option[Long] = withDB {

val (aggregateFunc, zero): ((Double, Double) => Double, Double) = aggregate match {
case SUM => (_ + _, 0.0)
case MIN => (math.min, Double.MaxValue)
case MAX => (math.max, Double.MinValue)

val indexWeightSeq = { case Product2(k, w) => (getRawOrEmpty(k).index, w)}

val values: Seq[Bytes] =
val scores = { v =>
indexWeightSeq.foldLeft(zero) {
case (x, (index, w)) => aggregateFunc(x, index.get(v).map(_ * w).getOrElse(zero))

SortedSetValue(scores zip values: _*) <| { v => setRaw(dstKey, v) } |> { v => Some(v.size) }

15 changes: 12 additions & 3 deletions src/main/scala/com/github/mogproject/redismock/entity/Bytes.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ case class Bytes(value: Vector[Byte])

override def compare(that: Bytes): Int = {
def f(v: Vector[Byte], w: Vector[Byte], i: Int): Int = {
def f(v: Seq[Byte], w: Seq[Byte], i: Int): Int = {
if (v.length == i || w.length == i) {
v.length - w.length
} else if (v(i) == w(i)) {
Expand All @@ -72,7 +72,12 @@ case class Bytes(value: Vector[Byte])
byte2UnsignedInt(v(i)) - byte2UnsignedInt(w(i))
f(value, that.value, 0)
(this.isInstanceOf[Bytes.MaxValue], that.isInstanceOf[Bytes.MaxValue]) match {
case (true, true) => 0
case (true, false) => 1
case (false, true) => -1
case _ => f(value, that.value, 0)

def newString = new String(value.toArray)
Expand All @@ -91,7 +96,11 @@ object Bytes {

def fill(n: Int)(elem: => Byte): Bytes = Bytes(Vector.fill(n)(elem))

lazy val empty = Bytes(Vector.empty[Byte])
lazy val empty = Bytes(Vector.empty)

class MaxValue extends Bytes(Vector.empty)

lazy val MaxValue = new MaxValue

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This file was deleted.

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
package com.github.mogproject.redismock.entity

import scala.collection.{GenTraversableOnce, SortedSet}

case class SortedSetValue(value: SORTED_SET.DataType) extends Value {
val valueType = SORTED_SET

val (data, index) = value

def size: Int = index.size

def updated(score: Double, value: Bytes): SortedSetValue = this + (score -> value)

def +(sv: (Double, Bytes)): SortedSetValue = {
val (score, value) = sv
val newData = subtractData(value) + ((score, value))
val newIndex = index.updated(value, score)
copy(value = (newData, newIndex))

def ++(xs: GenTraversableOnce[(Double, Bytes)]): SortedSetValue = xs.foldLeft(this)(_ + _)

def -(value: Bytes): SortedSetValue = {
copy(value = (subtractData(value), index - value))

def --(xs: GenTraversableOnce[Bytes]): SortedSetValue = xs.foldLeft(this)(_ - _)

/** find the 0-indexed rank of the specified value */
def rank(value: Bytes): Option[Int] = data.zipWithIndex.find(_._1._2 == value).map(_._2)

private def subtractData(value: Bytes): SortedSet[(Double, Bytes)] = data -- index.get(value).map((_, value))


object SortedSetValue {
lazy val empty = new SortedSetValue((SortedSet.empty, Map.empty))

def apply(xs: (Double, Bytes)*): SortedSetValue = empty ++ xs
11 changes: 0 additions & 11 deletions src/main/scala/com/github/mogproject/redismock/entity/Value.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
package com.github.mogproject.redismock.entity

import com.redis.serialization.Format

trait Value {
val valueType: ValueType
Expand All @@ -25,12 +23,3 @@ case class ListValue(value: LIST.DataType) extends Value { val valueType = LIST
case class SetValue(value: SET.DataType) extends Value { val valueType = SET }

case class HashValue(value: HASH.DataType) extends Value { val valueType = HASH }

object StringValue

object ListValue

object SetValue

object HashValue
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
package com.github.mogproject.redismock.entity

import scala.collection.SortedSet

sealed trait ValueType {
type DataType
Expand All @@ -10,10 +12,8 @@ case object LIST extends ValueType { type DataType = Vector[Bytes] }

case object SET extends ValueType { type DataType = Set[Bytes] }

case object SORTED_SET extends ValueType { type DataType = Set[Bytes] } // FIXME
case object SORTED_SET extends ValueType { type DataType = (SortedSet[(Double, Bytes)], Map[Bytes, Double]) }

case object HASH extends ValueType { type DataType = Map[Bytes, Bytes] }

case object BITMAP extends ValueType { type DataType = Bytes } // FIXME

case object HYPER_LOG_LOG extends ValueType { type DataType = Bytes } // FIXME

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