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Jose Obed Moguel Ruiz edited this page Jan 26, 2017 · 1 revision

Welcome to the yii2-resource-image wiki!

This is a component for yii2, that manager the images to upload in server and manage the generation of paths easiest.


I think that the url path is formed for five parts: root, base, resource, size, name. For example:

And all togueter

For that reason, I build this component for configure each part and generate the url most easy, I include many functions that help you for manager the images files.

Each part has its own configuration.


This part is for root of url, the follow code is for default configuration:

  'isWebUrl' => true

When isWebUrl its true generate otherwise its /Users/josemoguel/Documents/fuentes/project-template/frontend/web


This part is automatically configured of environment that you are running.

 'enviroment' => $this->getEnviromentRunning()

You can set the environment that you want, default are three dev,test,prod.


The resource that belongs to the image, player, user, gamer.

    'type' => '',
    'isTemp' => false

When isTemp is true, adding to the resource the prefix _temp or the one that you have configured player_temp, set isTemp = true for process the image, and later save in the real directory.


You can have many sizes of the image to save.

  'type' => self::SIZE_ORIGINAL


You can assign the name of image.

   'title' => '', 
   'ext' => '', 
   'concatTime' => true

If you put concatTime = true this for concat the time in the name image resolving the problem with cache and the save name. image_1485386176.jpg.


The way prefer is composer:

composer install jmoguelruiz/yii2-resource-image

Or adding in you composer file.

"jmoguelruiz/yii2-resource-image": "1.0.*"

In config/main inside of component put the follow code:

   'components' => [
      'resourceImage' => [
                'class' => 'common\components\ResourceImage',
                // Optional Configs
                'modelClasses' => [ // Custom models.
                    'ResourcePath' => 'common\components\ResourcePath'
                'basePaths' => [ // Base paths of your project in each enviroment.
                    'prod' => 'images/',
                    'test' => 'images/test',
                    'dev' => 'images/dev'
                'serverType' => ResourceImage::SERVER_LOCAL // Server type for now is only saved in same server.
                'prefixTemp' => 'temp', // Temp prefix for folders.
                'containerBasePath' => "@frontend/web", // Container base to save images.
                'cdn' => '', // If you want cdn.
                'symbolConcatTime' => '_' // Symbol to concat the name with the string time.

You should add the file ResourceImage in your common\components folder, overriding this extension, for configure the follow options.


namespace common\components;

class ResourceImage extends \jmoguelruiz\yii2\components\ResourceImage
     * Your types of resources
    const TYPE_ONE = 'one';
    const TYPE_TWO = 'two';
    const TYPE_THREE = 'three';
     * Your sizes 
    const SIZE_CROP = 'crop';
    const SIZE_250_250 = '250_250';
    const SIZE_200_200 = '200_200';
     * You resource path
    public function resources()
        return \yii\helpers\ArrayHelper::merge(parent::resources(),[
          self::TYPE_ONE => 'one',
          self::TYPE_TWO => 'two',
          self::TYPE_THREE => 'two' .  DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'three' //  two/three
     * The images names to default resource.
    public function resourcesDefault(){
        return \yii\helpers\ArrayHelper::merge(parent::resources(),[
          self::TYPE_ONE => 'default.jpg',
          self::TYPE_TWO => 'default.jpg',
          self::TYPE_THREE => 'default.jpg'
     * You can override the sizes for customize your size in your
     * project, the name of size will be the name of the new folder.
     * Example: 
     * image/player <- Here save the original
     * image/player/thumb <- Here save the size thumb
     * image/player/250_250 <- Here save your custom size.
     * @return type
    public function getSizes()
        return \yii\helpers\ArrayHelper::merge([
            self::SIZE_CROP => 'crop',
            self::SIZE_250_250 => '250_250',
            self::SIZE_200_200 => '200_200'

Create the folders where the images will be saved and configuring your enviroments enviroment/index.php for permissions.

    'Development' => [
        'path' => 'dev',
        'setWritable' => [
            'frontend/web/images/one/,  <--- Example
            'frontend/web/images/one_temp/, <--- Example
            'frontend/web/images/one/250_250, <--- Example
        'setExecutable' => [
        'setCookieValidationKey' => [


Generating a url.

$resourceImage = Yii::$app->resourceImage;

// This function return a model ResourcePath.
$pathOne = $resourceImage->newPath([
    'root' => ['isWebUrl' => false],
    'basePath' => ['enviroment' => 'dev'],
    'resource' => ['type' => ResourceImage::TYPE_PLAYER],
    'size' => ['type' => ResourceImage::SIZE_THUMB],
    'name' => ['title' => 'imageOne', 'ext' => 'jpg', 'concatTime' => true]


Saving one image file.

$file = UploadedFile::getInstance($user, 'file');
// Generating the path to save the image.
// /Users/josemoguel/Documents/fuentes/plantillas/project-template/frontend/web/images/dev/player_temp/12321_1485389719.jpg
$imageOriginalTemp = $resourceImage->newPath([
 'root' => ['isWebUrl' => false],
 'resource' => ['type' => ResourceImage::TYPE_PLAYER, 'isTemp' => true],
 'name' => ['title' => '12321', 'ext' => $file->extension]

//Uploading the image.
$resourceImage->upload($imageOriginalTemp, $file);
// Saving image, automatically detect if directory is temp, after remove the postFix _temp and save in the real path.
// player_temp -> player

Save image in many sizes.

  $imageOriginalTemp = $resourceImage->newPath([
       'root' => ['isWebUrl' => false],
       'resource' => ['type' => ResourceImage::TYPE_PLAYER, 'isTemp' => true],
       'name' => ['title' => '12321', 'ext' => $file->extension]
  $imageThumbnailTemp = $resourceImage->newPath(ArrayHelper::merge($imageOriginalTemp->config,[
        'size' => ['type' => ResourceImage::SIZE_THUMB]
   $imageCropTemp = $resourceImage->newPath(ArrayHelper::merge($imageOriginalTemp->config,[
         'size' => ['type' => ResourceImage::SIZE_CROP]
   $resourceImage->upload($imageOriginalTemp, $file);
   $resourceImage->copy($imageOriginalTemp, $imageThumbnailTemp);
   $resourceImage->copy($imageOriginalTemp, $imageCropTemp);

Save images for sizes.

  $imageOriginalTemp = $resourceImage->newPath([
       'root' => ['isWebUrl' => false],
       'resource' => ['type' => ResourceImage::TYPE_PLAYER, 'isTemp' => true],
       'name' => ['title' => '12321', 'ext' => $file->extension]

  $resourceImage->upload($imageOriginalTemp, $file);
  // You can proccess the image with some functions in the componente, thumbnail, crop.
  $resourceImage->saveBySize(ResourceImage::SIZE_THUMB, $imageOriginalTemp, ['thumbnail']);

Get web url

$resourceImage->getWebUrl("jijo.jpg", ResourceImage::TYPE_PLAYER, ResourceImage::SIZE_THUMB);

Get default web url

$resourceImage->getDefaultWebUrl(ResourceImage::TYPE_PLAYER, ResourceImage::SIZE_CROP);


Generating new path you can access the data of the model.

class ResourcePath extends Model

     * Final path.
     * @var string 
    public $path;

     * Configuration for final path.
     * @var arr 
    public $config = [];

     * Name generated
     * @var string 
    public $name;
     * Size generated
     * @var string 
    public $size;
     * Resource generated
     * @var string
    public $resource;
     * Base Path generated
     * @var string 
    public $basePath;
     * Root generated
     * @var string 
    public $root;


You can use this component if you want can contribute send email to

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