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This is the repository for MI-Challenge of door2door

Simulator Modifications

I've modified the simulator to use max_popular_points variable which was initialized to 10 but not used instead of number_or_request, cause this makes much more sense to me, using number_of_requests assumes that every request to the ridepool service is popular and just crowded the map.

Libraries Used

For the styling I've used bootstrap, it's free and easy to use and put some extra Kbs to download. I've used Flask with Python3 to create the simulator API endpoint for an easy and testable way to create a restfull API, also I've used Flask-cors library to enable my end point to be called from different origin as I'm using two different localhosts here (the same one but different ports).
I've used leaflet as my Maps library as it's open source, free, and easy to use and get up and running quickly.
I've also used an extenrl repository to get my marker icons.

Building And Running The Backend (Python)

First you need to install virtualenv (if you havent already) using the command:

pip install virtualenv

Then create a virtual environment with what ever the name you want using the command:

virtualenv <name_of_the_environment> -p python3

the -p python3 here instructs the environment to use python3 interpreter. Then cd to the new created environment and activate it using the command:

source bin/activate

After activation of the environment you need to install the required libraries from requirements.txt using the command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Finally you just need to run the application using the command:


Flask will run on port 8090.

Building And Running The Frontend (React)

First you need to have yarn to be able to install node_module packages, if you haven't yarn already you can use the command:

sudo apt-get install yarn

On Linux and you can download it on Windows. After having yarn installed you can use it to install all required packages needed to run the React app using the command:


Yes just open a command prompt go to the React project directory and write yarn and voila all the work is done.
Then yarn start will start the application on port 3000.


I've done some manual testing to ensure that everything is Ok before submission, you can't run the simulation with number of request < 4 to be able to make sense of simulation results. You can't submit an empty number of requests, and when re-simulate the components update just fine.


This is the repository for MI-Challenge of door2door






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