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Excel Skills for Business

Excel Skills for Business Essentials:

1st Week:

  • Excel User Interface
  • Key Terminology
  • Selecting and Navigation
  • Working with Data
  • Fill Handle

2nd Week:

  • Formulas
  • Functions
  • More Functions
  • Relative & Absolute Cell References

3rd Week:

  • Font Formatting
  • Borders
  • Alignment
  • Format Painter
  • Number Formatting
  • Styles & Themes

4th Week:

  • Managing rows & columns
  • Find & replace
  • Filter & sort
  • Conditional Formatting

5th Week:

  • Print preview
  • Margins, scale & orientation
  • Page breaks
  • Headers & Footers

6th Week:

  • Basic Charts
  • Chart Styles
  • Chart Types

Excel Skills for Business: Intermediate I:

1st Week:

  • Multiple Worksheets:
    • Group Sheets
    • Sheets, tabs manipulations (Deleting - Inserting - Copying - moving -renaming - hiding - unhiding)
  • 3D Formulas:
    • 3D Formulas vs 2D Formulas
    • Summing values across multiple worksheets where the structure is the same
  • Linking Workbooks:
    • Arrange all windows so you can see them simultaneously
    • Linking multiple workbooks
    • The link consists of :
      • Workbook name + Sheet name + absolute reference of cell required to link
  • Consolidation Values by position and by reference:
    • Not updated dynamically of data
    • You can run it multiple times to update data.
    • Consolidation by References (Categories) from different worksheets that may not be typically identical

2nd Week:

  • Combining Text:
    • Concat Function
    • Ampersand symbol
  • Text Case:
    • LOWER Function
    • UPPER Function
    • PROPER Function
  • Extracting Text:
    • LEFT Function
    • MID Function
    • Right Function
    • MID(text,start_num,num_chars)
  • Finding Text:
    • FIND(find_text,within_text,num_chars)
  • Date Calculations:
    • NOW Function
    • TODAY Function
    • YEARFRAC Function
    • CTRL + ; to insert current date in a cell
    • CTRL + : to insert current time in a cell

3rd Week:

  • Named Ranges:
    • Name Box (Don't Use Hyphen or a space)
    • Any three letters followed by a number gives us a cell reference
    • Named Range gives us automatically the absolute cell reference
    • Name Box is not used to change the named range
  • Create and Manage Ranges:
    • CMD + SHIFT + Down Arrow to select data in column till you hit a blank cell
    • Three ways to create name ranges:
      • Name Box
      • Define Names from Formula Tab
      • Create from Selection from Formula Tab
    • Managing Named Ranges:
      • Name Manager in Formulas Tab (Not for Mac Users) but Mac users can get simpler version through Define names in formula tab
  • Apply Ranges to Formulas:
    • To get all named ranges, press F3
  • Apply Names:
    • CMD + SHIFT + F3 -> Create Named Ranges from Selection
    • Apply Names is sublabeled in Define Name button in Formulas tab
    • As our workbooks gets complex it becomes more necessary to past all named ranges list by clicking F3 -> Paste List
    • Implicit Difference & At Symbol @

4th Week:

    • To extract some meaning from the data, we need to create these summary reports
    • COUNTIFS count the number of times "certain criterias" is met
    • SUMIFS sums a range based on "certain criterias"
    • In absolute cell references, we lock the column and we lock the row
    • Mixed cell references, we may lock the column but not the row or we can lock the row, but not the column
    • COUNT function counts all cells that contain a numeric value all empty cells are ignored
    • COUNTA Function counts all cells that contain both numerical and alphanumerical data all empty cells are ignored
    • COUNTBLANK function counts all empty cells
    • COUNTIFS needs two arguments (at least):
      • Criteria_Range
      • Criteria1
      • For COUNTIFS, text and expressions must be within quotation marks
  • SUMIFS(More than one criteria ranges, criteria):
  • Sparklines:
    • Sparklines are min-charts that fit in a Single Cell
    • Insert Tab then Sparklines
    • Sparklines are grouped together
  • Advanced Charting:
    • Switching Row / Column
    • Select Data
    • Change Chart Type
    • Secondary Axis
    • Combo Chart (supported with line one overlay first axis)
  • Trendlines:
    • Adjusting Vertical Scale through Formatting Axis
    • Add Trendline for Exponential, Linear, Logarithmic, Power Functions
    • R^2 closer to one the more it's linear

5th Week:

  • Create and Format Tables:
    • Table:
      • Hold database-style data
      • Column represents a field that contains a particular type of information
      • Record represents entire information about customer, or one transaction
      • Table Tab:
        • Contextual Ribbon Tab
        • Table Name
        • Banded Rows
        • …etc features
      • Tables vs Ranges:
        • Tables:
          • Selection of Data is easier a lot than in Ranges
          • No need to worry about Freezing Panes when working with Tables
          • We're really looking to use them whenever we're working with raw data entries
          • It comes to trouble, when you're looking to create summaries of sections inside your table
        • Ranges:
          • Selection of Data is harder than in Tables
          • You need to worry about Freezing panes
          • Subtotal tool is available here
  • Sort and Filter in Tables:
    • Removing Duplicates:
      • Table => Remove Duplicates
    • Accessing Sort Function:
      • Sorting:
        • Table => Filter Button
        • Data Tab
        • Home Tab
        • Right Click => Sort
        • Header Row
    • Total Row
    • It is good practice to always clear filters,especially when you work in a shared Environment
  • Automation:
    • Named Ranges are Automated with Table
    • CTRL SHIFT + Shortcut for adding new Row
    • Named Ranges Extend Automatically in Tables Not in Ranges
    • Charts Update automatically when they are attached to tables Unlike Ranges
  • Subtotalling:
    • Feature in Excel that summarizes subsections of your data
    • We need to convert our table back to range
    • Subtotal creates outline on the left

6th Week:

  • Pivot Tables:
    • Another way of summarizing and filtering large amounts of information to produce useful reports
    • It is Nicky Reccomendation to put data first in table before making Pivot tables as it makes Pivot Table much more responsive to changes
    • When you create pivot tables and click on it there are two ribbon tabs added:
      • PivotTable Analyze
      • Design
    • Pivot Tables are easily be pivoted or changed to get different views on the data
  • Create and modify a pivot:
    • Insert then Create Pivot Tables
    • You can use Refresh Button in PivotTable Analyze Ribbon Tab
    • Show Values as (Percentage,...etc)
    • Summarize Values by(COUNT,SUM,...etc)
    • When you add two or more values to Rows, Columns you get subtotals
    • Report Layout:
      • Compact Form (By Default)
      • Outline Form
      • Tabular Form
  • Group and Filter Data:
    • Group:
      • PivotTable Analyze then Group Selection
      • You can Ungroup by going to PivotTable Analyze Ribbon Tab then Ungroup
    • Sorting:
      • You can sort Data: click anywhere in pivot Table Area then Data Ribbon Tab then Sort
    • Filtering:
      • By Row
      • By Columns
      • Filters Panel
      • Show Report Filter Pages
      • Field List Button in Pivot table Analyze Ribbon Tab
  • Charts and Slicers:
    • Charts:
      • Pivot Table Analyze then Select Pivot Chart
      • The Pivot Charts always represent the Pivot Table
    • Slicers:
      • Another way of Filtering Data but they are incredibly easy to use
      • Analyze then Insert Slicer
      • You can connect slicers to multiple pivots
    • Pivot Tables + Pivot Charts + Pivot Slicers:
      • Interactive Visual Reports
      • Powerful Dashboards

Excel Skills for Business: Intermediate II:

1st Week:

  • Data Validation:
    • Garbage In, Garbage Out: The Quality of Information coming out cannot be better than the quality of information that went in
    • Data Entry Validation
    • Once error** gets into our data, It can prove problematic to get reliable **information from that data
    • Data then Data Validation Tool then choose validation criteria, Excel will only permit according to validation criteria
    • If the data is copy-pasted, or imported, it actually doesn't enforce data validation rules
  • Drop-Down Lists:
    • Data then Data Validations then "List" Validation Criteria
    • Drop-Down List will be populated in the order you type it in
    • Make sure you separate your values with a comma
    • Look Up Down List
    • Advantage of converting your lookup list into a named range and table
  • Formulas in Data Validation:
  • Working with Data Validations:
    • To Clear Validations, Select Column you wanna remove validations from, Data, Data Validations Button, finally Select Clear All
    • To Circle Invalid Data, Select Data Ribbon Tab, Data Validations arrow, Circle Invalid Data
    • If you're not familiar with the Excel file, you don't know where are Data Validations found, Formulas Assigned so it is easy to find by going to Home Ribbon Tab, Find & Select Arrow, Go To Special, Check Data Validation
    • Paste Special
    • As you are working with Table, Data Validations Expands with you as you added new rows
    • Formulas + Data Validations
    • Conditional Formatting + Data Validations
    • Whole numbers don't include negative numbers, fractions, or decimals.