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In this Specialization, learners develop advanced Excel Skills for Business. Upon completing the four courses in this Specialization, learners can design sophisticated spreadsheets, including professional dashboards, and perform complex calculations using advanced Excel features and techniques. Learners have acquired the skills to manage large d…

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Excel Skills for Business

Excel Skills for Business Essentials:

1st Week:

  • Excel User Interface
  • Key Terminology
  • Selecting and Navigation
  • Working with Data
  • Fill Handle

2nd Week:

  • Formulas
  • Functions
  • More Functions
  • Relative & Absolute Cell References

3rd Week:

  • Font Formatting
  • Borders
  • Alignment
  • Format Painter
  • Number Formatting
  • Styles & Themes

4th Week:

  • Managing rows & columns
  • Find & replace
  • Filter & sort
  • Conditional Formatting

5th Week:

  • Print preview
  • Margins, scale & orientation
  • Page breaks
  • Headers & Footers

6th Week:

  • Basic Charts
  • Chart Styles
  • Chart Types

Excel Skills for Business: Intermediate I:

1st Week:

  • Multiple Worksheets:
    • Group Sheets
    • Sheets, tabs manipulations (Deleting - Inserting - Copying - moving -renaming - hiding - unhiding)
  • 3D Formulas:
    • 3D Formulas vs 2D Formulas
    • Summing values across multiple worksheets where the structure is the same
  • Linking Workbooks:
    • Arrange all windows so you can see them simultaneously
    • Linking multiple workbooks
    • The link consists of :
      • Workbook name + Sheet name + absolute reference of cell required to link
  • Consolidation Values by position and by reference:
    • Not updated dynamically of data
    • You can run it multiple times to update data.
    • Consolidation by References (Categories) from different worksheets that may not be typically identical

2nd Week:

  • Combining Text:
    • Concat Function
    • Ampersand symbol
  • Text Case:
    • LOWER Function
    • UPPER Function
    • PROPER Function
  • Extracting Text:
    • LEFT Function
    • MID Function
    • Right Function
    • MID(text,start_num,num_chars)
  • Finding Text:
    • FIND(find_text,within_text,num_chars)
  • Date Calculations:
    • NOW Function
    • TODAY Function
    • YEARFRAC Function
    • CTRL + ; to insert current date in a cell
    • CTRL + : to insert current time in a cell

3rd Week:

  • Named Ranges:
    • Name Box (Don't Use Hyphen or a space)
    • Any three letters followed by a number gives us a cell reference
    • Named Range gives us automatically the absolute cell reference
    • Name Box is not used to change the named range
  • Create and Manage Ranges:
    • CMD + SHIFT + Down Arrow to select data in column till you hit a blank cell
    • Three ways to create name ranges:
      • Name Box
      • Define Names from Formula Tab
      • Create from Selection from Formula Tab
    • Managing Named Ranges:
      • Name Manager in Formulas Tab (Not for Mac Users) but Mac users can get simpler version through Define names in formula tab
  • Apply Ranges to Formulas:
    • To get all named ranges, press F3
  • Apply Names:
    • CMD + SHIFT + F3 -> Create Named Ranges from Selection
    • Apply Names is sublabeled in Define Name button in Formulas tab
    • As our workbooks gets complex it becomes more necessary to past all named ranges list by clicking F3 -> Paste List
    • Implicit Difference & At Symbol @

4th Week:

    • To extract some meaning from the data, we need to create these summary reports
    • COUNTIFS count the number of times "certain criterias" is met
    • SUMIFS sums a range based on "certain criterias"
    • In absolute cell references, we lock the column and we lock the row
    • Mixed cell references, we may lock the column but not the row or we can lock the row, but not the column
    • COUNT function counts all cells that contain a numeric value all empty cells are ignored
    • COUNTA Function counts all cells that contain both numerical and alphanumerical data all empty cells are ignored
    • COUNTBLANK function counts all empty cells
    • COUNTIFS needs two arguments (at least):
      • Criteria_Range
      • Criteria1
      • For COUNTIFS, text and expressions must be within quotation marks
  • SUMIFS(More than one criteria ranges, criteria):
  • Sparklines:
    • Sparklines are min-charts that fit in a Single Cell
    • Insert Tab then Sparklines
    • Sparklines are grouped together
  • Advanced Charting:
    • Switching Row / Column
    • Select Data
    • Change Chart Type
    • Secondary Axis
    • Combo Chart (supported with line one overlay first axis)
  • Trendlines:
    • Adjusting Vertical Scale through Formatting Axis
    • Add Trendline for Exponential, Linear, Logarithmic, Power Functions
    • R^2 closer to one the more it's linear

5th Week:

  • Create and Format Tables:
    • Table:
      • Hold database-style data
      • Column represents a field that contains a particular type of information
      • Record represents entire information about customer, or one transaction
      • Table Tab:
        • Contextual Ribbon Tab
        • Table Name
        • Banded Rows
        • …etc features
      • Tables vs Ranges:
        • Tables:
          • Selection of Data is easier a lot than in Ranges
          • No need to worry about Freezing Panes when working with Tables
          • We're really looking to use them whenever we're working with raw data entries
          • It comes to trouble, when you're looking to create summaries of sections inside your table
        • Ranges:
          • Selection of Data is harder than in Tables
          • You need to worry about Freezing panes
          • Subtotal tool is available here
  • Sort and Filter in Tables:
    • Removing Duplicates:
      • Table => Remove Duplicates
    • Accessing Sort Function:
      • Sorting:
        • Table => Filter Button
        • Data Tab
        • Home Tab
        • Right Click => Sort
        • Header Row
    • Total Row
    • It is good practice to always clear filters,especially when you work in a shared Environment
  • Automation:
    • Named Ranges are Automated with Table
    • CTRL SHIFT + Shortcut for adding new Row
    • Named Ranges Extend Automatically in Tables Not in Ranges
    • Charts Update automatically when they are attached to tables Unlike Ranges
  • Subtotalling:
    • Feature in Excel that summarizes subsections of your data
    • We need to convert our table back to range
    • Subtotal creates outline on the left

6th Week:

  • Pivot Tables:
    • Another way of summarizing and filtering large amounts of information to produce useful reports
    • It is Nicky Reccomendation to put data first in table before making Pivot tables as it makes Pivot Table much more responsive to changes
    • When you create pivot tables and click on it there are two ribbon tabs added:
      • PivotTable Analyze
      • Design
    • Pivot Tables are easily be pivoted or changed to get different views on the data
  • Create and modify a pivot:
    • Insert then Create Pivot Tables
    • You can use Refresh Button in PivotTable Analyze Ribbon Tab
    • Show Values as (Percentage,...etc)
    • Summarize Values by(COUNT,SUM,...etc)
    • When you add two or more values to Rows, Columns you get subtotals
    • Report Layout:
      • Compact Form (By Default)
      • Outline Form
      • Tabular Form
  • Group and Filter Data:
    • Group:
      • PivotTable Analyze then Group Selection
      • You can Ungroup by going to PivotTable Analyze Ribbon Tab then Ungroup
    • Sorting:
      • You can sort Data: click anywhere in pivot Table Area then Data Ribbon Tab then Sort
    • Filtering:
      • By Row
      • By Columns
      • Filters Panel
      • Show Report Filter Pages
      • Field List Button in Pivot table Analyze Ribbon Tab
  • Charts and Slicers:
    • Charts:
      • Pivot Table Analyze then Select Pivot Chart
      • The Pivot Charts always represent the Pivot Table
    • Slicers:
      • Another way of Filtering Data but they are incredibly easy to use
      • Analyze then Insert Slicer
      • You can connect slicers to multiple pivots
    • Pivot Tables + Pivot Charts + Pivot Slicers:
      • Interactive Visual Reports
      • Powerful Dashboards

Excel Skills for Business: Intermediate II:

1st Week:

  • Data Validation:
    • Garbage In, Garbage Out: The Quality of Information coming out cannot be better than the quality of information that went in
    • Data Entry Validation
    • Once error** gets into our data, It can prove problematic to get reliable **information from that data
    • Data then Data Validation Tool then choose validation criteria, Excel will only permit according to validation criteria
    • If the data is copy-pasted, or imported, it actually doesn't enforce data validation rules
  • Drop-Down Lists:
    • Data then Data Validations then "List" Validation Criteria
    • Drop-Down List will be populated in the order you type it in
    • Make sure you separate your values with a comma
    • Look Up Down List
    • Advantage of converting your lookup list into a named range and table
  • Formulas in Data Validation:
  • Working with Data Validations:
    • To Clear Validations, Select Column you wanna remove validations from, Data, Data Validations Button, finally Select Clear All
    • To Circle Invalid Data, Select Data Ribbon Tab, Data Validations arrow, Circle Invalid Data
    • If you're not familiar with the Excel file, you don't know where are Data Validations found, Formulas Assigned so it is easy to find by going to Home Ribbon Tab, Find & Select Arrow, Go To Special, Check Data Validation
    • Paste Special
    • As you are working with Table, Data Validations Expands with you as you added new rows
    • Formulas + Data Validations
    • Conditional Formatting + Data Validations
    • Whole numbers don't include negative numbers, fractions, or decimals.


In this Specialization, learners develop advanced Excel Skills for Business. Upon completing the four courses in this Specialization, learners can design sophisticated spreadsheets, including professional dashboards, and perform complex calculations using advanced Excel features and techniques. Learners have acquired the skills to manage large d…







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