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What is Qat?

Qat is Node Cli Tool for quickly automate workflow tasks using command line.

Q A T = Quickly Autmate Tasks

How to get started?

  1. run npm i -g qat or yarn add global qat

  2. add qat.config.js file to the root directory of the project, and start writing your custom commands

  3. run qat your-custom-command

  4. watch the magic automated 👏 ✨


  • a simple command for adding tow numbers, and printing the the result
module.exports = {
	add: ({ agrs, log }) => {
		const [num1, num2] = args
		log(+num1 + +num2)

then run qat sum 1 3 in the command line, 4 will be printed

  • an command for committing, and pushing changes
module.exports = {
	commit: async ({ args, exec, log }) => {
		const [message] = agrs

		await  exec.command(['git add .', `git commit -m "${message}"`, 'git push origin main'])'changes successfully committed')

when you run qat commit 'your commit message' it will automatically add the changes, commit it, and push it to the origin remote, then it will print a green color message "changes successfully committed".

  • an command for automatically generate a component folder and starter files
module.exports = {
	component: async ({ args, fs, log }) => {
		const [componentName] = agrs

		await fs.create(`components/${componentName}.jsx`)

then run qat component Header, it will automatically create the Header component file.

Command Structure

	[command_topic]: async (toolset: { agrs, log, fs, applyTemplate, openUrl, exec }) => { ... }

  • args ( array of strings ) the arguments passed when running the command

  • log function, which is an advanced replacement of console.log

log('hello world') // default
log.error('Error occured') // red'Sucess') // green
log.warn('warning') // yellow

  • exec un object that contains tow methods: command and file

    • .command(string | array of strings) for executing cli commands
    • .file(path) for executing shell files
await  exec.command('npm install axios')
await  exec.command(['git add .', 'git commit', 'git push'])

await  exec.file('./')

  • openUrl(string) for opening URL in default browser
await  openUrl('http://localhost:3000')

  • applyTemplate(template, variables, marks?) for replacing template variables in a string
    • template (string)
    • varibales (object)
    • marks ( [opening_mark, closing_mark] | [same_mark] )
const stringTemplate = 'Hello {{ name }}'
log(applyTemplate(stringTemplate, { name: 'Mohamed' }))
// Hello Mohamed

const stringTemplate = 'Hello __name__'
log(applyTemplate(stringTemplate, { name: 'Ibrahim' }, ['__']))
// Hello Ibrahim

  • fs
    • .isExists(path) return boolean value.
    • .create(path | object | array[path | objects], parentPath?) for creating files and folders
      • path ( string ) if the path basename has an extension, it create a file, if not, it create a folder, for special cases, use an object as argument.
      • object
        • .path ( string )
        • .type? ( "file" | "folder" )
        • .content? ( string ) if the type is a file.
        • .children? if the type is a folder, and it will be passed as an argument of .create method with parent path of its parent object.
    • .readFile(path) return file content.
    • .readDir(path) return folder structure.
    • .readTemplate(path, variables, marks?) same as applyTemplate but with the template path in place of the template string.
    • .edit(path, editFunction) for editing files content, the editFunction take old content as an argument and should return the new content.
    • .delete(path | array of paths) for deleting files and folders.
    • .open(path | array of paths) for opening file or multiple files in new VS Code tabs.
    • .copy(srcDir, destDir, files?) for copy files from a directory to another.
      • srcDir ( string ) path of the source directory.
      • destDir ( string ) path of the destination directory.
      • files ( array of string ) names of specific files you want to copy. by default it copy all the files and folders .
    • .watch('file, dir, glob, or array')
/**** fs.create examples ****/

await fs.create('styles.css')
// will create file named style.css

await fs.create('wrapper')
// will create a folder named wrapper

await fs.create(['index.js'. 'components', 'style.css'])
// will create tow files: index.js and style.css, and one folder named components

await fs.create(
	path: 'Header',
	children: [
			 path: 'index.jsx',
			 content: 'import React from react'
}, 'components')
	will create the next structure
	- components
		- Header
			- index.jsx ( filled with initial content "import React from react" )
			- style.css
/**** fs.create example ****/

// Initialize watcher.
const watcher ='file, dir, glob, or array')

// Add event listeners.
  .on('add', path => log(`File ${path} has been added`))
  .on('change', path => log(`File ${path} has been changed`))
  .on('unlink', path => log(`File ${path} has been removed`))

// More possible events.
  .on('addDir', path => log(`Directory ${path} has been added`))
  .on('unlinkDir', path => log(`Directory ${path} has been removed`))
  .on('error', error => log(`Watcher error: ${error}`))
  .on('ready', () => log('Initial scan complete. Ready for changes'))
  .on('raw', (event, path, details) => { // internal
    log('Raw event info:', event, path, details)

// Stop watching.
// The method is async!
watcher.close().then(() => console.log('closed'))

Happy coding 😃


Quickly Automate Coding Tasks






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