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home24 Test Task for Software Engineer


Create a small REST API having several endpoints:

  1. /token - an endpoint that will be used to create an authorisation token using email and password.
  2. /entities - an endpoint having CRUD functionality (use any entity structure you like).
  3. /account - an endpoint returning account information identified by authorisation token.





Clone the repo $ git clone

Activate a virtual environment

$ cd flask-jwt-auth/
$ python -m venv env
$ source env/Scripts/activate

Install dependencies

(env)$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Create databases (You need to have psql installed)

(env)$ psql
# create database flask_jwt_auth;
# create database flask_jwt_auth_test;
# \q

Set environment variables in terminal:

(env)$ export APP_SETTINGS="project.server.config.DevelopmentConfig"

Confirm you see the following in psql

postgres=# \c flask_jwt_auth
WARNING: Console code page (437) differs from Windows code page (1252)
         8-bit characters might not work correctly. See psql reference
         page "Notes for Windows users" for details.
You are now connected to database "flask_jwt_auth" as user "postgres".
flask_jwt_auth=# \d
                   List of relations
 Schema |          Name           |   Type   |  Owner
 public | blacklist_tokens        | table    | postgres
 public | blacklist_tokens_id_seq | sequence | postgres
 public | products                | table    | postgres
 public | products_id_seq         | sequence | postgres
 public | users                   | table    | postgres
 public | users_id_seq            | sequence | postgres
(6 rows)

In a python shell, generate a random key

>>> import os
>>> os.urandom(24)

In a shell, set they key as a secret key environment variable

(env)$ export SECRET_KEY="C~\xf8\xb2\x9e\xf7=3\xfb\x85\xc3=-\xa8Y}+[Rx)\xbb9\x0c"

Run the following command to execute the unit tests found in flask-jwt-auth\project\tests\

(env)$ python test

Running the Application

(env) $ python runserver


(env)$ python test
test_app_is_development (project.tests.test__config.TestDevelopmentConfig) ... ok
test_app_is_production (project.tests.test__config.TestProductionConfig) ... ok
test_app_is_testing (project.tests.test__config.TestTestingConfig) ... ok
test_add_product (project.tests.test_auth.TestAuthBlueprint)
Test for adding product ... ok
test_adding_already_added_product (project.tests.test_auth.TestAuthBlueprint)
Test adding a product code that already exists ... ok
test_decode_auth_token (project.tests.test_auth.TestAuthBlueprint)
Test for decoding authentication token ... ok
test_delete_product (project.tests.test_auth.TestAuthBlueprint)
Test delete product with specific code ... ok
test_delete_product_failed (project.tests.test_auth.TestAuthBlueprint)
Test deleting product with code that does not exist ... ok
test_edit_product (project.tests.test_auth.TestAuthBlueprint)
Test editing product code ... ok
test_edit_product_not_exist (project.tests.test_auth.TestAuthBlueprint)
Test editing product code that does not exist ... ok
test_getting_all_product (project.tests.test_auth.TestAuthBlueprint)
Test getting all products matching specific type ... ok
test_getting_product (project.tests.test_auth.TestAuthBlueprint)
Test getting product with specific code ... ok
test_getting_product_not_exist (project.tests.test_auth.TestAuthBlueprint)
Test getting product code that does not exist ... ok
test_invalid_logout (project.tests.test_auth.TestAuthBlueprint)
Testing logout after the token expires ... ok
test_non_registered_user_login (project.tests.test_auth.TestAuthBlueprint)
Test for login of non-registered user ... ok
test_registered_user_login (project.tests.test_auth.TestAuthBlueprint)
Test for login of registered-user login ... ok
test_registered_with_already_registered_user (project.tests.test_auth.TestAuthBlueprint)
Test registration with already registered email ... ok
test_registration (project.tests.test_auth.TestAuthBlueprint)
Test for user registration ... ok
test_user_status (project.tests.test_auth.TestAuthBlueprint)
Test for user status ... ok
test_user_status_malformed_bearer_token (project.tests.test_auth.TestAuthBlueprint)
Test for user status with malformed bearer token ... ok
test_valid_blacklisted_token_logout (project.tests.test_auth.TestAuthBlueprint)
Test for logout after a valid token gets blacklisted ... ok
test_valid_blacklisted_token_user (project.tests.test_auth.TestAuthBlueprint)
Test for user status with a blacklisted valid token ... ok
test_valid_logout (project.tests.test_auth.TestAuthBlueprint)
Test for logout before token expires ... ok
test_decode_auth_token (project.tests.test_user_model.TestUserModel) ... ok
test_encode_auth_token (project.tests.test_user_model.TestUserModel) ... ok

Ran 25 tests in 18.614s


API Documentations

POST: /auth/register

Register a new user using email and password



POST: /auth/login

Login using email and password


email - string
password - string

GET: /auth/account

Get status of the currently logged in user

POST: /auth/logout

Logout from current session


email - string
password - string

POST: /auth/products

Add new product to product database using code, type, and quantity


code - string
type - string
quantity - integer

GET: /auth/inventory

Get single product by passing in it's code or multiple product types by passing in a type


code - string



type - string

PUT: /auth/inventory

Edit product in the inventory


code - string
newcode - string

DELETE: /auth/inventory

Delete product in inventory


code - string
newcode - string


1. Please explain your choice of technologies.

To be honest, I have never done something like this before. I was learning while working on this task. As I am a huge fan of Python, I chose to develop using Python. Using my bestfriend google, I was able to understand as much as possible about REST, JWT, PSQL, tokens and much more in less than 2 days and I was able to develop this beauty. I am sure there might be a better and far more superior solution but with my limited time, this was the best solution.

2. What is the difference between PUT and POST methods?

PUT puts data to a specific URI. If there is already data there, then PUT replaces that data with the data in the request. If there is not data in the URI, then PUT creates one.

POST sends data to a specific URI for it to handle the request

Ultimately, PUT is used as an edit for most cases, while POST is used to send data.

3. What approaches would you apply to make your API responding fast?

I could try using multiprocessing. Python has a multiprocessing module that could be useful for that.

4. How would you monitor your API?

I would monitor my API by always enhancing my test cases and finding new technologies that allows a faster response time, etc. With a simple google search, I also found out that there are tons of API monitoring tools that could be useful for that.

5. Which endpoints from the task could by publically cached?

/auth/inventory endpoint can be cached to to allow for faster results when searching for the same product again.


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