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mohan cao edited this page Sep 18, 2016 · 11 revisions

Welcome to the VoxSpell wiki!

Current iteration:

  • Multithreading
  • Reads spelling-list.txt from current working directory
  • Stores statistics in a hidden stats file in the $HOME/.user/ directory
  • Asks for confirmation before exiting a running spelling quiz (both review and new quiz)
    • If user quits before the quiz ends, then the current word is marked as incorrect (is this the correct design decision?)
  • Has a stats page for mastered, faulted, and failed spelling words
    • Stats page has toggleable global and session statistics
  • Easily updatable GUI, can drag-drop components for future functionality
  • Support for application skinning
  • Level selection and unlockable levels 1. User is given feedback after every level (sort of like a summary stats) - DESIGN DECISION: faulted stats do not count towards counting accuracy of words on a particular level. 2. Can increment (if pass mark 9/10), but users can choose to remain to practice words in the same difficulty. 3. "For any given session, the statistics on every level must be shown" - implemented as simple summary stats
  • Using MediaPlayer as the media player
    • Given option to playback the video reward after successful level
    • Automatic start (design decision), given option to pause or stop. (DONE)
  • Able to change voices in Festival
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