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The Project 'project_management' is devided into two components ==> Backend(Ruby+Rails) ==>Frontend(Angular4) => Ruby(2.3.3) =>Rails(5.1.3) =>(Angular4)

  1. Clone/Copy the project Repo(project_management) on your machine. $git clone

  2. Install postgres database
    i) Install Potgres database ( ii) Create a user/role in databse and give this user permissions(create, edit delete, admin etc)

  3. Backend Rails Server Setup: i) Go to project_management/backend ii) Install rvm(ruby version manager) if you do not have one $\curl -sSL | bash (follow

iv) Install ruby 2.3.3 using rvm $rvm install 2.3.3

v) Go to project_management/backend/config vi) Change the database.yml details as per your postgres(username and password) configuration

vii) Go to project_management/backend a)Run bundle install(This command will install all required gems) $bundle install

x) Run the following commands to setup the databse:
	$bundle exec rake db:create (First Time only)
	$bundle exec rake db:migrate
	$bundle exec rake db:seed  (it creates admin user and some test members), Please check 'backend/db/seed.rb' for more details

xi)Run rails server on port 3000
	$bundle exec rails s
	The above command will run the rails server in development mode on 3000

Frontend Setup: Go to project_management/frontend

i) Install nvm(Node version manager)
ii) Install Node v6.10.3 using nvm
	$nvm install v6.10.3
The above command will install node (version v6.10.3), npm(node package manager comes with node)
iii) Install ng-cli (1.1.0)
	$npm install -g angular-cli@1.0.0
iv)install node packages using npm
	$npm install

viii) Run angular server
	$npm start

ix) Go to browser
x) Hit 'http://localhost:4200'
Congrates! you are on home page of mobile view.

xi) Your Admin Account Credentials are: username: "" password: "12345678"

==>Note: To run the rpsec unit test: => Go to project_management/backend and => $bundle exec rpsec