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Graphql Api Project

The Project is a robust and scalable GraphQL API that provides basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) functionality for managing products. It also includes user authentication and authorization features to ensure secure access to the system.

Table of Contents


Provide an introduction to your project, explaining its purpose, features, and benefits. You can also include any relevant background information or context.


  • Basic CRUD Operations: Perform Create, Read, Update, and Delete operations for products, allowing users to manage product data efficiently.
  • User Authentication: Implement user authentication to secure the application and ensure that only authorized users can access and modify data.
  • User Authorization: Implement role-based access control to assign different permissions to users based on their roles. Restrict certain operations to specific roles or users.
  • Product Listing: Fetch and display a list of products with their details, such as name, description, and price.
  • User Management: Allow users to register, log in.
  • Password Encryption: Safely store user passwords by encrypting them using industry-standard encryption algorithms.


To run this project, you need to have the following prerequisites installed:

  • Node.js
  • npm or yarn
  • MongoDB


Follow these steps to install and configure the project:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. Change to the project directory: cd typegoose-typegraphql
  3. Install the dependencies: yarn
  4. Set up the configuration file: Copy the .env.example file to .env and update the environment variables accordingly.
  5. Start the server: yarn dev
  6. Access the application at: http://localhost:4000


To use the Awesome GraphQL Project, follow these steps:

  1. Open your favorite GraphQL client, such as GraphQL Playground or Altair GraphQL Client.
  2. Connect to the GraphQL endpoint: http://localhost:4000/graphql.
  3. Explore the available queries, mutations, and subscriptions in the documentation explorer.
  4. Craft and execute your GraphQL requests to interact with the project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


For any questions or feedback, feel free to reach out to us:


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