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Image sharing Microservices cloud-based web application

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Udagram Microservices

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Udagram is a simple cloud application developed alongside the Udacity Cloud Engineering Nanodegree. It allows users to register and log into a web client, post photos to the feed, and process photos using an image filtering microservice.

The project is split into four services:

  1. The Ionic Client A basic Ionic client web application which consumes the RestAPI Backend.

  2. The User RESTful API Service, a Node-Express server which does user authentication and registration.

  3. The Feed RESTful API Service, a Node-Express server which is used to list feeds and upload feed images to an AWS S3 bucket.

  4. The Image Filtering RESTful API Service, a Node-Express server which runs a simple script to process images.

Dockerhub Images

Starting the services as Docker containers locally

  • Replace the Dockerhub username mohllal with your own Dockerhub repository.

  • Since the docker-compose file uses environment variables, therefore you need to tell the system to use the environment variables from your ~/.profile file using the command source ~/.profile.

  • Navigate to udacity-c3-deployment/docker folder and build the images for each of our defined services, using the command::

docker-compose -f docker-compose-build.yaml build --parallel
  • To start the system, run a container for each of our defined services, in the de-attached mode:
docker-compose -f docker-compose up -d
  • To see the list of running containers, run the command - docker-compose ps. You will see a list of container names, states, and ports listed.

  • Go to the browser and run http://localhost:8100/ to see my Udagram application up and running with two functionalities: feed and user service. Feed service will allow the user to upload images and User service will allow a user to log-in or log-out from the system.

  • If you wish to stop the containers gracefully, use the below command:

docker-compose stop
# To remove (and stop) the container
docker-compose down

Starting the app as a Kubernetes cluster locally

  • Replace the Dockerhub username mohllal with your own Dockerhub repository.

  • Replace all keys in the env-configmap, env-secret and aws-secret with your values.

  • To create K8s configMap, secrets, deployments and services use the below command:

kubectl apply -f udacity-c3-deployment/k8s --recursive
  • Use Kubernetes port forwarding to see the application running, using the following command:
kubectl port-forward <reverseproxy-pod> 8080:8080
kubectl port-forward <frontend-pod> 8100:80


Note: You can find screenshots for the deployment here.

