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Accounts API

Accounts RESTful API with Authentication build with Laravel 9.


Method Endpoint Description
POST api/auth/login Login
POST api/auth/logout Logout
GET|HEAD api/auth/me Me/Profile
POST api/auth/register Register new user
GET|HEAD api/books Get All Books
POST api/books Create New Book
GET|HEAD api/books/{book} Get Book
PUT|PATCH api/books/{book} Update Existing Book
DELETE api/books/{book} Delete Existing Book
GET|HEAD api/books/{book}/customers Get All Customers
POST api/books/{book}/customers Create New Customer
GET|HEAD api/books/{book}/customers/{customer} Get Customer
PUT|PATCH api/books/{book}/customers/{customer} Update Existing Customer
DELETE api/books/{book}/customers/{customer} Delete Existing Customer
GET|HEAD api/books/{book}/customers/{customer}/entries Get All Entries
POST api/books/{book}/customers/{customer}/entries Create New Entry
GET|HEAD api/books/{book}/customers/{customer}/entries/{entry} Get Entry
PUT|PATCH api/books/{book}/customers/{customer}/entries/{entry} Update Existing Entry
DELETE api/books/{book}/customers/{customer}/entries/{entry} Delete Existing Entry

HTTP Status

  • 1XX Info
  • 2XX Response Successfully
  • 3XX Redirection
  • 4XX Error Client
  • 5XX Error Server
