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Releases: moisespr123/ZCashMiningGui

v0.3 release

04 Nov 22:50
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v0.3 (11/4/2016)
-Added Stop Mining button
-Performance improvements

To use it, download the nheqminer from the nicehash nheqminer repo ( and place the contents inside a folder called "nheqminer" in the same folder where you unpack this release. If the software cannot find "nheqminer.exe" it will not load.

v0.2 release

04 Nov 18:21
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v0.2 (11/4/2016)
-Added Compatibility Mode for Nvidia cards (-cv 1)
-Added Threads and Blocks tuning for Nvidia cards (-ct and -cb)
-Now using the nheqminer.exe executable
-EU and USA server option removed in favor for a user-specified server and port. Currently defaults to Nicehash ZCash pool

To use it, download the nheqminer from the nicehash nheqminer repo ( and place the contents inside a folder called "nheqminer" in the same folder where you unpack this release. If the software cannot find "nheqminer.exe" it will not load.

v0.2b bug fix build

04 Nov 19:52
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v0.2b (11/4/2016)
-Fixed Threads and Blocks not being set to default values when Threads and Blocks are set to 0 in the Tuning Window
-Added a message in the Tuning Window that 0 means default values

To use it, download the nheqminer from the nicehash nheqminer repo ( and place the contents inside a folder called "nheqminer" in the same folder where you unpack this release. If the software cannot find "nheqminer.exe" it will not load.

First release

02 Nov 19:41
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This is the very first release of my GUI.

To use it, download the nheqminer from the nicehash nheqminer repo ( and place the contents inside a folder called "nheqminer" in the same folder where you unpack this release. If the software cannot find "nheqminer_zcash.exe" it will not load.