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Simple Demosaic is added
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moizumi99 committed Sep 30, 2018
1 parent b34fa60 commit 6ac15e6
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Showing 5 changed files with 698 additions and 1 deletion.
532 changes: 532 additions & 0 deletions Simple_Demosaic.ipynb

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
Expand Up @@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ def gamma_correction(rgb_array):
img_gamma[img_gamma < 0] = 0
img_gamma = img_gamma / img_gamma.max()
for index, val in enumerate(img_gamma):
img_gamma[index] = math.pow(val, 1 / 2.2)
img_gamma[index] = math.pow(val, 1 / 2.4)
return img_gamma.reshape(rgb_array.shape)

Expand Down
165 changes: 165 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
import rawpy
import numpy as np
import math
import sys
from scipy import signal

""" Process RAW file into a image file.
Example usage:
raw = read("sample.ARW")
rgb = process(raw)
write(rgb, "output.ARW")

def read(filename):
Read RAW data from specified file. Currently supported formats are
ARW (Sony RAW format)
:param filename: path to the target RAW file
return rawpy.imread(filename)

def process(raw, color_matrix=[1024, 0, 0, 0, 1024, 0, 0, 0, 1024]):
This processes RAW data that was read by read() method.
Must be called after read() operation. No error is checked.
raw_array = get_raw_array(raw)
blc_raw = black_level_correction(raw, raw_array)
dms_img = simple_demosaic(raw, blc_raw)
img_wb = white_balance(raw, dms_img)
img_ccm = color_correction_matrix(img_wb, color_matrix)
img_gamma = gamma_correction(img_ccm)
return img_gamma

def write(rgb_image, output_filename):
Write the processed RGB image to a specified file as PNG format.
Thsi must be called after process(). No error is checked.
:param output_filename: path to the output file. Extension must be png.
import imageio
outimg = rgb_image.copy()
outimg[outimg < 0] = 0
outimg = outimg / outimg.max() * 255
imageio.imwrite(output_filename, outimg.astype('uint8'))

def get_raw_array(raw):
h, w = raw.sizes.raw_height, raw.sizes.raw_width
raw_array = np.array(raw.raw_image).reshape((h, w)).astype('float')
return raw_array

def black_level_correction(raw, raw_array):
blc = raw.black_level_per_channel
bayer_pattern = raw.raw_pattern
blc_raw = raw_array.copy()
h, w = raw.sizes.raw_height, raw.sizes.raw_width
for y in range(0, h, 2):
for x in range(0, w, 2):
blc_raw[y + 0, x + 0] -= blc[bayer_pattern[0, 0]]
blc_raw[y + 0, x + 1] -= blc[bayer_pattern[0, 1]]
blc_raw[y + 1, x + 0] -= blc[bayer_pattern[1, 0]]
blc_raw[y + 1, x + 1] -= blc[bayer_pattern[1, 1]]
return blc_raw

def preview_demosaic(raw, raw_array):
bayer_pattern = raw.raw_pattern
h, w = raw.sizes.raw_height, raw.sizes.raw_width
dms_img = np.zeros((h // 2, w // 2, 3))
for y in range(0, h, 2):
for x in range(0, w, 2):
colors = [0, 0, 0, 0]
colors[bayer_pattern[0, 0]] += raw_array[y + 0, x + 0]
colors[bayer_pattern[0, 1]] += raw_array[y + 0, x + 1]
colors[bayer_pattern[1, 0]] += raw_array[y + 1, x + 0]
colors[bayer_pattern[1, 1]] += raw_array[y + 1, x + 1]
dms_img[y // 2, x // 2, 0] = colors[0]
dms_img[y // 2, x // 2, 1] = (colors[1] + colors[3]) / 2
dms_img[y // 2, x // 2, 2] = colors[2]
return dms_img

def simple_demosaic(raw, raw_array):
h, w = raw_array.shape
dms_img2 = np.zeros((h, w, 3))

green = raw_array.copy()
green[(raw.raw_colors == 0) | (raw.raw_colors == 2)] = 0
g_flt = np.array([[0, 1 / 4, 0], [1 / 4, 1, 1 / 4], [0, 1 / 4, 0]])
dms_img2[:, :, 1] = signal.convolve2d(green, g_flt, boundary='symm', mode='same')

red = raw_array.copy()
red[raw.raw_colors != 0] = 0
rb_flt = np.array([[1 / 4, 1 / 2, 1 / 4], [1 / 2, 1, 1 / 2], [1 / 4, 1 / 2, 1 / 4]])
dms_img2[:, :, 0] = signal.convolve2d(red, rb_flt, boundary='symm', mode='same')

blue = raw_array.copy()
blue[raw.raw_colors != 2] = 0
rb_flt = np.array([[1 / 4, 1 / 2, 1 / 4], [1 / 2, 1, 1 / 2], [1 / 4, 1 / 2, 1 / 4]])
dms_img2[:, :, 2] = signal.convolve2d(blue, rb_flt, boundary='symm', mode='same')
return dms_img2

def white_balance(raw, rgb_array):
wb = np.array(raw.camera_whitebalance)
img_wb = np.zeros_like(rgb_array).reshape((-1, 3))
for index, pixel in enumerate(rgb_array.reshape(-1, 3)):
pixel = pixel * wb[:3] / 1024
img_wb[index] = pixel
return img_wb.reshape(rgb_array.shape)

def color_correction_matrix(rgb_array, color_matrix):
img_ccm = np.zeros_like(rgb_array).reshape((-1, 3))
ccm = np.array(color_matrix).reshape((3, 3))
for index, pixel in enumerate(rgb_array.reshape((-1, 3))):
pixel =, pixel)
img_ccm[index] = pixel
return img_ccm.reshape(rgb_array.shape)

def gamma_correction(rgb_array):
img_gamma = rgb_array.copy().flatten()
img_gamma[img_gamma < 0] = 0
img_gamma = img_gamma / img_gamma.max()
for index, val in enumerate(img_gamma):
img_gamma[index] = math.pow(val, 1 / 2.4)
return img_gamma.reshape(rgb_array.shape)

def main(argv):
if (len(argv) < 2):
print("Usage: {} input_filename [output_filename] [color_matrix]".format(argv[0]))
print("\tDefault output_filename is output.png")
print("\tDefault matrix is identity matrix ([1024, 0, 0, 0, 1024, 0, 0, 0, 1024]")
print("\tExample: python3 {} sample.ARW sample.png \"1141, -205, 88, -52, 1229, -154, 70, -225, 1179\"".format(argv[0]))
print("\tSupported RAW format is ARW (Sony RAW)")

filename = argv[1]
output_filename = "output.png"
color_matrix = [1024, 0, 0, 0, 1024, 0, 0, 0, 1024]
if len(argv) > 2:
output_filename = argv[2]
if len(argv) > 3:
color_matrix = [int(value) for value in (argv[3]).split(',')]

color_matrix = [1024, 0, 0, 0, 1024, 0, 0, 0, 1024]
raw = read(filename)
raw_array = get_raw_array(raw)
blc_raw = black_level_correction(raw, raw_array)
dms_img = simple_demosaic(raw, blc_raw)
img_wb = white_balance(raw, dms_img)
img_ccm = color_correction_matrix(img_wb, color_matrix)
rgb_image = gamma_correction(img_ccm)
write(rgb_image, output_filename)

if __name__ == "__main__":
Binary file added sample2.ARW
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added sample2.png
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.

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