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samnlindsay committed Oct 21, 2021
1 parent ec173c7 commit c19ad0c
Showing 1 changed file with 322 additions and 0 deletions.
322 changes: 322 additions & 0 deletions tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
import pytest
import pandas as pd
from pyspark.sql import functions as f

from splink_data_generation.generate_data_random import generate_df_gammas_random
from splink_data_generation.match_prob import add_match_prob
from splink.default_settings import complete_settings_dict
from splink.iterate import iterate
from splink.model import Model
from splink.term_frequencies import make_adjustment_for_term_frequencies
from splink import Splink

def _probabilities_from_freqs(freqs, m_gamma_0=0.05, u_gamma_0=0.5):
"""Very roughly come up with some plausible u probabilities
for given frequencies
if true input nodes were [john,john,john,matt,matt,robin]
then freqs would be [3,2,1]
For johns, there are 9 comparisons and 3 matches
For matts, there are 4 comparisons and 2 matches
For robins there is 1 comparison and 1 match

# m probabilities
m_probs = [f / sum(freqs) for f in freqs]
adj = 1 - m_gamma_0
m_probs = [f * adj for f in m_probs]
m_probs.insert(0, m_gamma_0)

u_probs = [f * f for f in freqs]
u_probs = [f / sum(u_probs) for f in u_probs]
adj = 1 - u_gamma_0
u_probs = [f * adj for f in u_probs]
u_probs.insert(0, u_gamma_0)

return {
"m_probabilities": m_probs,
"u_probabilities": u_probs,

def test_term_frequency_adjustments(spark):

# The strategy is going to be to create a fake dataframe
# where we have different levels to model frequency imbalance
# gamma=3 is where name matches and name is robin (unusual name)
# gamma=2 is where name matches and name is matt (normal name)
# gamma=1 is where name matches and name is john (v common name)

# We simulate the term frequency imbalance
# by pooling this together, setting all gamma >0
# to equal 1

# We then expect that
# term frequency adjustments should adjust up the
# robins but adjust down the johns

# We also expect that the tf adjusted match probability should be more accurate

forename_probs = _probabilities_from_freqs([3, 2, 1])
surname_probs = _probabilities_from_freqs([10, 5, 1])

from pyspark.sql.functions import col, create_map, lit
from itertools import chain

tf_forename = {"Robin":1/6, "Matt":2/6, "John":3/6}
tf_surname = {"Linacre":1/16, "Hughes":5/16, "Smith":10/16}

forename_mapping = create_map([lit(x) for x in chain(*tf_forename.items())])
surname_mapping = create_map([lit(x) for x in chain(*tf_surname.items())])

settings_true = {
"link_type": "dedupe_only",
"proportion_of_matches": 0.5,
"comparison_columns": [
"col_name": "forename",
"term_frequency_adjustments": True,
"m_probabilities": forename_probs["m_probabilities"],
"u_probabilities": forename_probs["u_probabilities"],
"num_levels": 4,
"col_name": "surname",
"term_frequency_adjustments": True,
"m_probabilities": surname_probs["m_probabilities"],
"u_probabilities": surname_probs["u_probabilities"],
"num_levels": 4,
"col_name": "cat_20",
"m_probabilities": [0.2, 0.8],
"u_probabilities": [19 / 20, 1 / 20],

settings_true = complete_settings_dict(settings_true, spark)

df = generate_df_gammas_random(10000, settings_true)

# Create new binary columns that binarise the more granular gammas to 0 and 1
df["gamma_forename_binary"] = df["gamma_forename"].where(
df["gamma_forename"] == 0, 1

df["gamma_surname_binary"] = df["gamma_surname"].where(df["gamma_surname"] == 0, 1)

# Populate non matches with random value
# Then assign left and right values ased on the gamma values
df["forename_binary_l"] = df["unique_id_l"]
df["forename_binary_r"] = df["unique_id_r"]

f1 = df["gamma_forename"] == 3
df.loc[f1, "forename_binary_l"] = "Robin"
df.loc[f1, "forename_binary_r"] = "Robin"

f1 = df["gamma_forename"] == 2
df.loc[f1, "forename_binary_l"] = "Matt"
df.loc[f1, "forename_binary_r"] = "Matt"

f1 = df["gamma_forename"] == 1
df.loc[f1, "forename_binary_l"] = "John"
df.loc[f1, "forename_binary_r"] = "John"

# Populate non matches with random value
df["surname_binary_l"] = df["unique_id_l"]
df["surname_binary_r"] = df["unique_id_r"]

f1 = df["gamma_surname"] == 3
df.loc[f1, "surname_binary_l"] = "Linacre"
df.loc[f1, "surname_binary_r"] = "Linacre"

f1 = df["gamma_surname"] == 2
df.loc[f1, "surname_binary_l"] = "Hughes"
df.loc[f1, "surname_binary_r"] = "Hughes"

f1 = df["gamma_surname"] == 1
df.loc[f1, "surname_binary_l"] = "Smith"
df.loc[f1, "surname_binary_r"] = "Smith"

# cat20
df["cat_20_l"] = df["unique_id_l"]
df["cat_20_r"] = df["unique_id_r"]

f1 = df["gamma_cat_20"] == 1
df.loc[f1, "cat_20_l"] = "a"
df.loc[f1, "cat_20_r"] = "a"

df = add_match_prob(df, settings_true)
df["match_probability"] = df["true_match_probability_l"]

df_e = spark.createDataFrame(df)

def four_to_two(probs):
return [probs[0], sum(probs[1:])]

settings_binary = {
"link_type": "dedupe_only",
"proportion_of_matches": 0.5,
"comparison_columns": [
"col_name": "forename_binary",
"term_frequency_adjustments": True,
"num_levels": 2,
"m_probabilities": four_to_two(forename_probs["m_probabilities"]),
"u_probabilities": four_to_two(forename_probs["u_probabilities"]),
"col_name": "surname_binary",
"term_frequency_adjustments": True,
"num_levels": 2,
"m_probabilities": four_to_two(surname_probs["m_probabilities"]),
"u_probabilities": four_to_two(surname_probs["u_probabilities"]),
"col_name": "cat_20",
"m_probabilities": [0.2, 0.8],
"u_probabilities": [19 / 20, 1 / 20],
"retain_intermediate_calculation_columns": True,
"max_iterations": 0,
"additional_columns_to_retain": ["true_match_probability"],

# Can't use linker = Splink() because we have df_gammas, not df
settings_binary = complete_settings_dict(settings_binary, spark)
model = Model(settings_binary, spark)

df_e = df_e.withColumn("tf_forename_binary_l", forename_mapping[f.col("forename_binary_l")])\
.withColumn("tf_forename_binary_r", forename_mapping[f.col("forename_binary_r")])\
.withColumn("tf_surname_binary_l", surname_mapping[f.col("surname_binary_l")])\
.withColumn("tf_surname_binary_r", surname_mapping[f.col("surname_binary_r")])

df_e = iterate(df_e, model, spark)

# df_e = make_adjustment_for_term_frequencies(
# df_e, model, spark, retain_adjustment_columns=True
# )

df = df_e.toPandas()

# Tests start here

# Test that overall square error is better for tf adjusted match prob
df["e1"] = (df["match_probability"] - df["true_match_probability_l"]) ** 2
df["e2"] = (df["tf_adjusted_match_prob"] - df["true_match_probability_l"]) ** 2
assert df["e1"].sum() > df["e2"].sum()

# We expect Johns to be adjusted down...
f1 = df["forename_binary_l"] == "John"
df_filtered = df[f1]
adj = df_filtered["bf_tf_adj_forename_binary"].mean()
assert adj <= 1.

# And Robins to be adjusted up
f1 = df["forename_binary_l"] == "Robin"
df_filtered = df[f1]
adj = df_filtered["bf_tf_adj_forename_binary"].mean()
assert adj > 1.0

# We expect Smiths to be adjusted down...
f1 = df["surname_binary_l"] == "Smith"
df_filtered = df[f1]
adj = df_filtered["bf_tf_adj_surname_binary"].mean()
assert adj < 1.0

# And Linacres to be adjusted up
f1 = df["surname_binary_l"] == "Linacre"
df_filtered = df[f1]
adj = df_filtered["bf_tf_adj_surname_binary"].mean()
assert adj > 1.0

# Check adjustments are applied correctly

f1 = df["forename_binary_l"] == "Robin"
f2 = df["surname_binary_l"] == "Linacre"
df_filtered = df[f1 & f2]
row = df_filtered.head(1).to_dict(orient="records")[0]

prior = row["match_probability"]
posterior = row["tf_adjusted_match_prob"]

b1 = row["bf_tf_adj_forename_binary"]
b2 = row["bf_tf_adj_surname_binary"]

expected_post = (
prior * b1 * b2 / (prior * b1 * b2 + (1 - prior) * (1 - b1) * (1 - b2))
assert posterior == pytest.approx(expected_post)

# We expect match probability to be equal to tf_adjusted match probability in cases where surname and forename don't match
f1 = df["surname_binary_l"] != df["surname_binary_r"]
f2 = df["forename_binary_l"] != df["forename_binary_r"]

df_filtered = df[f1 & f2]
sum_difference = (
df_filtered["tf_adjusted_match_prob"] - df_filtered["match_probability"]

assert 0 == pytest.approx(sum_difference)

def nulls_df(spark):

data = [
{"unique_id": 1, "surname": "smith", "firstname": "john"},
{"unique_id": 2, "surname": "smith", "firstname": "john"},
{"unique_id": 3, "surname": "smithe", "firstname": "john"},

dfpd = pd.DataFrame(data)
df = spark.createDataFrame(dfpd)
yield df

def test_freq_adj_divzero(spark, nulls_df):

# create settings object that requests term_freq_adjustments on column 'weird'

settings = {
"link_type": "dedupe_only",
"blocking_rules": [
"l.surname = r.surname",
"comparison_columns": [
"col_name": "firstname",
"num_levels": 3,
"col_name": "surname",
"num_levels": 3,
"term_frequency_adjustments": True,
"col_name": "always_none",
"num_levels": 3,
"term_frequency_adjustments": True,
"additional_columns_to_retain": ["unique_id"],
"max_iterations": 1,

# create column in a way that could trigger a div by zero on the average adj calculation before the fix
nulls_df = nulls_df.withColumn("always_none", f.lit(None))

test_passing = True
linker = Splink(settings, nulls_df, spark)
except ZeroDivisionError:
test_passing = False

assert test_passing is True

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