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Writing functions in R

This repository is for the Writing Functions in R course offered by the Data and Analysis R Training Group.

Knowing how to write your own functions is a great skill to add to your R toolbox. Writing functions can save you time, reduce the risk of errors, and make your code easier to understand. In this course we’ll cover why, when and how to write your own functions, with plenty of examples & exercises to help you get started.

The session is intended to be accessible to anyone who is familiar with the content of the Introduction to R training session & has some experience of using R in their work.

This training session is periodically run in person/over Teams. Alternatively, you can go through this material in your own time - all the notes are available below and you can also find the recording of a previous session here. See Remote learning for more tips on going through this material in your own time. If you work through the material by yourself please leave feedback about the material here.

If you have any feedback on the content, please get in touch!



A few days before the session, please make sure that -

  1. You have access to RStudio on the Analytical Platform
  2. You have requested access to the alpha-r-training s3 bucket via the intro_r slack channel on the ASD workspace
  3. You have followed the steps in the Configure Git and Github section of the Platform User Guidance to configure Git and GitHub (this only needs doing once)
  4. You have cloned this repository (instructions are in the Analytical Platform User Guidance here)
  5. You run the command renv::restore() in the console to make sure you have the required packages installed

If you have any problems with the above please get in touch with the course organisers or ask for help on either the #analytical_platform or #intro_r channel on ASD slack.

All the examples in the presentation/README are available in the R script example_code.R.

Remote learning

Here are a few suggestions if you are going through this material in your own time:

  • Both the README and slides contain the same content so you can use whichever works best for you - the only difference is the exercise solutions are only in the slides
  • To open the slides, first clone the repo (see pre-material) and then open the file “slides.html” from RStudio by clicking “View in web browser”
  • You can find a recording of a previous training session on the R training Microsoft Stream channel here
  • If you need any help, the best place to ask is on either the #intro_r or #r slack channels on ASD slack.

If you have any feedback on the material and/or your experience of working through it in your own time, please get in touch with a member of the R training group or leave a review on Airtable.

Learning outcomes

By the end of this session you should know:

  • How to write a basic function.
  • The circumstances when you might want to consider writing a function.
  • Why using functions is beneficial.
  • The best practice for writing functions.
  • Where to go for more information on some of the topics touched on in this course.

Before we start

To follow along with the code run during this session and participate in the exercises, open the script “example_code.R” in RStudio. All the code that we’ll show in this session is stored in “example_code.R”, and you can edit this script to write solutions to the exercises. You may also want to have the course README open as a reference.

The training repo is set up with a renv lock.file that includes all the packages and package versions you will need for this course. Please make sure you pull the latest version of the main branch and run renv::restore() before starting!

A note on the examples given in this course

During this session we’ll show lots of examples of functions. Depending on how experienced you are with using R, some of these examples may introduce new concepts that are not the focus of this course. It is not required that you have prior knowledge of these concepts, as they are included only to demonstrate possible uses for functions when undertaking typical programming tasks in Data & Analysis. One of the purposes of the examples is to provide a resource that can be referred back to in the future.

What is a function?

Functions are a way to bundle up bits of code to make them easy to reuse. Base R includes numerous built-in functions and there are thousands more R functions in packages available on CRAN and elsewhere.

Here is an example of one of the built-in R functions, sum():

x <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) # Create a vector of numbers to sum
sum(x) # Sum the numbers contained in 'x'
> [1] 15

You can also write your own functions, called “user-defined functions”.

Functions in a package are the same thing as functions you define yourself, they’re just stored in a different way.

Why use functions?

Code maintenance

Generally functions are used to automate common tasks, to avoid copying and pasting the same code multiple times with minor alterations. While writing a function has a small up front cost, you’ll reap the benefits when you need to make changes to your code, and your QA’er will also thank you, as they’ll only need to check your function works once!


One of the benefits of functions is they abstract away the details of how the code works. To use a function, all you need to understand is what the function is designed to do. You’ll need to understand how your function works when you’re writing it of course, but you won’t need to think about it every time you use it.

Code legibility

You can use functions to make your code better structured and easier to read - done well, this can make your code a lot easier to understand for someone unfamiliar with it, or even yourself a few months down the line.

How to write a function

The syntax for creating a function is:

# Comment describing what the function does
function_name <- function(arg1, arg2) {
  # function body, e.g. 
  paste(arg1, arg2, "!")

We use function() to create a function and assign it to the object function_name.

A function is made up of three components:

  • Its arguments (in this example, arg1 and arg2) - these are variables used inside the function body which we can set each time we call the function.

  • The function body (everything between the curly brackets) - this is where we put the code.

  • And the function environment (where the function was created) - this determines what variables and other functions it has access to. You can find out more about environments here.

Examples of basic functions

Example 1: a very basic function

Here’s an example of a very basic user-defined function, called add_two(), that takes x as an argument:

# This function takes the argument 'x', and adds 2 to it
add_two <- function(x) {
  x + 2

R will automatically return the value of the last evaluated expression. There is also a return() function. More on where to use this later.

Let’s try using the function add_two():

# Calling the function by itself prints the result to the console
> [1] 5
# Alternatively the result can be saved as a new variable
result <- add_two(3) 
> [1] 5

Note: before you can use a function you need to run the code to create it.

Example 2: multiple inputs

Functions can accept as many arguments as you like, but can only output one object (if it is necessary to output more than one object, then the desired outputs can be combined together into a list, and the list can be returned). Here’s a function that requires two input variables:

# This function sums the squares of two numbers
sum_squares <- function(x, y) {
  x^2 + y^2

sum_squares(3, y = 5)
> [1] 34

When you call a function, you can specify the arguments by position or name. In this example, the function accepts arguments called x and y, with the order specified as x then y in the function definition. Therefore when sum_squares(3, 5) is called, the arguments are interpreted as x = 3 and y = 5. Alternatively, if we called sum_squares(5, 3) then the arguments would be interpreted as x = 5 and y = 3.

For more complicated functions with multiple arguments, specifying the arguments by position becomes more error-prone and harder to understand. For home-made functions you should always provide the names of all arguments (except potentially the first one if it is data).

# Good
sum_squares(3, y = 5)
> [1] 34
# Acceptable
sum_squares(y = 5, x = 3)
> [1] 34
# Bad
sum_squares(3, 5)
> [1] 34


Let’s start with some simple exercises to get familiar with the syntax of writing functions.

1.1 hello_world()

Create a function called hello_world which prints “Hello world!” to the console, and call the function.

1.2 my_mean()

Create a function called my_mean which takes two arguments, x and y, and calculates their mean. Call the function to find the mean of 7.5 and 16.

Example 3: conditional statements and early returns

Functions can return different outputs depending on some condition. In this function the condition is x < 0, and the condition evaluates to either TRUE or FALSE:

# This function returns the absolute value of a number
abs_x <- function(x) {
  if (x >= 0) {
  } else {

> [1] 5
> [1] 4

By default R will always return the last evaluated statement. In this example when x is greater than or equal to zero, the last evaluated statement is x. In contrast when x is less than zero, the last evaluated statement is -x.

Why does this function always return minus x?

# why does this function always return -x?
abs_x_v2 <- function(x) {
  if (x >= 0) {

> [1] 5
> [1] -4

Sometimes exiting a function early is useful. We can achieve this with an explicit return(). As soon as a return() statement is encountered in a function, the function finishes and returns the variable in the return() statement.

# We can fix it by using an early return
abs_x_v3 <- function(x) {
  if (x >= 0) {

> [1] 5
> [1] 4

Example 4: functions with side-effects

A function side-effect can be thought of as any change to the workspace that the function makes other than the object that it returns. This can include printing, plotting a chart, saving a file, or modifying a variable in the wider environment. The side-effect is often the main purpose of the function, and in this case the function doesn’t need to return any value. This function has the side-effect of printing a message to the console, depending on the value of the object:

# This function lets you know whether a number is odd or even
odd_or_even <- function(x) {
  if ((x %% 2) == 0) {
    message("The number is even.")
  } else if ((x %% 2) == 1) {
    message("The number is odd.")

odd_or_even(x = 4)
> The number is even.

Note: It’s best practice for your function to either return an object or have a side-effect, but not both (with the exception of messages, errors and warnings).

Example 5: errors and warnings

Sometimes it can be useful to include helpful error messages in functions, e.g. by anticipating the sorts of variables that could be input. What happens if you try to use a non-integer or a string as an argument in the previous example? Try the running the function with the following arguments:

odd_or_even(x = 1.5)
odd_or_even(x = "a")
> Error in x%%2: non-numeric argument to binary operator
odd_or_even(x = c(1, 2, 3))
> Warning in if ((x%%2) == 0) {: the condition has length > 1 and only the first
> element will be used

> Warning in if ((x%%2) == 1) {: the condition has length > 1 and only the first
> element will be used

> The number is odd.

Here’s an adapted version of the function, with some more informative error messages built in using the stop() function:

# This function lets you know whether a number is odd or even
odd_or_even <- function(x) {
  if (length(x) > 1) {
    stop("x must have length 1.")
  } else if (!is.numeric(x)) {
    stop("x must be a number.")
  } else if ((x %% 2) == 0) {
    print("The number is even.")
  } else if ((x %% 2) == 1) {
    print("The number is odd.")
  } else if((x %% 2) != 0 & (x %% 2) != 1) {
    stop("x must be an integer.")

Now try passing some incompatible arguments to the function:

odd_or_even(x = 1.5)
> Error in odd_or_even(x = 1.5): x must be an integer.
odd_or_even(x = "a")
> Error in odd_or_even(x = "a"): x must be a number.
odd_or_even(x = c(1, 2, 3))
> Error in odd_or_even(x = c(1, 2, 3)): x must have length 1.

stop() halts execution of the function and prints an error message to the console. Alternatively you can use warning(), which returns a warning but does not stop execution of the function.

Example 6: optional arguments

Here’s an example of how to include optional arguments, where in this case the optional argument is called y:

# This function either returns the sum of two numbers, or returns the argument if only one is supplied
add_a_number <- function(x, y = NULL) {
  if (!is.null(y)) {
    x + y
  } else {

add_a_number(x = 6)
> [1] 6
add_a_number(x = 6, y = 7)
> [1] 13

Note that NULL and NA values, and missing arguments are different and tested for in different ways.

# This function demonstrates the difference between NULL, NA and "missing"
return_x <- function(x) {
  if (missing(x)) {
    message("x is missing")
  if (is.null(x)) {
    message("x is null")
  if ( {
    message("x is NA")

> [1] 5

A message will be returned when the relevant condition is found and then R will attempt to evaluate x. Note this will fail when x is NULL or missing.

> x is missing

> Error in return_x(): argument "x" is missing, with no default
> x is null

> Error in if ( {: argument is of length zero
> x is NA

> [1] NA

Example 7: arguments with default values

Any value can be used as a default value for an argument. For example, we can generalise the sum_squares() function by allowing it to sum together two numbers raised to any power, but with a default power of 2:

# This function returns the sum of two numbers raised to a particular power (with a default of 2)
sum_powers <- function(x, y, z = 2) {
  x ^ z + y ^ z

sum_powers(x = 3, y = 5)
> [1] 34
sum_powers(x = 3, y = 5, z = 3)
> [1] 152


2.1 fizz_buzz()

Now try using an if else statement inside a function. Create a function called fizz_buzz() which takes a number as input and:

  • If the number is divisible by both 3 and 5, returns “fizz buzz”
  • If the number is divisible by just 3, returns “fizz”
  • If the number is divisible by just 5, returns “buzz”
  • Otherwise the number is returned (coerced to character type using as.character())

Try it out with values 1, 2, 3, 5 & 15.


  • This exercise is very similar to example 4. The structure of an if-else statement is:
if (condition_1) {
} else if (condition_2) {
} else {
  • To test whether a number is divisible by another number, you can use the modulus operator %%, which calculates the remainder. E.g. 1 %% 3 == 0 evaluates to FALSE.
  • To find out more about if statements and conditional execution, see here

2.2 fizz_buzz_vec()

Most functions in R are vectorised. This means they can apply an operation to every element of a vector at the same time. It’s best practice to vectorise your own functions too as this will help you to apply them to data sets and combine them with other functions.

Create a new version of the fizz_buzz() function called fizz_buzz_vec which instead accepts a vector of numbers. Test it out on a vector of the numbers 1 to 15.

Hint: the function case_when() from the Tidyverse package dplyr is really useful when you want to vectorise multiple if-else statements, each with a different desired outcome. Run ?case_when to bring up the help file.

This exercise is a bit tricky - if you get stuck, you can still complete exercise 2.3.

2.3 fizz_buzz_custom()

Create a version of fizz_buzz() or fizz_buzz_vec() called fizz_buzz_custom() or fizz_buzz_custom_vec() where the values for when to say “fizz” and “buzz” can be changed by setting arguments fizz and buzz, but the default values are still 3 and 5.

Test your new function out, first by checking you get the same results as above when you don’t specify the fizz or buzz arguments, and second when you set buzz = 7 for values 1, 2, 3, 7, 15 and 21.

Example 8: the ellipsis argument

Sometimes being able to pass an arbitrary number of arguments can be useful, especially when another function is called within a wrapper function. This requires the ellipsis construct, ..., which is designed to pass a variable number of arguments to a function. Here’s an example:

# This function produces a plot of x vs y
plot_x_and_y <- function(x, y, ...) {
  plot(x, y, ...)

x <- 1:10
y <- (1:10) * 2

The function can be called with only the required arguments:

plot_x_and_y(x, y)

Or the function can be called with any optional arguments accepted by the plot function:

plot_x_and_y(x, y, col='red', type='l')

“Real-world” example functions

“Real-world” example functions

This section builds on material covered in the Intro R Training course and makes use of the dplyr package, which is a commonly used R package for data manipulation. In the following examples we’ll see how user-defined functions can be used to help with cleaning, summarising, and plotting data. The data we’ll use is from the Criminal Justice System Statistics quarterly publication: December 2018 (published in May 2019), which can be found here.

Over the course of this section we’ll be tackling some exercises that fit into a data processing story, so make sure you run the code in “example_code.R” as we go along.


For these examples we will be using a few packages:

  • Rs3tools to fetch data from s3.
  • dplyr is the package we’ll use to create summary tables from the data.
  • stringr provides functions that can be used to manipulate strings.
  • ggplot2 to create charts.

We will use package::function() syntax throughout this course instead of library() calls. This makes it easier to see where functions come from, avoids “function masking” and improves the reproducibility and reusability of code. This is particularly important within the body of a function. If a dependency has not been attached to the search list at run time, you will get a probably very unhelpful error message (or your code might use the wrong function).

For a similar reason we are using the R native pipe |> rather than the magrittr one. (If you are using R < 4.1.0 you will need to replace the native pipe with %>% and use library("magrittr").)

Examples why you should avoid library() calls

Which of the following would you rather have to deal with? A missing function from somewhere; a missing but known package; or a missing function from a known package?

> bar()
Error in bar() : could not find function "bar"

> foo::bar()
Error in loadNamespace(x) : there is no package called ‘foo’

> dplyr::bar()
Error: 'bar' is not an exported object from 'namespace:dplyr'

Even worse, your code might silently give the wrong result if you are relying on the user having made the “correct” library() calls.

iris_by_species_1 <- function(species) {
  datasets::iris |> filter(iris[[5]] == species) |> dplyr::glimpse()

iris_by_species_2 <- function(species) {
  datasets::iris |> dplyr::filter(iris[[5]] == species) |> dplyr::glimpse()

>  Time-Series [1:150, 1:5] from 1 to 150: NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
> Rows: 50
> Columns: 5
> $ Sepal.Length <dbl> 5.1, 4.9, 4.7, 4.6, 5.0, 5.4, 4.6, 5.0, 4.4, 4.9, 5.4, 4.…
> $ Sepal.Width  <dbl> 3.5, 3.0, 3.2, 3.1, 3.6, 3.9, 3.4, 3.4, 2.9, 3.1, 3.7, 3.…
> $ Petal.Length <dbl> 1.4, 1.4, 1.3, 1.5, 1.4, 1.7, 1.4, 1.5, 1.4, 1.5, 1.5, 1.…
> $ Petal.Width  <dbl> 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.2, 0.1, 0.2, 0.…
> $ Species      <fct> setosa, setosa, setosa, setosa, setosa, setosa, setosa, s…

Fetching data

Here we are reading in a copy of the Prosecutions and Convictions dataset from s3 and storing the dataframe as a variable called prosecutions_and_convictions. In the second step we’re filtering the dataset to extract only the prosecutions and saving to another variable, named prosecutions.

prosecutions_and_convictions <- Rs3tools::read_using(
  FUN = read.csv,
  s3_path = "s3://alpha-r-training/writing-functions-in-r/prosecutions-and-convictions-2018.csv"

# Filter for Magistrates Court to extract the prosecutions
prosecutions <- prosecutions_and_convictions |>
  dplyr::filter(`Court.Type` == "Magistrates Court")

Here’s a preview of the data stored in prosecutions:

> Rows: 107,493
> Columns: 16
> $ Year                      <int> 2008, 2008, 2008, 2008, 2008, 2008, 2008, 20…
> $ Quarter                   <chr> "Q1", "Q1", "Q1", "Q1", "Q1", "Q1", "Q1", "Q…
> $ Sex                       <chr> "01: Male", "01: Male", "01: Male", "01: Mal…
> $ Type.of.Defendent         <chr> "01: Person", "01: Person", "01: Person", "0…
> $ Age.Group                 <chr> "01: Juveniles", "01: Juveniles", "01: Juven…
> $ Age.Range                 <chr> "01: 10-11", "01: 10-11", "01: 10-11", "01: …
> $ Ethnicity                 <chr> "N/A", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A", "N…
> $ Court.Type                <chr> "Magistrates Court", "Magistrates Court", "M…
> $ Offence.Type              <chr> "01 Indictable only", "01 Indictable only", …
> $ Offence.Group             <chr> "02 Sexual offences", "03 Robbery", "03 Robb…
> $ Tried                     <chr> "5: Not tried", "01: Tried at magistrates co…
> $   <chr> "N/A", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A", "N…
> $ Convicted..Not.convicted  <chr> "02: Not convicted", "01: Convicted", "02: N…
> $ Sentenced...Not.sentenced <chr> "02: Not sentenced", "01: Sentenced", "02: N…
> $ Outcome                   <chr> "01: Proceedings terminated early", "07: Fou…
> $ Count                     <int> 1, 6, 1, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, 31, 1, 3, 15, 1, 5,…

Cleaning data

After reading in a dataframe it can often be helpful to standardise the column headings. Below is an example of a function that could be used for this purpose. It takes a vector of strings as the argument, ensures all letters in the string vector are lower-case, and makes use of “regular expressions” or “regex” to find and replace all spaces and punctuation marks with an underscore:

# This function standardises strings contained in a vector
generalise_names <- function(names) {
  names |> 
    # Convert any uppercase letters to lowercase
    tolower() |> 
    # Trim any blank spaces at the start or end of each string
    stringr::str_trim() |> 
    # Replace anything that isn't a letter or number with an underscore
    stringr::str_replace_all(pattern = "[^A-Za-z0-9]", replacement = "_") |> 
    # Remove repeated underscores
    stringr::str_remove_all(pattern = "(?<=_)_+") |> 
    # Remove any underscore at the beginning or end of the string
    stringr::str_remove_all(pattern = "^_|_$")

Here is a demonstration of how functions such as this can be useful:

names <- c("Option 1", "   Option (1)", "Option: 1", "option 1", "OPTION - 1")
> [1] "option_1" "option_1" "option_1" "option_1" "option_1"

The stringr cheatsheet is a great resource for learning more about regular expressions.

Exercise 3

Use the generalise_names() function defined above to clean the column headings of the prosecutions dataset. Add your solution to the script “example_code.R”, underneath the line with the command generalise_names(names).

Hint: use the function colnames() to retrieve the column headings of the dataset as a vector.

In this dataset, some of the columns contain values with a number along with a category; for example, the age_group column contains categories like “01: Juveniles” rather than just “Juveniles”.

> Rows: 107,493
> Columns: 10
> $ year              <int> 2008, 2008, 2008, 2008, 2008, 2008, 2008, 2008, 2008…
> $ quarter           <chr> "Q1", "Q1", "Q1", "Q1", "Q1", "Q1", "Q1", "Q1", "Q1"…
> $ sex               <chr> "01: Male", "01: Male", "01: Male", "01: Male", "01:…
> $ type_of_defendent <chr> "01: Person", "01: Person", "01: Person", "01: Perso…
> $ age_group         <chr> "01: Juveniles", "01: Juveniles", "01: Juveniles", "…
> $ age_range         <chr> "01: 10-11", "01: 10-11", "01: 10-11", "01: 10-11", …
> $ ethnicity         <chr> "N/A", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A", "N/…
> $ court_type        <chr> "Magistrates Court", "Magistrates Court", "Magistrat…
> $ offence_type      <chr> "01 Indictable only", "01 Indictable only", "01 Indi…
> $ offence_group     <chr> "02 Sexual offences", "03 Robbery", "03 Robbery", "0…

These numbers might be undesirable, so we can write a function like this to remove them:

# This function removes patterns at the start of a string that are: 
# 1 or 2 digits followed by any number of colons and/or spaces

remove_numbering <- function(x) {
  stringr::str_remove(x, pattern = "^\\d{1,2}\\s*:*\\s*")

Here is a demonstration of what this is doing:

some_strings <- c("01 :foo", "01 foo", "01: foo", "01  :  foo", "foo", "bar foo")
> [1] "foo"     "foo"     "foo"     "foo"     "foo"     "bar foo"

The stringr cheatsheet is a great resource for learning more about regular expressions.

Then we can use the mutate() function with the across() function from dplyr, and the where() selection helper from tidyselect, to apply the remove_numbering() function to columns in the prosecutions dataframe. The dplyr::mutate() function will apply the specified function to all columns where a particular condition is met, and in this case the condition is.character requires that the column contains strings.

prosecutions <- dplyr::mutate(prosecutions, across(where(is.character), remove_numbering)) 
> Rows: 107,493
> Columns: 16
> $ year                    <int> 2008, 2008, 2008, 2008, 2008, 2008, 2008, 2008…
> $ quarter                 <chr> "Q1", "Q1", "Q1", "Q1", "Q1", "Q1", "Q1", "Q1"…
> $ sex                     <chr> "Male", "Male", "Male", "Male", "Male", "Male"…
> $ type_of_defendent       <chr> "Person", "Person", "Person", "Person", "Perso…
> $ age_group               <chr> "Juveniles", "Juveniles", "Juveniles", "Juveni…
> $ age_range               <chr> "10-11", "10-11", "10-11", "10-11", "10-11", "…
> $ ethnicity               <chr> "N/A", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A…
> $ court_type              <chr> "Magistrates Court", "Magistrates Court", "Mag…
> $ offence_type            <chr> "Indictable only", "Indictable only", "Indicta…
> $ offence_group           <chr> "Sexual offences", "Robbery", "Robbery", "Poss…
> $ tried                   <chr> "Not tried", "Tried at magistrates court", "Tr…
> $ plea_at_the_crown_court <chr> "N/A", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A", "N/A…
> $ convicted_not_convicted <chr> "Not convicted", "Convicted", "Not convicted",…
> $ sentenced_not_sentenced <chr> "Not sentenced", "Sentenced", "Not sentenced",…
> $ outcome                 <chr> "Proceedings terminated early", "Found guilty"…
> $ count                   <int> 1, 6, 1, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, 31, 1, 3, 15, 1, 5, 2…

For the final stage of data cleaning, we can make missing and unknown values more consistent using a function such as the following:

clean_not_known <- function(x,
                            not_known_phrase = "Not known",
                            values_to_change = c("n/a", "not known", "unknown", "not stated")) {
  # Replace any missing (NA) values
  x <- replace(x, list =, values = not_known_phrase)
  # Remove any white space that might cause the strings to not match
  x <- stringr::str_trim(x)
  # Replace strings in the data that refer to a missing or unknown value.
  dplyr::if_else(tolower(x) %in% values_to_change, true = not_known_phrase, false = x)

In this function we’ve included some default values, so by default any strings that match “n/a”, “not known”, “unknown”, or “not stated” are replaced, and the default replacement value is “Not known”. We’ve used dplyr::if_else() as a vectorised form of an if-else statement. It’s similar to dplyr::case_when() (which we used in exercise 2.2), but can only be used with one condition and two possible outcomes. We’ve also used the tolower() function, which ensures all strings are lower case before searching for the missing/unknown phrases.

prosecutions <- dplyr::mutate(
    .cols = tidyselect::where(is.character), 
    .fns = clean_not_known

> Rows: 107,493
> Columns: 16
> $ year                    <int> 2008, 2008, 2008, 2008, 2008, 2008, 2008, 2008…
> $ quarter                 <chr> "Q1", "Q1", "Q1", "Q1", "Q1", "Q1", "Q1", "Q1"…
> $ sex                     <chr> "Male", "Male", "Male", "Male", "Male", "Male"…
> $ type_of_defendent       <chr> "Person", "Person", "Person", "Person", "Perso…
> $ age_group               <chr> "Juveniles", "Juveniles", "Juveniles", "Juveni…
> $ age_range               <chr> "10-11", "10-11", "10-11", "10-11", "10-11", "…
> $ ethnicity               <chr> "Not known", "Not known", "Not known", "Not kn…
> $ court_type              <chr> "Magistrates Court", "Magistrates Court", "Mag…
> $ offence_type            <chr> "Indictable only", "Indictable only", "Indicta…
> $ offence_group           <chr> "Sexual offences", "Robbery", "Robbery", "Poss…
> $ tried                   <chr> "Not tried", "Tried at magistrates court", "Tr…
> $ plea_at_the_crown_court <chr> "Not known", "Not known", "Not known", "Not kn…
> $ convicted_not_convicted <chr> "Not convicted", "Convicted", "Not convicted",…
> $ sentenced_not_sentenced <chr> "Not sentenced", "Sentenced", "Not sentenced",…
> $ outcome                 <chr> "Proceedings terminated early", "Found guilty"…
> $ count                   <int> 1, 6, 1, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, 31, 1, 3, 15, 1, 5, 2…

Exercise 4

Modify clean_not_known() to make replacing missing (NA) values optional.

Exercise 5

Write a wrapper function to apply generalise_names(), remove_numbering(), and clean_not_known() to the dataset.

Summarising data

Let’s say we wanted to create a summary table showing the number of people prosecuted in different age bands. We could do:

prosecutions_grouped <- prosecutions |>
  dplyr::group_by(age_range) |>
  dplyr::summarise(counts = sum(count))

In the above code we are grouping the prosecutions dataframe by the categories in the age_range column, then summarising the number of prosecutions in each of those categories by summing the count column.

The resulting dataframe is saved as a variable called prosecutions_grouped.

Notice how the dplyr functions group_by() and summarise() require that the column names are not enclosed in quotation marks, meaning that they are not passed as strings: this behaviour is known as non-standard evaluation, and will be important later.

> # A tibble: 14 × 2
>    age_range                       counts
>    <chr>                            <int>
>  1 10-11                             3324
>  2 12-14                           113960
>  3 15-17                           570275
>  4 18-20                          1302589
>  5 21-24                          2131033
>  6 25+ (prior to 2017)           10209264
>  7 25-29 (2017 onwards)            447108
>  8 30-39 (2017 onwards)            758230
>  9 40-49 (2017 onwards)            477217
> 10 50-59 (2017 onwards)            261626
> 11 60+ (2017 onwards)              101554
> 12 Companies, public bodies etc.   114771
> 13 Not known (Adult)               195459
> 14 Not known (Juvenile)               150

Sidenote: standard vs non-standard evaluation

In the plot below how does R know to label the x-axis foo and the y-axis bar we haven’t explicitly supplied axis labels? The plot() function is using standard evaluation to get the values supplied to the x and y axes but is also using non-standard evaluation to get the names of the objects passed to the arguments for use as axis labels.

foo <- 1:10
bar <- 10:1
plot(foo, bar)

What if we wanted to create several different summary tables? We could write a function to avoid writing this out each time. Following the previous examples in this course, you might expect this function to work:

# This function produces a summary table based on a dataset
sum_group <- function(df, group_col, sum_col) {
  df |>
    dplyr::group_by(group_col) |>
    dplyr::summarise(counts = sum(sum_col))

However trying to use this function results in an error.

prosecutions_grouped <- sum_group(df = prosecutions, group_col = "age_range", sum_col = "count")
> Error in `dplyr::group_by()`:
> ! Must group by variables found in `.data`.
> ✖ Column `group_col` is not found.

This is because of the non-standard evaluation (NSE) mentioned above. The dplyr functions don’t recognise group_col and sum_col as column names, because they can’t see that these are variables containing the actual column names. While the NSE usually makes the dplyr functions more convenient to use, it makes them slightly trickier to use in user-defined functions.

Fortunately there are methods available to help get around the NSE problem. The function below shows an example of how our sum_group() function can be modified to accept column names stored as strings, using the .data pronoun with [[]].

# This function produces a summary table based on a dataset
sum_group <- function(df, group_col, sum_col) {
  df |>
    dplyr::group_by(.data[[group_col]]) |>
    dplyr::summarise(counts = sum(.data[[sum_col]]))

The way that the tidyverse packages handle NSE has evolved over the past few years, so new methods of addressing this issue may be introduced in the future. For the current recommended approach to working with “tidy evaluation”, i.e. a special type of NSE used throughout the tidyverse, please see this vignette. See the appendix for some examples of alternative methods to tackle this problem.

prosecutions_grouped <- sum_group(df = prosecutions, group_col = "age_range", sum_col = "count")
> # A tibble: 14 × 2
>    age_range                       counts
>    <chr>                            <int>
>  1 10-11                             3324
>  2 12-14                           113960
>  3 15-17                           570275
>  4 18-20                          1302589
>  5 21-24                          2131033
>  6 25+ (prior to 2017)           10209264
>  7 25-29 (2017 onwards)            447108
>  8 30-39 (2017 onwards)            758230
>  9 40-49 (2017 onwards)            477217
> 10 50-59 (2017 onwards)            261626
> 11 60+ (2017 onwards)              101554
> 12 Companies, public bodies etc.   114771
> 13 Not known (Adult)               195459
> 14 Not known (Juvenile)               150

Plotting data

Let’s say we want to produce some plots, and want them all to have the same style. We can define the style of the plot in a function, then we only have to change the styling in one place if it needs changing. This function plots a breakdown of the number of prosecutions over time, with a default breakdown option of "offence_type", and the plot is a line chart with ggplot2’s grey theme:

# This function produces a plot of the number of prosecutions over time
plot_prosecutions <- function(df, breakdown = "offence_type") {
  df_grouped <- df |>
    dplyr::group_by(.data[[breakdown]], year) |>
    dplyr::summarise(counts = sum(count), .groups = "keep")
  df_grouped |>
      ggplot2::aes(x = .data$year, 
                   y = .data$counts, 
                   group = .data[[breakdown]], 
                   col = .data[[breakdown]])
    ) +
    ggplot2::geom_line() +
    ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(breaks = 0:2100) +

# Call function
plot_prosecutions(prosecutions, breakdown = "offence_type")

Exercise 6

Modify the plot_prosecutions() function to use theme_classic() as the theme, rather than theme_grey(). Produce a plot of the breakdown of the number of prosecutions over time, with a breakdown by "offence_group".


In both development and deployment, the effects of functions can differ from that which is expected. If you have experienced such problems while writing and executing custom functions in the above exercises, you may have seen an error message.

Beyond those generated by basic syntax mistakes, any error messages that you have seen while executing a custom function will have originated from the functions that your custom function calls. They are by nature generic. Sometimes, these error messages will be easy for you to understand, and therefore see what’s gone wrong, but because they are generic, their meaning in any given context is not necessary clear.

You may also have noticed that a function you wrote wasn’t doing what you wanted because the output was surprising, even though no error was generated.

my_mean <- function(x, y) {
  x + y / 2

my_mean(3, 5)
> [1] 5.5

Although this is a frivolous example, and the problem immediately obvious, in general this issue is serious and pernicious, because a problem may exist that you’re not immediately aware of. Alternatively, you may be able to tell that there is a problem somewhere, but not know what the root cause is, particularly when your custom functions get more complex, or when you’re calling custom functions from within other custom functions.

You can make life easier by adding assertions (calls to assertion functions).

An assertion function call accepts a condition, and stops the function execution if that condition is not met. You can use them to check that inputs, outputs and intermediate objects are as expected. You can also get them to generate bespoke error messages that are specific to your custom function, and helpful to the user.

A good package - developed by the RStudio (Posit) people - is assertthat. It is extremely easy to use. We will focus on the most useful function, assertthat::assert_that().

The first - and only essential - argument that assertthat::assert_that() takes is an expression that returns either TRUE or FALSE. It’s very useful for causing your functions to fail when objects do not meet the conditions you expect.

Here we work with a toy function, pythagoras(). It calculates the length of a right-angled triangle’s hypotenuse side, given the lengths of the other two sides. However, it will return a result for negative numbers, and this is not ideal behavior in the context of geometry.

# Function to calculate the length of a hypotenuse 
pythagoras <- function(a, b) {
  c <- sqrt(a^2 + b^2)
  paste0("The length of the hypotenuse is ", c)

pythagoras(2, -3)
> [1] "The length of the hypotenuse is 3.60555127546399"

We can add assertion statements to prevent this undesirable behaviour.

# Function to calculate the length of a hypotenuse 
pythagoras <- function(a, b) {
  assertthat::assert_that(a > 0)
  assertthat::assert_that(b > 0)
  c <- sqrt(a^2 + b^2)
  paste0("The length of the hypotenuse is ", c)

pythagoras(2, -3)
> Error: b not greater than 0

That’s great, but we could improve clarity. The second most useful argument that assertthat::assert_that() takes is msg. This is a string that will be output as part of the error message, overriding the default, e.g. 

# Function to calculate the length of a hypotenuse 
pythagoras <- function(a, b) {
    a > 0 & b > 0,
    msg = "both triangle sides must have positive length!")
  c <- sqrt(a^2 + b^2)
  paste0("The length of the hypotenuse is ", c)

pythagoras(-2, 1)
> Error: both triangle sides must have positive length!

(Here we also combine the two assertions into one, to avoid repetition.)

In this final example, additional assertions are added to check more fundamental aspects of input.

# Function to calculate the length of a hypotenuse 
pythagoras <- function(a, b) {
    !missing(a) & !missing(b),
    msg = "you must supply two triangle lengths")
    is.numeric(a) & is.numeric(b),
    msg = "both arguments must be of numeric data type")
    a > 0 & b > 0,
    msg = "both triangle sides must have positive length!")
  sqrt(a^2 + b^2)

pythagoras("1", 2)
> Error: both arguments must be of numeric data type
pythagoras(b = 2)
> Error: you must supply two triangle lengths

Exercise 7

In the final exercise, we will apply assertthat::assert_that() to the end product before returning it to the user.

We will make a new function, called pythagorus_rounded().

  1. Add the below assertion to pythagorus() in the correct place to test the value that is reported. Reload the function and confirm that it fails with positive numeric inputs.
  2. Add a message to the assertion to explain why it fails. Reload the function and confirm that failure with this message occurs with positive numeric inputs.
  3. Modify the function so that the assertion passes and the function succeeds. Reload the function and confirm that it passes with positive numeric inputs.
# Exercise 7 assertion statement

assertthat::assert_that(c %% 1 == 0)

Exercise 7 Answers

Hints and tips

When to write a function

When you’ve copied and pasted two times

There is a principal in software engineering called Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) - which basically states that you should avoid duplication wherever possible. A good rule of thumb is whenever you find you’ve used the same or similar code in three places, it’s time to consider replacing that code with a function.

To structure your code

You may also sometimes want to write a function for code you’re only planning to use once as a way of structuring your code and “hiding” some of it to make your main script easier to read.

When someone hasn’t already written one for you

The R ecosystem is full of high quality packages designed to solve all kinds of problems - it’s generally best to make sure that a function doesn’t already exist before writing your own.

Best practice

Writing a function is easy, writing a really good function can be a lot harder! Here are a few things to consider:

Give your function a good name

The name of a function should give you a good idea of what it does. Generally function names should be concise and use verbs rather than nouns.

Pass variables into the function as arguments

While functions can access objects that haven’t been passed in as an argument, this is generally bad practice as it makes code much harder to understand and modify, and makes the function itself harder to reuse.

Document your code

You should have comments explaining what your function does, what each argument is, and what it returns.

Keep it short

A rule of thumb is if all the code for your function doesn’t fit on your screen at the same time, it’s probably too complicated. Consider splitting it up into multiple functions.


Think about whether there are ways you can make your function usable in more situations. For example, is there anything you’re hard-coding that you could set as an argument instead?

Vectorise by default

R is designed to work well with vectors (e.g. columns of a dataframe). Where possible you should write your function so it can take a vector as an input and apply the transformation to each element. The generalise_names() function we looked at is a good example of this!

Ask for feedback

A key measure of a good function (or any piece of code) is how easy it is for someone else to understand, use and modify it. The best way to test this is to get your code reviewed by someone else.

How to organise your code

Whenever you’re working on something in R it’s generally best to create an R project and version control your code on GitHub. There’s information on how to do this in the Analytical Platform guidance.

It’s also best to keep your functions separate from the rest of your code to make them easier to find.

Storing your functions in your project

The easiest way to store your functions is just to create a folder in your project called “functions” and save your functions there.

You could either put each function in its own R script with the same name, or you could group related functions into clearly named scripts.

Then just use source("functions/my_functions_script.R") (with functions/ and my_functions_script.R replaced with the name of the folder and the name of your script, respectively) to run the code and make your functions available to you in the current session. As with loading packages, it’s best to do this at the top of your script.

Here’s an example of calling a script that contains a new function, called pick_a_colour():


Now the function is ready to use:

# Create a list of colours to provide to the function
colours <- c("Red", "Blue", "Green", "Magenta", "Cyan", "Yellow", "Purple", "Pink")
> [1] "Green"

You can see the code underlying a function by typing its name (without brackets) in the console and hitting “enter”:

> function (colours) 
> {
>     x <- sample(1:length(colours), 1)
>     print(colours[x])
> }

Writing a package

An alternative is to make your own package to store your functions, which you can then use like any other R package. There are a few advantages to this:

  • It means you (and others) can access your functions from different projects
  • There are certain requirements for making R packages that enforce good practice, such as including documentation

This comes at the cost of slightly higher overheads.

Examples of packages written by people in MoJ are available here.

To find out more about writing packages, check out the links under further reading.

Further reading

On functions

On packages

On loops


Get help

If you get stuck, a great place to ask is ASD slack on either the #r or #intro_r channels.


Table of operators

This table shows some of the logical operators you are likely to encounter when using R. Note that operators can’t be evaluated using package_name::operator syntax. To import operators from a package without using library() calls you can define them in your script with `operator` <- package_name::`operator` or use the import package e.g.  import::from("magrittr", "%>%").

Operator Definition
== Equal to
!= Not equal to
> Greater than
< Less than
>= Greater than or equal to
<= Less than or equal to
ǀ Or
& And
! Not
%in% The subject appears in a population The subject is NA

Additional NSE examples

Below are more examples of how to handle dplyr()’s non-standard evaluation. If you wanted to use the group_by() and summarise() functions in a user-defined function, then one option is to have variables containing the column names as strings, and including these variables as function arguments. In the function these variables can be enclosed by !! to convert them into names, like so:

sum_group_alt1 <- function(df, group_cols, sum_col) {
  `!!` <- rlang::`!!`
  df |>
    dplyr::group_by(!! |>
    dplyr::summarise(counts = sum(!!

prosecutions_grouped <- sum_group_alt1(df = prosecutions, 
                                       group_cols = "age_range", 
                                       sum_col = "count")
> # A tibble: 14 × 2
>    age_range                       counts
>    <chr>                            <int>
>  1 10-11                             3324
>  2 12-14                           113960
>  3 15-17                           570275
>  4 18-20                          1302589
>  5 21-24                          2131033
>  6 25+ (prior to 2017)           10209264
>  7 25-29 (2017 onwards)            447108
>  8 30-39 (2017 onwards)            758230
>  9 40-49 (2017 onwards)            477217
> 10 50-59 (2017 onwards)            261626
> 11 60+ (2017 onwards)              101554
> 12 Companies, public bodies etc.   114771
> 13 Not known (Adult)               195459
> 14 Not known (Juvenile)               150

Alternatively, this version of the function means the column names can be input as function arguments directly (rather than needing to enclose them in quote marks to turn them into strings).

sum_group_alt2 <- function(df, group_cols, sum_col) {
  `!!` <- rlang::`!!`
  df |>
    dplyr::group_by(!!rlang::enquo(group_cols)) |>
    dplyr::summarise(counts = sum(!!rlang::enquo(sum_col)))

prosecutions_grouped <- sum_group_alt2(df = prosecutions, 
                                       group_cols = age_range, 
                                       sum_col = count)
> # A tibble: 14 × 2
>    age_range                       counts
>    <chr>                            <int>
>  1 10-11                             3324
>  2 12-14                           113960
>  3 15-17                           570275
>  4 18-20                          1302589
>  5 21-24                          2131033
>  6 25+ (prior to 2017)           10209264
>  7 25-29 (2017 onwards)            447108
>  8 30-39 (2017 onwards)            758230
>  9 40-49 (2017 onwards)            477217
> 10 50-59 (2017 onwards)            261626
> 11 60+ (2017 onwards)              101554
> 12 Companies, public bodies etc.   114771
> 13 Not known (Adult)               195459
> 14 Not known (Juvenile)               150

The function below shows an example of how our sum_group() function can be modified to accept column names as arguments, using the {{ operator. Note that you need version 0.4 or later of the rlang package to use the {{ operator.

sum_group_alt3 <- function(df, group_cols, sum_col) {
  df |>
    dplyr::group_by({{ group_cols }}) |>
    dplyr::summarise(counts = sum({{ sum_col }}))

prosecutions_grouped <- sum_group_alt3(df = prosecutions, 
                                       group_cols = age_range, 
                                       sum_col = count)
> # A tibble: 14 × 2
>    age_range                       counts
>    <chr>                            <int>
>  1 10-11                             3324
>  2 12-14                           113960
>  3 15-17                           570275
>  4 18-20                          1302589
>  5 21-24                          2131033
>  6 25+ (prior to 2017)           10209264
>  7 25-29 (2017 onwards)            447108
>  8 30-39 (2017 onwards)            758230
>  9 40-49 (2017 onwards)            477217
> 10 50-59 (2017 onwards)            261626
> 11 60+ (2017 onwards)              101554
> 12 Companies, public bodies etc.   114771
> 13 Not known (Adult)               195459
> 14 Not known (Juvenile)               150

Bonus examples

Adding an optional total row

We can extend the sum_group() function by having the option to add a row with the total across all categories. Note that this requires the janitor package.

sum_group <- function(df, group_cols, sum_col, add_total = FALSE) {
  summary <- df |>
    dplyr::group_by_at(group_cols) |>
    dplyr::summarise_at(sum_col, sum)
  if (add_total == TRUE) {
    summary <- summary |> janitor::adorn_totals("row")

Extracting a subset of the data

Sometimes processing data requires manipulating dates and times. For example, if we wanted to extract the prosecutions from the year up to a particular date, we could use a function like:

# This function extracts the prosecutions from a particular year
extract_year <- function(data, end_date) {
  `%m-%` <- lubridate::`%m-%`
  # Ensure the date is a date-time object
  if (is.character(end_date)) { end_date <- lubridate::dmy(end_date) }
  # Find end of quarter dates for the past year
  quarters_to_include <- end_date %m-% months(c(0, 3, 6, 9))
  # Format the dates to years and quarters
  years <- lubridate::year(quarters_to_include)
  quarters <- quarters(quarters_to_include)
  # Combine into a unique set of year-quarters
  yearquarters <- stringr::str_c(years, " ", quarters)
  # Filter data based on these years and quarters
  data |>
    dplyr::mutate(year_quarter = paste(year, quarter)) |>
    dplyr::filter(year_quarter %in% yearquarters)
prosecutions_extract <- extract_year(prosecutions, "31-Mar-2018")
> Rows: 107,493
> Columns: 16
> $ year                    <int> 2008, 2008, 2008, 2008, 2008, 2008, 2008, 2008…
> $ quarter                 <chr> "Q1", "Q1", "Q1", "Q1", "Q1", "Q1", "Q1", "Q1"…
> $ sex                     <chr> "Male", "Male", "Male", "Male", "Male", "Male"…
> $ type_of_defendent       <chr> "Person", "Person", "Person", "Person", "Perso…
> $ age_group               <chr> "Juveniles", "Juveniles", "Juveniles", "Juveni…
> $ age_range               <chr> "10-11", "10-11", "10-11", "10-11", "10-11", "…
> $ ethnicity               <chr> "Not known", "Not known", "Not known", "Not kn…
> $ court_type              <chr> "Magistrates Court", "Magistrates Court", "Mag…
> $ offence_type            <chr> "Indictable only", "Indictable only", "Indicta…
> $ offence_group           <chr> "Sexual offences", "Robbery", "Robbery", "Poss…
> $ tried                   <chr> "Not tried", "Tried at magistrates court", "Tr…
> $ plea_at_the_crown_court <chr> "Not known", "Not known", "Not known", "Not kn…
> $ convicted_not_convicted <chr> "Not convicted", "Convicted", "Not convicted",…
> $ sentenced_not_sentenced <chr> "Not sentenced", "Sentenced", "Not sentenced",…
> $ outcome                 <chr> "Proceedings terminated early", "Found guilty"…
> $ count                   <int> 1, 6, 1, 1, 10, 1, 1, 1, 31, 1, 3, 15, 1, 5, 2…

Information for presenters

Where stuff is for on the day

  • The training slides are in slides.html (you will need to download these and open them in a browser).
  • The course material is also duplicated in the README with some additional examples in the appendix.
  • The code from the presentation is available in example_code.R.
  • The answers to the exercises are available in solutions.R.
  • The functions.R script is used in one example to demonstrate how to organize code.

How to update the course contents

The README, slides, solutions, and example_code are all generated from files in the “rmd_files” folder.

  • The bulk of the content is in content.Rmd.
  • The appendix (used in the README) is in appendix.Rmd.
  • The README is generated from README.Rmd (this will source the contents of content.Rmd and appendix.Rmd).
  • The slides are generated from slides.Rmd (this will source the contents of content.Rmd).
  • The functions.R script is a duplicate of the one in the top directory and is required for knitting the various files.
  • The render_rmakdown_files.R script contains four code chunks. Running them will re-generate all the course material. This file should always be run before you merge any changes to the main branch.

Tips when presenting

  • You can press F11 to make the presentation full screen. To go off of full screen you can press F11 again.


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No packages published