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configaro is a Python 3 configuration library that's music to your ears.

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configaro has been created with the following design goals in mind:

  • provide a single file library with minimal dependencies
  • provide one with a simple, expressive API that is easy to use and gets out of your way
  • provide one that allows for hierarchical config data with dot-addressable access
  • provide one that allows for config data defaults and local overrides


configaro provides a config object loaded from a defaults config module in the config package and an optional locals config module in the config package or other directory.

A config package is the name of a Python package to search for defaults and locals config modules.

A config module is a Python module containing config data in a :class:dict module attribute named config. Values found in a locals config module will override those found in the defaults config module.

A config object is a dot-addressable dict <>_ containing config data loaded from a defaults and optional locals config modules. The config object is built by calling the :meth:configaro.init API. After initialization the config object, or any portion of it, may be queried with the :meth:configaro.get API or modified with the :meth:configaro.put API.

A config property is a string identifying a config object or config config value in a dot-addressable format, such as inner.prop.

A config value is a scalar value of some type, typically None, bool, float, int or str type, accessed by config property.


Add configaro to your project

configaro must be added to your project before use.

Add the package dependency using pipenv <>_;

$ cd ~/MyProject/my_project
$ pipenv install configaro

Alternatively, add it to your requirements.txt file and pip3 install it into your Python environment;

$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Add config package to your project

Add a config package to your project:

# my_project/config/
from configaro import (

__all__ = [

All APIs are provided by the configaro module. Import all of them and export all but the init function, which is only used here to initialize the config object.

The config object must be initialized before use. At a minimum, it requires the name of the config package containing the defaults config module


The config data provided by the defaults config module may be overridden with config data provided by a locals config module. This module, if it exists, is loaded from one of the following locations in precedence order from highest to lowest:

  • locals path
  • locals env var
  • file in config package

The locals path and locals env var can optionally be passed as keyword arguments;

init('my_project.config', locals_path='/etc/my_project/', locals_env_var='MY_PROJECT_LOCALS_PATH')

Once initialized, the config object may be queried with the :meth:configaro.get function and modified with the :meth:configaro.put function exported by your config package.

Add defaults config module to your project

Add a defaults config module to your config package directory:

# my_project/config/
config = {
    'inner': {
        'prop': 'some_value'

Query the config object

To query the initialized config object, call :meth:configaro.get with no arguments;

# my_project/
from my_project import config

config_obj = config.get()

The returned config object provides dot-addressable config data access;

value = config_obj.inner.prop

You can query any portion of the config object my name. Scalar config properties can be queried;

value = config.get('inner.prop')

Nested config objects can also be queried;

inner = config.get('inner')
value = inner.prop

Multiple items can be returned at once by passing multiple positional arguments;

inner, another = config.get('inner', 'another')
inner, another = config.get('inner another')

Modify the config object

To modify the initialized config object, use the :meth:configaro.put function. To modify the entire config object, provide one dict argument;

# my_project/
from my_project import config

    'inner': {
        'prop': 'some value'
    'another': 'another_value'

Any portion of of the config object can be similarly modified with a property name and dict argument;

config.put('inner', {'prop': 'some_value'})

Scalar config data can be modified with an update string;


Multiple items can be modified at once by passing multiple update strings;

config.put('inner.prop=some_value', 'another=another_value')
config.put('inner.prop=some_value another=another_value')

Update string values will be cast to None, bool, int and float values before updating the config object.

Root config properties can also be modified by passing keyword arguments;

config.put(another='another_value', inner={'prop': 'some_value'})


configaro uses Python 3.6 features (f-strings) and I have zero interest in supporting earlier versions. If you are still using them then move along -- there's nothing to see here.


A Python 3 configuration library that's music to your ears.







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