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This small Data Engineering project focuses on collecting, processing, and presenting recipe data from the Allrecipes website. The goal is to build a structured dataset containing recipe titles, nutrition facts, photos, prep and cook times, and more.

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Become a Head Chef

This small Data Engineering project focuses on collecting, processing, and presenting recipe data from the Allrecipes website. The goal is to build a structured dataset containing recipe titles, nutrition facts, photos, prep and cook times, and more. The project will involve web scraping, data extraction, and data transformation, preparing the groundwork for a user-friendly web app.

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In this project, we are creating a web app that offers users a unique culinary experience each day. The concept is simple: every day, users will be presented with a single randomly selected recipe from a diverse collection. The daily theme or type of recipe changes, making meal planning more exciting. The concept for each day includes:

  • Monday Dessert: Start your week with a delightful dessert.
  • Tuesday Breakfast & Brunch: Enjoy a morning treat to kickstart your day.
  • Wednesday Lunch: Explore new lunch ideas midweek.
  • Thursday Healthy: Discover nutritious and wholesome recipes to boost your well-being.
  • Friday Appetizers & Snacks: Get ready for the weekend with tasty finger foods.
  • Saturday Salads: Savor refreshing salads for a healthy weekend.
  • Sunday Drinks: Unwind with a selection of beverages to complete your weekend.

Become a Head Chef GIF

Steps followed

0. Installation & Setup

  • Poetry project
pip install poetry

# `poetry init --no-interaction` to initialize a pre-existing project
poetry new backend --name="app"
cd backend
poetry add beautifulsoup4 fastapi python-dotenv uvicorn boto3 apache-airflow connexion pytest werkzeug=2.2.3
pip install python-dotenv # to use .env file
# `poetry shell` to access the environment in the terminal and `exit` to exit the environment
  • React project
npm create vite@latest frontend -- --template react-ts
cd frontend
npm install --save react react-dom react-router-dom primereact primeicons primeflex @mui/icons-material @mui/material @emotion/styled @emotion/react
  • AWS:
    • Create an IAM user with the right policies to access the DynamoDB service and permissions to read and write data (use the visual editor or create a custom JSON).
    • Store carefully the access keys, for instance in a .env file.
    • Be careful with the Free Tier, it is easy to exceed the limits.
  • Airflow (do not forget to run with Poetry: poetry run...).
# At the backend root
# Everytime for a new terminal, must execute the line below to put correctly the AIRFLOW_HOME
export AIRFLOW_HOME=$(pwd)/airflow
airflow db migrate
# And here replace the generated airflow.cfg by the personal one
cp -fr airflow_files/* airflow/
airflow users create --username admin --firstname admin --lastname admin --role Admin --email admin --password admin

# To see the users
airflow users list

# To run the webserver and the scheduler
airflow webserver -p 8080
airflow scheduler
# Some parameters changed made in the airflow.cfg
# No need to change the default_time, it is utc which is recommended
executor = SequentialExecutor
dags_are_paused_at_creation = False
load_examples = False
expose_config = True
  • Run the backend and frontend (without Docker)
# In the backend
poetry run uvicorn app.main:app --reload

# In the frontend (for the development mode)
npm run dev # for the development mode

# In the frontend (to build the production mode)
npm run build

# In the frontend (to test the production mode locally)
npm run preview

# In the frontend (to serve the production mode)
npm install -g serve # if not already installed
serve -s dist

1. Project architecture

  • backend: contains the backend code (Python)
    • app: contains the code for the API (FastAPI)
      • database: contains the code to interact with the database (DynamoDB) and the code for scraping the data (BeautifulSoup)
      • routers: contains the code for the routers
  • frontend: contains the frontend code (React)
    • src: contains the code for the frontend
      • components: contains the code for the components
      • pages: contains the code for the pages

2. Create DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph)

To create a pipeline orchestrated by Airflow, we need to create a DAG. The DAG is created in the airflow\dags folder. Therefore, the file must be located in the airflow\dags folder. The DAG to get the recipe of the day is scheduled to run every day at 00:00 UTC.

Interesting points / Issues I encountered

  • When we want to do web scraping, we sometimes need to provide a header to the request. Otherwise, the website will not allow us to scrap the information. To do so, we can use the headers parameter of the requests.get() function. To get a correct User-Agent header, we can use the website
  • In React, with the use of useState, we need to be careful about the initial value. It's better to use null than undefined as initial value.
  • Trick for CSS: use the console to see which classe(s) are used for a specific element. Then, we can use the same class in our CSS file.
  • Use of Airflow: downgrading the werkzeug package to version 2.2.3 to avoid the error ImportError: from werkzeug.urls import url_decode when migrating the Airflow database.
  • Harsh case -> Resolved with a custom function. (in Use of Airflow XComs: a mechanism to let tasks talk to each other, especially with PythonOperator.
  • WARNING for Windows Users: pwd module does not work on Windows as it is a UNIX only package for managing passwords (used to start the airflow server...).

Extra: Setup of Makefile

# To run everything
make # or make all

# To run tests
make test

Extra: Setup of pytest

Once the test files are written, we can run the tests.

pip install pytest

# To run tests

Extra: Setup of pre-commit

pip install pre-commit

Once the .pre-commit-config.yaml completed, we need to set up the git hooks scripts.

pre-commit install


This small Data Engineering project focuses on collecting, processing, and presenting recipe data from the Allrecipes website. The goal is to build a structured dataset containing recipe titles, nutrition facts, photos, prep and cook times, and more.






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