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Blog example

Blog screenshot

🚩 Features

  • multiple services (www, posts, users)
  • Docker files to running in Docker containers (3 architectures)
  • ExpressJS www server with Pug
  • MongoDB database with moleculer-db and moleculer-db-adapter-mongoose modules
  • NATS transporter
  • Redis cacher
  • Traefik reverse proxy (in micro arch)
  • static client side

🔩 Install

git clone
cd blog

🎲 Start locally

To start locally, you need to running a MongoDB server on localhost.

npm install
npm start

Open the http://localhost:3000/ URL in your browser.

☁️ Start in Docker

🏠 Running as monolith

All services are running in a container.

cd docker/mono
docker-compose up -d --build
# or
# ./

Open the http://docker-machine:3000/ URL in your browser.

🏢 Running as microservices

All services are running in separated containers, communicate via NATS & use Traefik reverse proxy.

cd docker/micro
docker-compose up -d --build
# or
# ./

Open the http://docker-machine:3000/ URL in your browser.

You can scale up the containers

# Scale up the users service to 2 instances
docker-compose up -d --scale users=2

You can scale up the WWW service as well. Traefik is load balancing the requests to instances.

# Scale up the WWW service to 2 instances
docker-compose up -d --scale www=2

🏨 Running as mixed

Coherent services are running in the same container and communicate via NATS.

cd docker/mixed
docker-compose up -d --build
# or
# ./

Open the http://docker-machine:3000/ URL in your browser.

You can scale up the containers

# Scale up the group1 container to 2 instances
docker-compose up -d --scale group1=2

🔧 Development locally

Running MongoDB is required on localhost!

npm run dev

☁️ Development in Docker (without dependencies)

In this case you don't need MongoDB, what is more, you don't need NodeJS environment. Everything is in Docker.

cd docker/dev
docker-compose up -d --build

If you change source files, the app will be restarted automatically.


This repo is available under the MIT license.


Copyright (c) 2016-2020 MoleculerJS

@moleculerjs @MoleculerJS