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Deceive v1.8.0

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@molenzwiebel molenzwiebel released this 18 Apr 13:09
· 16 commits to master since this release

Welcome to Deceive v1.8.0! Lots of new features and bugfixes, almost all courtesy of @aPinat. Thanks Pinat!

New Features

  • Added a setting to disable the Deceive overlay. This will disable the overlay only, Deceive will still work in the background.
  • Added a setting to disable connecting to group chats (lobby and champion select chat). This will prevent you from chatting in there, but if you get easily tilted from champ select chat this is the setting for you.
  • Deceive now has support for VALORANT! Check the VALORANT/LoR section below.

Bug Fixes

  • Using Deceive now no longer breaks lobby/champ select chat for everyone else.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Deceive from starting on certain networking configurations.
  • Fixed a crash that'd happen when the League client was exceptionally slow at starting.
  • Deceive now always exits when the League client exits, instead of staying behind as a ghost process.

VALORANT/LoR support

Deceive now has support for both VALORANT and LoR! To instruct Deceive to launch VALORANT or LoR instead of League, you will need to launch Deceive.exe with valorant or lor as argument respectively. The easiest way to do this is to create a shortcut, as seen in this gif:

To use Deceive with VALORANT, replace the lor in the gif above with valorant.

The Usual Disclaimer

Deceive should work properly if you have a normal League install. If you encounter any issues, please let me know on the Discord.

As always, Windows may complain about the executable coming from an untrusted source. You can mitigate this warning by pressing More Info, followed by Run Anyway. If you want to be completely sure that Deceive is safe, you can also download Visual Studio and compile from source yourself.