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NYC Citibike Analytics in Real-Time, Part 1
Andrew Stein

There are many well-known perks to living in New York City - the world class restaurants, museums, two mediocre NFL teams (taken together, that's one pretty good NFL team!). Seldom mentioned, though, is the city's world-class Open Data!

In this post, we'll be taking advantage of NYC's abundance of Open Data and the Perspective library to build some real-time analytics visualizations that seek to answer one burning question: Where are all of New York's Citibikes?

<script src="../../../../js/nyc-citibike-analysis/index.js"></script>

Here's what we'll be building, a real-time map of NYC Citibike stations colored by the number of bikes availble at each. There is no server involved, all data subscriptions, analytics logics, and visualization is done entirely in your browser with Perspective. This examples is live - go ahead and try it out!


We're going to need a few libraries, which perspective-heads will no doubt already be quite familiar with (Yes, perspective-heads is a real term that real people other than me use):

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

You're also going to need a relatively up-to-date browser, as this example makes use of several ES2017 features like async/await.

Getting the data

The NYC Citibike program gratiously provides access to their real-time station data via a pretty stand REST/JSON API, and they've even done us the favor of properly configuring CORS! This means we should have no problem fetching and reading this data directly in a Web Browser, no server required! From skimming the General Bikeshare Feed Specification, it looks like the feeds we're interested in are:

  • station_information.json Mostly static list of all stations, their capacities and locations. Required of systems utilizing docks.

  • station_status.json Number of available bikes and docks at each station and station availability. Required of systems utilizing docks.

First thing we're going to want is some rote-standard code to fetch these feeds via XMLHttpRequest. As we're going to be making lots of Asynchronous calls in this study, it will be convenient to write a quick wrapper function get() which wraps up the common boilerplate for XMLHttpRequest in a Promise; this will allow us to later call get() with simpler async/await semantics, even in deeply nested asynchronous code, greatly simplifying ... well everything, really. This will also compose nicely with our perspective API calls we'll be making, as they also exclusively return Promises.

function get(url) {
    return new Promise(resolve => {
        const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", url, true);
        xhr.responseType = "json";
        xhr.onload = () => resolve(xhr.response);

Of course, we'd like a function for getting feeds specifically, which share some common strucutre we can encapsulate in a function, so let's go ahead and make a specialized function get_feed() just for this purpose. It will need to take a feedname to parameterize the URL, and a callback parameter for when we intend to have the feed polled; when this parameter is present, we will continuously get() the feed at some interval and invoke callback with the results, rather than return them.

From the specification, we know that the data we're interested in is in the stations field of the object in the data field. We're also conveniently provided a TTL value at the top level of each object, which we can use to calculate a poll frequency for the feed, as we'll want to update it as often as it is available.

async function get_feed(feedname, callback) {
    const url = `${feedname}.json`;
    const {data: {stations}, ttl} = await get(url);
    if (typeof callback === "function") {
        setTimeout(() => get_feed(feedname, callback), ttl * 1000);
    } else {
        return stations;

Inferring a feed's schema

From looking at the schemas for these feeds, it looks like we're going to want to join these two feeds on station_id, which means we're going to need to give Perspective a schema so it knows what column data to expect, as each row update will only have some fields depending on which feed it is coming from. Unfortunately, the schemas presented in the specification are not JSON, nor do they provide their types (both requirements of Perspective); more unfortunately, I have the patience of a small child, so spending 10 minutes manually writing a schema is simply out of the question. Time to give up!


Just kidding - we can trivially utilize Perspective's own column inference to do this for us! All we have to do is load the JSON data into a Perspective table(), then call its schema() method. First thing's first, though - Perspective is designed to run in a Web Worker, so we'll need to create an instance of one that we can then create table()s in.

const worker = perspective.worker();

Now the engine is instantiated and we can call methods on it to create & transform data in a separate Web Worker process. Let's now use it to make a function get_schema() for inferring schemas from feeds, since we'll want to re-use this logic for both of our feeds.

async function get_schema(feed) {
    const table = worker.table(feed);
    const schema = await table.schema();
    return schema;

The call to table.delete() is important! Perspective uses Web Assembly to achieve its barnstorming performance, and unfortunately as of today, Web Assembly does not support VM Garbage Collection; without this call then, the table() instantiated in this method would leak when it falls out of scope, leaving the underlying table memory allocated forever.

With get_schema() in hand, it's easy to create the ultimate merged schema we seek.

async function merge_schemas(feeds) {
    const schemas = await Promise.all(;
    return Object.assign({}, ...schemas);

Testing this out in the Chrome Javascript Console is easy! The Console supports await directly (unlike Javascript, where this keyword cannot exist outside an async function block), so all we need to do is copy/paste our function invocation, exaclty as we'll use it in our finished script.

const feednames = ["station_status", "station_information"];
const feeds = await Promise.all(;
const schema = await merge_schemas(feeds);

This returns exactly what we were looking for - the merged schema for the station_status and station_information feeds, with types as inferred by the Perspective inferrence algorithm directly from the data itself.

    "station_id": "float",
    "num_bikes_available": "integer",
    "num_ebikes_available": "float",
    "num_bikes_disabled": "integer",
    "num_docks_available": "integer",
    "num_docks_disabled": "float",
    "is_installed": "integer",
    "is_renting": "integer",
    "is_returning": "integer",
    "last_reported": "float",
    "eightd_has_available_keys": "boolean",
    "eightd_active_station_services": "float",
    "name": "string",
    "short_name": "float",
    "lat": "float",
    "lon": "float",
    "region_id": "integer",
    "rental_methods": "float",
    "capacity": "integer",
    "rental_url": "string",
    "eightd_has_key_dispenser": "boolean",
    "eightd_station_services": "float",
    "has_kiosk": "boolean"

Creating a table by joining feeds with an index

Now that we have our schema, and a convenient get_feed() method for fetching our feeds, the next step is to load the feeds we've fetched into Perspective. The basic data primitive in Perspective is the table() object, and creating one from a schema is easy - we just pass the schema object we created above to the table() constructor on the worker, just like we did for the table we used to infer the constituent schemas in our get_schema() function.

const table = worker.table(schema, {index: "station_id"});
for (let feed of feeds) {

Ah, but wait - this is just the state of Citibike at the moment of page load! What about the real-time support we were promised in the title, and diligently prepared for in our get_feed() function? Turns out, that diligent preparation indeed makes this pretty trivial - we just dispatch our callback parameter to our table.update() method. The index field of the options object passed as the second parameter to table() makes sure that each updated row overwrites existing rows joined by station_id, and Perspective's support for partial updates means only the fields actually defined in the station_status feed are updated, while the station_information fields are left alone. Without this property, rows added via the table.update() method would simply append, and we'd need to join the station_status fields with the station_information fields via a much more complex <perspective-viewer> configuration.

get_feed("station_status", table.update);

Loading a table in a <perspective-viewer>

Now that we have a table() with our Citibike subscription all wired up, the last thing to do is view it! For this, we need a <perspective-viewer>. We could create one via Javascript through the standard DOM APIs such as document.createElement(), but one of the nice features of Web Components is that they can be used declaritively directly in your application's HTML without any special pre-processing.


Next, we capture references to all <perspective-viewer>s on our page through the standard DOM APIs, such that we may call their side-effecting methods such as load(), which we'll use to bind our Citibike table(). We can freely share this table() among as many <perspective-viewer>s as we need, so we'll just iterate through all of them - even our update() calls will be shared, causing all bound <perspective-viewer>s to re-render when the table() changes.

for (viewer of document.getElementsByTagName("perspective-viewer")) {

And just like that, we have our live, joined dataset loaded in a fully interactive <perspective-viewer>, ready to slice & dice! (This isn't a screenshot, its a live perspective viewer with real data, so go ahead and play around!)

Where are the Citibikes?

While we can see our data now and transform/visualize it to our heart's content, the default view on initial load is not super interesting, so let's kick it up a notch! Wait, no, that's probably going to get us in trouble ... er, let's put some Perspective on it!

Regarding our instigating question, there are a number of good potential visualizations that may help us understand the answer, including an incredibly obvious and easy one - a list of Citibike stations ordered by the "num_bikes_available". We can make this the default view on a <perspective-viewer> easily in HTML, through its Attribute API.

In this case, we'll want to set the columns attribute to our column set, ["num_bikes_available"], and the sort attribute to a list of sort descriptors [["num_bikes_available","desc"]], or in other words, that we want the list arranged with the values of the "num_bikes_available" column descending. We also provide the "name" field to the row-pivots property, though there will only be one row in the Citibike data per "name". While we could have accomplished something similar by leaving this view un-pivoted and instead added "name" to the columns attribute, making it a row-pivot gives us a pretty tree axis indicating visually that "name" is the intended axis of the view, as well as creating a TOTAL aggregate row showing the sum total of all "num_bikes_available".

<perspective-viewer id="top-by-availble-bikes"


Because our table() are shared, we can easily make another view on the same data by just configuring another <perspective-viewer> - how about a heat map of station availability? The schema conveniently has lon and lat fields, which one surmise stand for Longitude and Latitude.
<perspective-viewer> uses hard-coded mappings for displaying a view() configuration, and for Scatter Charts, it maps selected columns to "X Axis", "Y Axis", "Color" and "Size" in that order. Sure enough, setting columns to lon and lat, plus an interesting field like num_bikes_available, as well as the view attribute to xy_scatter, should give us something that looks roughly like the classic profile of the Five Bouroughs, colored by Citibike availability:

<perspective-viewer id="available-bikes-heatmap"


Finally, at long last, we have our live & ticking Citibike Analytics Dashboard:

Appendix - the Entire Application

For your covenience, the entire Javascript application at once is available in the examples/ directory of the Perspective github repository, as well as in a JSFiddle