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v6.1.1: improve error form, f-strings and new funcs in RemesPath, better RemesPath error msgs, fix misc bugs

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@molsonkiko molsonkiko released this 29 Dec 05:34
· 43 commits to main since this release

[6.1.1] - 2023-12-28


  1. Eliminated potentially unrecoverable plugin crash when JSON parser tries to parse document with - or + not followed by numeric chars (e.g. -a, +). Now such badly formatted numbers are parsed as NaN.

[6.1.0] - 2023-12-28


  1. Python-style f-strings in RemesPath.
  2. s_cat RemesPath non-vectorized function.
  3. s_lines, s_lpad, s_rpad, and zfill RemesPath vectorized functions.
  4. Select all children treenode action now works for root treenode in JSON Lines and selection-based documents.


  1. RemesPath syntax errors (anything caught by the lexer) now use >>>HERE>>> before the character where the error occurred, similar to how the Notepad++ find/replace form indicates the location of a regular expression syntax error.
  2. Not part of public-facing API: Renamed the JQueryContext.Evaluate method to JQueryContext.Operate, and renamed JMutator.Mutate to JMutator.Operate.
  3. Make it so automatic validation does not require the document to be re-parsed as JSON, and is suppressed when in regex or ini mode.


  1. Eliminated plugin crash when attempting to open the regex search form after it had been closed.
  2. Greatly improved error form reloading performance.
  3. Some UI test failures (and probably related weirdness in public API) on older NPP versions
  4. Fix bug where s_csv RemesPath function did not properly handle delimiters that were regex metacharacters like |