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1. PDBe Molstar as JS plugin

midlik edited this page May 2, 2024 · 61 revisions

PDBe Molstar as JS plugin

Steps to include PDBe Molstar as a JavaScript plugin in a web application

1. Include the style and script files of the library in your web page

<!-- CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />
<!-- For Light Theme include this CSS file instead of the above -->
<!-- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" /> -->

<!-- JS -->
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Tip: If you are using light theme, set bgColor option to white (bgColor: { r: 255, g: 255, b: 255 })

For PDBe Molstar versions 3.1.3 and older use these URLs instead:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
<!-- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""> -->
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

2. Instantiate plugin and provide parameters (options) to render

    // Create plugin instance
    const viewerInstance = new PDBeMolstarPlugin();

    // Set options (All the available options are listed below in the documentation)
    const options = {
        moleculeId: '1cbs',
    // Get element from HTML/Template to place the viewer 
    const viewerContainer = document.getElementById('myViewer');

    // Call render method to display the 3D view
    viewerInstance.render(viewerContainer, options);

Click here for an example demonstrating all the steps

Plugin parameters (options)

Value for either moleculeId or customData is required (if both are provided then customData is preferred). All other options are optional.

Option Value type Details
moleculeId string PDB ID - Example: '1cbs'
(or UniProt ID if superposition is true)
customData { url: string, format: string, binary?: boolean} Load data from a specific data source.
Example: { url: '', format: 'cif', binary:true }
assemblyId string Display specific assembly of an entry.
Example: '1'
* Use value 'preferred' to render the default assembly (i.e. the first assembly). Leave undefined to load deposited model structure.
defaultPreset string Set the type of structure to be loaded. Accepted values: 'default' | 'unitcell' | 'all-models' | 'supercell'
ligandView { auth_asym_id?: string, struct_asym_id?: string, label_comp_id?: string, auth_seq_id?: number, show_all?: boolean } This option can be used to display the PDBe ligand page 3D view like here (REA).
Example: { label_comp_id: 'REA' }
* At least one of label_comp_id and auth_seq_id is required.
alphafoldView boolean
Default false
This applies AlphaFold confidence score coloring theme for AlphaFold model.
superposition boolean
Default false
Display the superposed structures view like the one on the PDBe-KB pages.
superpositionParams { matrixAccession?: string, segment?: number, cluster?: number[], superposeCompleteCluster?: boolean, ligandView?: boolean, superposeAll?: boolean, ligandColor?: { r: number, g: number, b: number } } Customize the superposed structures view.
{ matrixAccession: 'P08684', segment: 1, ligandView: true, ligandColor: { r: 255, g: 255, b: 50 } }
selection { data: QueryParam[], nonSelectedColor?: { r: number, g: number, b: number } }
(QueryParam defined here)
Specify parts of the structure to highlight with different colors and/or extra representations.
visualStyle string Set default visual style.
Accepted values: 'cartoon' | 'ball-and-stick' | 'carbohydrate' | 'ellipsoid' | 'gaussian-surface' | 'molecular-surface' | 'point' | 'putty' | 'spacefill'
Leave undefined to use default visual styles for each component type (polymer, ligand etc.).
hideStructure string[] Molstar renders multiple visuals (polymer, ligand, water...) visuals by default. This option is to exclude any of these default visuals. Expected value is an array with 'polymer', 'het', 'water', 'carbs', 'nonStandard', 'coarse' keywords. For example hideStructure: ['water'] will not render water visual in the 3D view.
loadMaps boolean
Default false
Load electron density (or EM) maps from the Volume Server if value is set to true.
mapSettings { 'em'?: MapStyle, '2fo-fc'?: MapStyle, 'fo-fc(+ve)'?: MapStyle, 'fo-fc(-ve)'?: MapStyle }
where MapStyle = { opacity?: number, wireframe?: boolean }
Customize map style (opacity and solid/wireframe). Only applicable when loadMaps is set to true.
Example: { em: { opacity: 0.4, wireframe: false } }
bgColor {r:number, g:number, b:number}
Default {r:0, g:0, b:0}
Set canvas background color.
Example: {r:255, g:255, b:255}
highlightColor {r:number, g:number, b:number}
Default {r:255, g:102, b:153}
Set default color appearing on mouse-over.
Example: {r:255, g:255, b:102}
selectColor {r:number, g:number, b:number}
Default {r:51, g:255, b:25}
Set default color for marking the selected part of structure (when Selection Mode is active).
Example: {r:255, g:255, b:102}
lighting string Set default lighting. Accepted values: 'flat' | 'matte' | 'glossy' | 'metallic' | 'plastic'
validationAnnotation boolean
Default false
Load Validation Report Annotations. Adds 'Annotations' control in the menu.
domainAnnotation boolean
Default false
Load Domain Annotations. Adds 'Annotations' control in the menu.
symmetryAnnotation boolean
Default false
Load Assembly Symmetry Annotations. Adds 'Annotations' control in the menu.
pdbeUrl string
This option is to set the default base URL for the data source. Mostly used internally to test the plugin on different environments.
encoding string
Default 'bcif'
Preferred encoding of input structural data.
Accepted values: 'bcif' | 'cif'.
lowPrecisionCoords boolean
Default false
Load low precision coordinates from Model Server.
selectInteraction boolean
Default true
Controls the action performed when clicking a residue. true (default) will zoom the residue and show ball-and-stick visual for its surroundings, false will only zoom the residue. If ligandView or superposition option is set, selectInteraction behaves as if false.
selectBindings object DefaultSelectLociBindings Override mouse selection behavior.
focusBindings object DefaultFocusLociBindings Override mouse click focus behavior.
granularity string
Default 'residue'
Structure granularity level for interactions like highlight, focus, select.
Accepted values: 'element' | 'residue' | 'chain' | 'entity' | 'model' | 'operator' | 'structure' | 'elementInstances' | 'residueInstances' | 'chainInstances'. (Granularity levels ending with Instances treat multiple copies of the same element/residue/chain in an assembly as one object).
subscribeEvents boolean
Default false
Subscribe to other PDB Web-components custom events.
hideControls boolean
Default false
Hide all control panels by default (can be shown by the Toggle Controls Panel button (wrench icon)).
hideCanvasControls string[] Hide individual icon buttons in the top-right corner of the canvas. Expected value is an array with 'expand', 'selection', 'animation', 'controlToggle', 'controlInfo' keywords.
sequencePanel boolean
Default false
Display Sequence panel.
pdbeLink boolean
Default true
Display PDBe entry link in top right corner of the canvas.
loadingOverlay boolean
Default false
Show overlay with PDBe logo while the initial structure is being loaded.
expanded boolean
Default false
Display full-screen by default on load.
landscape boolean
Default false
Set landscape view (control panels on the sides instead of above and under the canvas).
reactive boolean
Default false
Set reactive layout (switching between landscape and portrait based on the browser window size). Overrides landscape.